OF14TW57LS1.25SF1,1PT16FM1LS=1,FT=0,IP=0,0,SC=1,FL,LA=1,LR=1,RT=2,BF=0FS1IP0,0LS1 MDSU____________MDNM FW1IP0,0LS1 MDSULD__MDNM SF1,1 MDBOIntroductionMDNM PT14 MDBOA.The Textual WitnessesMDNM I. The Greek WitnessesFN1RPFor fuller information on the Greek manuscripts, see Rahlfs, Verzeichnis. PT12 The editionFN1RP Of all those at the Septuaginta-Unternehmen I would especially wish to thank Detlef Fraenkel for the translation of both the Introduction and the Supplements. of Deuteronomy is based on the following mss, which were all recollated by the LXX Unternehmen: 1. The Uncial Manuscripts A London, Brit. Mus., Royal 1 D. V. V. Century. "[Codex Alexandrinus"]. In H.-P. = III. B Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr. 1209. IV. Century. "[Codex Vaticanus"]. In H.-P. = II. F Milan, Bibl. Ambr., S.P.51 (earlier A. 147 inf.). V. Century. 28,63 LA0LA1[LA3򘤮LA1]LA0LA3-29,14 1LA1LA3 LA1is absent because of leaf loss, and was added by FMDOLbMDNMLA3LA1. The ms has been retraced by a second hand and corrected by various hands. In the edition the only distinction observed is that between Majuscule and Minuscule hands, resp. designated as FMDOLaMDNMLA3LA1 and FMDOLbMDNMLA3LA1. Occasionally it was neces~sary to distinguish between various FMDOLbMDNMLA3LA1 correctors as FMDOLb1MDNM, FMDOLLA3LA1b2MDNM, etc. Most margin~al correctors are minuscule ones, and often the corresponding text is shown by erasure dots. These are not noted in the edition. Edition: A.M.Ceriani, Monumenta sacra et profana 3, Milan 1864. The edition only shows the original text without later correctors, i.e. only c.pr.m. occur. In H.-P. = VII. G Univ. Bibl., Voss. graec.in qu.8. IV.-V. Century. Contents: 4,11 MDOLLA3LA3LA1#XLA3MDNM... 򘤦-26 LA1[MDOLLA3MDNM򦤦 7,13 -17,14 򦤦LA1[MDOLLA3MDNM 18,8 򠘤-19,4 LA1[MDOLLA3MDNM󠦤 28,12 LA1]LA0LA3-31,11 LA1fin. Edition: C. Tischen~dorf, Monumenta sacra inedita. Nova collectio 3, Leipzig 1860. In H.-P. = IV. K Leipzig, Univ. BIbl., Gr.2. VII.-VIII. Century. Palimpsest. Fragmentary. Contents: 2,8 init-2,10 LA3LA1[LA3LA1]LA0LA3LA1[LA3 2,15 LA1[LA3-2,19 9,1 LA1]LA0LA3-9,10 18,21 򛠘-19,1 19,6 -19,9 LA1[LA3 21,8 LA1]LA0LA3-21,12 LA1[LA3󘥜LA1]LA0LA3 21,17 LA1]LA0LA3-21,19 2LA1LA3. LA1Edition, C.LA3 LA1Tischendorf, Monumenta sacra inedita. Nova Collectio 1, Leipzig 1855.LA3 LA1 M Paris, Bibl. Nat., Coisl.1. VII. Century. Hexaplaric notes. In H.-P. = X. V Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.2106. VIII. Century. Lacking is 28,40 LA3-30,16 LA1[LA3󟘠. LA1In LA3.-LA1P. =LA3 . LA1In BrLA3.-. LA1= N. WMDOLIMDNMLA3LA1 Washington, Smithsonian Inst., Freer Gallery I. V. Century. Lacking is 5,16 LA3-6,18 򦤦LA1. Edition: H.A.Sanders, The Washington Manuscript of Deutreronomy and Joshua, New York 1910. Facsimile of the Washington Manu~script of Deuteronomy and Joshua in the Freer Collection, Ann Arbor 1910. In Br.-M. = LA3.LA1 2. Minuscule Manuscripts 15 Paris, Bibl. Nat., Coisl.2. X. Century. In Br.-M. = a. 16 Florence, Bibl. Laur., Plut.V 38. XI. Century. 18 Florence, Bibl. Laur., Medic. Palat. 242. XI. Century. 19 Rome, Bibl. Vat., Chigi R. VI.38. XII. Century. in Br.-M. = bLA3LA1LA3LA1. 28 Rome, Bibl. Vat., Vat.gr. 2122. X.-XI. Century. Lacking are 11,10 LA3 1LA1LA3-11,30 1LA1LA3 16,20 LA1]LA0LA3-17,18 LA1[LA3򦤦 30,19 1LA1LA3-32,5 . 29 LA1Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.2. X.-XI. Century. In Br.-M. = bMDSD2MDNMLA3LA1. 30 Rome, Bibl. Casanat., 1444. XI.-XII. Century. 44 Zittau, Christian-Weise-Bibl., A.1. XV. Century. In Br.-M. = d. 52 Florence, Bibl. Laur., Acq.44. X.-XI. Century. Cat. 12,16 LA3 -20,5 LA1was restored in the LA3LA1VLA3. LA1Century. In Br.-M. = e. 53 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.17A. Written 1439. In Br.-M. = f. 54 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.5. XIII.-XIV. Century. In Br.-M. = g. 55 Rome, Bibl. Vat., Regin. gr.1. First half of X. Century. Lacking are 11,22-32 14,23-15,4 15,19-17,1 17,8-19,15 20,12-21,4 21,10-21 24,1-26,14 28,20-48 29,7-17. In Br.-M. = h. 56 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.3. Written 1096. In Br.-M. = i. 57 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.747. XI. Century. Cat. Lacking are init libri-1,2 fin 9,2 LA3-12,3 मLA1. In Br.-M. = j. 58 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Regin.gr.10. XI. Century. In Br.-M. = k 59 Glasgow, Univ. Libr., BE 7MDOLbMDNMLA3LA1. 10. XV. Century. In Br.-M. = l 64 Paris, Bib. Nat., Gr.2. XV. Century. 68 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.5. XV. Century. 71 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.1. XIII. Century. 72 Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Canon. gr.35. XII. Century. It lacks 16,15-17,1 28,36-59. In Br.-M. = m. 73 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr. 746. XI.-XII. Century. Cat. 74 Florence, Bibl Laur., S. Marco 700. Late XIII. Century. 75 Oxford, Univ. College 52. Written 1125. In Br.-M. = n. 76 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.4. XIII. Century. For 6,18 init-7,10 LA3 1LA1LA3 LA1and 9,6 LA3-9,22 2LA1 no e silentio conclusions are valid. 77 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.748. XIII.-XIV Century. Cat. 82 Paris, Bibl Nat., Coisl.3. XII. Century. In Br.-M. = o. 83 Lisbon, Arch. da Torre do Tombo 670. XVI. Century. 85 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.2058. X. Century. Hexaplaric notes. In Br.-M. = z. 106 Ferrara, Bibl.Comun., 187 I. XIV. Century. In Br.-M. = p. 107 Ferrara, Bibl.Comun., 188 I. Written 1334. 108 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.330. XIII. Century. Hexaplaric notes. In Br.-M. = MDITbMDNMLA3LA1. 118 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.6. XI.-XII. Century. 120 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.4. XI. Century. In Br.-M. = q. 121 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.3. X. Century. In Br.-M. = y. 122 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr. 6. XV. Century. 125 Moscow, earlier Syn. Bibl., Gr.30. XIV. Century. 127 Moscow, earlier Syn. Bibl.,Gr.31. X. Century. 128 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr. 1657. XIII. Century. 129 Rome., Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.1252. XI.-XII. Century. In Br.-M. = r. 130 Vienna, Nat. Bibl., Theol.gr.23. XII.-XIII. Century. Scribal change in 5,28 at LA3]LA1. Hexaplaric notes. In Br.-M. - s. 131 Vienna, Nat. Bibl., Theol.gr.57. Late X. Century. 134 Florence, Bibl.Laur., Plutei V 1. XI. Century. In Br.-M. = t. 246 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.1238. Written 1195. In most of the ms a palimpsest. Deut text the upper writing. 313 Athens, Nat. Bibl., 43. XI. Century. Cat. 314 Athens, Nat. Bibl., 44. XIII. Century. Lacks 34,9 LA3-LA1fin libri. In Br.-M. = w. 318 Athos, LA3LA1LA3, 598 LA1(earlier 511). X.-XI. Century. Lacks LA324,14 -25,16 . 30,2 LA1]LA0LA3-31,4 LA1 319 Athos, LA3, 600 LA1(earlierLA3 51LA13). Written 1021. Init-16,16 LA3मLA1 was restored in XV.-XVI. Century. 320 Athos, LA3, LA1602 (earlier 515). XIII. Century. Cat. Lacks 31,25 LA3 1LA1LA3-32,5 LA1]LA0LA3򘣣. 321 LA1Athos, LA3, 603LA1 (earlier 516). XIV. Century. Lacks 31,2 LA3 1LA1- fin libri. Hexaplaric notes. 343 Athos, LA3LA1, 352. X. Century. A few hexaplaric notes. 344 Athos, LA3,LA1 24. X. Century. Lacks 13,3LA3 -19,6 .LA1 Hexa~~plaric notes. In Br.-M. = v (1,22LA3 1LA1LA3-1,41 LA1 was not collated there). 346 Athos, LA3, 53. LA1Written 1326. Lacks LA326,7 3LA1LA3-32,30 . LA1Hexa~plaric notes. 370 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Chigi R. VIII 61. XI. Century. Init to 3,27 fin was restored in XIV. Century. Lacks 5,5 LA3 -6,2 28,45 -LA1fin libri. 4,25LA3 2LA1LA3-4,38 LA1was not readable, and not collated; for 4,38 LA3󞣜-5,5 LA1 no e silentio conclusions are valid. 376 Escorial, Real Bibl., LA3LA1-II-5. XV. Century.LA3 LA1[In Br.-M. = c] 381 Escorial, Real Bibl., LA3LA1-I-13. XI. Century. 392 Grottaferrara, Bibl. della Badia, A.LA3LA3LA1, I. X. Century. LA316,21 󠘮LA1]LA0LA3򠦤-17,15 򠦤LA1 was not in the copy and so could not be collated. 407 Jerusalem, Patr. Bibl., LA3 2. LA1End of X. Century. In Br.-M. = u (19,11 LA3 4LA1LA3-20,18 LA1 was not collated there). 413 Constantinople, Bibl. d. Serail, 8. XII. Century. Cat. 414 Leiden, Univ. Bibl., Voss.gr. in fol.13. XIV. Century. Cat. 416 Leipzig, Univ. Bibl., Gr.16. X. Century. Contents: init libri-1,13LA3 .LA1 Hexaplaric notes. 417 London, Archipisc. Libr., 1214. Written 1103. Cat. 422 London, Brit.Mus., Add. 35123. XII.-XIII. Century. Cat. Scribal change after 22,10. 424 London, Brit.Mus, Burney 34. XV. Century. Cat., The mss contains the following text pieces: 1,1 init-3LA3 LA1[LA3 1,19 LA1initLA3- 3LA1LA3 1,28 - LA1[LA3 1,43LA1 init-LA3򘙠LA1[LA3󘣜 2,26 LA1initLA3- LA1 3,1 initLA3-LA1[LA3... 4,12 LA1init-LA3򞣘 LA14,41 init-LA3LA1[LA3 5,1LA1 init-LA3 5,8 LA1init-LA312 󘙙 5,16 LA1init-LA3 5,24 -25 LA1[LA3ࣜ 6,4 LA1initLA3- 6,13 LA1initLA3- 6,16 LA1init-finLA3 7,1 LA1init-LA3򦤦 7,7 LA1init-LA3LA1[LA3 7,19 LA1init-LA3 8,7 - 2LA1LA3 9,1 LA1init-LA3 9,9 1LA1LA3-10 10,1 LA1init-LA3 10,20 LA1initLA3-LA1[LA3 11,22 LA1init-LA3 12,8 LA1init-LA39 LA1[LA3 12,13 LA1init-14 LA3 1LA1LA3 12,23 LA1init-LA3 12,28 LA1init-fin 12,29 init-LA3 13,1LA1 init-fin 13,5 init-LA3LA1LA3LA1[LA3󜤮LA1 13,12 init-LA3LA1[LA3 14,3 LA1initLA3-4 򦙘 14,23 LA1init-LA3 2LA1LA3 15,1LA1 init-LA32 LA115,7 init-LA3 15,19 LA1init-LA3LA1 2 LA316,13 LA1init-LA3 1LA1LA3 16LA1,1LA38 LA1init-LA320 17,8LA1 init-LA3 LA117,14 init-LA3 18,3 LA1init-LA3 18,9 LA1init-LA310 18,14 -16 19,1 LA1init-LA3LA1[LA3򦤦 19,4 LA1init-LA3 19,14 LA1init-17 LA3 20,1 LA1init-LA3LA1 20,10 init-fin 21,1 init-LA3LA1[LA3 21,10 LA1init-11 LA3LA1[LA3 21,1LA15 initLA3LA3- 1LA1LA3 21,18 LA1init-LA3 21,22 LA1init-LA3 22,1 LA1init-LA3򠛞 22,5 LA1init-LA3 22,13 LA1init-14 LA3 1LA1LA3 22,22 LA1init-25 LA3LA1[LA3󘣜 22,30 LA1init-23,2LA3 󜢜 23,12 LA1init-18 fin 23,24 init-LA324,1 24,5 LA1init-7 LA3LA1[LA3 24,10 LA1init-LA3 24,16 LA1init-LA317 24,21 LA1init-LA325,1 25,11 LA1init-LA3󜢟 25,13 LA1init-14 LA3LA1[LA3 LA125,17 init-18LA3 26,1 LA1init-LA3LA1[LA3 26,12 LA1init-LA3 1LA1LA3 27,1 -2 27,9 LA1init-LA3򘞢 28,1 LA1init-LA3 28,12 LA1init-LA3 1LA1LA3 28,17 LA1init-LA3LA1[LA3󟘠 28,59 LA1init-LA3 29,1 LA1init-LA3 29,14 LA1init-fin 30,1 init-LA3 31,7LA1 init-LA3򘞢 LA131,25 init-fin 31,28 init-LA3 2LA1LA3 32,1LA1 init-fin 32,6 init-LA3 32,13 LA1init-LA3 LA1[LA3 32,16 LA1init-LA320 1LA1LA3 32,26 LA1init-LA3 32,35 LA1init-LA3 1LA1LA3 32,40 LA1init-LA3 32,43 򘤟 2LA1LA3-44 32,48LA1 init-49 LA3 1LA1LA3 33,1 LA1init-LA3 33,6 LA1init-LA37 LA1[LA3 33,12LA1 init-13 LA3LA1 ult 33,20 init-LA3 34,5 LA1init-6LA3 . 426LA1 London, Brit. Mus., Add. 39585 (earlier Curzon 66). Early XI. Century. In Br.-M. = x. 458 Messina, Bibl.Univ., S. Salv. 62. XII. Century. Hexaplaric notes. 500 Vienna, Nat. Bibl., Suppl.gr.176 (earlier Nikolsburg, Dietr. Schoss~bibl. II 221). XI.-XII. Century. Cat. 508 Oxford, Bodl.Libr., Auct. F.4.32. Written cir 817. On p.19a b the ms has as lection the text of 31,22-32,4 in both Greek and Latin, with the Greek in Latin transcription. Cf. MDOLLatMDNMLA3LA1cod 111. 509 Leningrad, Ouff. Staatsbibl., Gr.62. IX.-X. Century. In Br.-M. = aMDSD2MDNMLA3LA1. 527 Paris, Bibl. de l'Arsenal, 8415. XIV. Century. Lacks 16,16-17,15 17,19LA3 -18,8 LA1 LA324,22-25,8 25,13-27,10 28,54 3LA1LA3-57 LA1fin (after 28,54 LA3 LA1the scribe wrote LA3 LA1 and begins again with 28,58) 32,2 LA3-LA143 fin. 528 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coisl.5. Written 1264. Cat. 529 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coisl.6. XIII. Century. Cat. 537 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coisl.184. XIII. Century. 550 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.128. XII. Century. Cat. 551 Paris, Bibl.Nat, Gr.129, XIII. Century. Cat. 552 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr. 132. XV. Century. Cat. 602 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.2511. XV. Century. Cat. 610 Paris, BIbl.Nat., Suppl.gr.60LA39LA1. XIV. Century. 615 Patmos, LA3ᤤ q 暦, 216. LA1XI. Century. Cat.LA3 LA1It lacks 5,1 LA3LA1]LA0LA3-30 LA1[LA3 26,2 -27,9 33,18 2LA1LA3-28 616 LA1Patmos, LA3ᤤ q 暦,LA1 217. XI. Century, Cat. 618 Patmos, LA3LA1LA3ᤤ q 暦, LA1410. XIII. Century. Cat. 619 Patmos, LA3LA1LA3ᤤ q 暦, LA1 411. XV. Century. Lacks 23,9 LA3LA1]LA0LA3 򞣘-LA1fin libri. 630 Leningrad, Ouff. Staatsbibl., Papadopulos-Kerameus 8. XII. Century. Scribal change after 3,24 LA3 .LA1 Lacks 32,2-43, but substitutes LA3 .LA1 646 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Barber.gr. 474. XII. Century. Cat. Lacks 4,20-5,15 11,13-15,6 22,5-27,15 LA3जLA1[LA3LA1 LA3 32,1-20.LA1 664 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Pii II. gr.20. XIV. Century. 669 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.332. XIV. Century. The ms contains at the end an extra leaf which comes from the same scribe, and contains the text of 31,23 LA3-32,6 .LA1 It has been collated under 669MDOLIMDNMLA3LA1. 707 Sinai, Cod. gr.1. X.-XI. Century. THe ms is very faded; e silentio conclusions are not valid. 730 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.15. XII. Century. Cat. 739 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.534. X. Century. Cat. 761 Zuurich, Zentralbibl., C.11. XIII. Century. Cat. 767 Athos, LA3, 603. .-LA1V. Century. Lacks 12,6-18,22 22,8-12 23,9-16 28,49-68 32,2 LA3-43 2LA1 (the scribe wrote the words LA3 LA1after 32,2 LA3.LA1 799 Athens, Nat. Bibl., 2491. Written 1280. Lacks 4,27 LA3-5,5 LA1. 3. Uncollated manuscripts The following younger mss were not collated, since their text had little value: 126 Moscow, formerly Syn. Bibl., Gr.19. Written 1475. Cat. The ms has a much condensed text. 350 Berlin, Staatsbibl., Phill. 1405. Written cir. 1540. Cat. 461 LA3, 216.LA1 XVI. Century 723 Turin, Bibl. Naz., B.III.15. XVI. Century. Not available were the following: Alexandria, Gr., Patr. 101f. Fragmentary. Rumania, LA3. 1 . 371. LA1Cat. The following mss were burned: LA3⚘ 㢘, 68LA1, XIV, Century. 716 Smyrna, LA3v. , LA1A-1. XII. Century. Cat. 4. The Papyri 847 Cairo, Soc. Egypt.de.Papyr., P. Fouad, Inv.266. Written cir 50 C.E. Very fragmentary; only the following fragments can be identified with any probability: 11,1 10-11 16 31,26-29 32,2 4 33,14-19 22-23 26-27. Fac~simile edition: Z. Aly, Three Rolls of the Early Septuagint, Genesis and Deuteron~omy (P.Fouad inv.no.266 = Rahlfs' nos. 847, 848 and 942, Plates and Notes in Collaboration with the International Archive of Greek and Latin Papyri of the Associaiton de Papyrologues).FN1RP Zaki Aly was so kind as to give me permission to use photographs of these Papyri of 847 and 848 before their publication. Especial thanks are due, however, to L. Koenen for his help in the decipherment and reconstruction of the text fragments. In press. 848 Cairo, Soc. Egypt. de Papyr., P.Fouad, Inv.266. Written cir 50 B.C.E. Contents (fragmentary): 17,14-16 18-19 18,3-8 15-16 19,4-11 13-15 18-20 20,3-9 12-14 17-21,12 14-17 22,1-3 6-14 21-24 26-27 23,3 7-11 14-17 21-22 24-24,1 4 7-11 19-21 25,1-10 15-18 26,1-8 11-16 18-27,10 13-16 23-24 26-28,11 13-17(only in Dunand) 31-33 49-50 54-55 57-29,4 9-10 17-22 26-30,4 6-7 9-10 16 19-20 31,2-3 6-7 10-11 14-17 21-32,12 17-20 25-26 39-49 33,25-29. Edition: Z. Aly (cf ms 847). F. Dunand, Etudes de Paprologie t.IX. Le Caire 1971. 916 New York,Pierpont Morgan Libr., P. Amherst 192. VI. Century. Very frag~mentary. Contents: 32,3-6 8-11.Edition: B.F.Grenfell and A.S. Hunt, The Amherst Papyri, Part II: Classical Fragments and Documents of the Ptolomaic Roman and Byzantine Periods. London 1901, 202. 920 Manchester, John Rylands Libr., P.Gr.1. IV. Century. Fragmentary. Contents: 2,37 LA3LA1]LA0LA3 -3,1 3,3 -5 3,8 򛘤LA0LA3LA1]LA0LA3-10 LA1[LA3 3,12 LA1]LA0LA3-13 󠢜.LA1 Edition: A.S.Hunt, Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manchester, Vol.I. Manchester and London 1911. 957 Manchester, John Rylands Libr., P. Gr. 458. II. Century B.C.E. Very fragmentary. Contents: 23,24 LA3 1LA1LA3-24,3 LA1[LA3LA1[LA3LA1[LA3 25,1 LA1]LA0LA3-3 ~LA1[LA3 26,12 LA3LA1[LA3LA1]LA0LA3-LA1[LA3 26,17 मLA1[LA3-19 LA1[LA3 2LA1LA3 27,15 LA1[LA3০LA1]LA0LA3-जLA1[LA3 28,31 LA1]LA0LA3LA1[LA3-33 LA1[LA3. LA1Edition: C.H.Roberts, Catalogue of the Greek and Latin Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manches~ter. Vol.III, Manchester 1938. Also published in C.H.Roberts, Two Biblical Papyri in the John Ryland Library Manchester, Manchester 1936. 958 Manchester, John Rylands Libr., P.Gr.460. Early IV.LA3 LA1Century. Fragment of a leaf of a Florilegium or Testimonium. O.Osloessnsis II No.11 is on the same leaf. Very fragmentary. Conents: 28,8 11. Edition: C.H.Roberts, Two Bibli~cal Papyri in the John Rylands Library Manchester, Manchester 1936. 963 Dublin, Chester Beatty Libr., P. Chester Beatty VI. II. Century. Extant only fragmentary, partly very fragmentary. Contents: 1,20-33 35-3,21 3,23-7,10 12-20 9,26 29-10,2 5-7 11-12 19-21 11,12-13 17-18 31-32 12,2-4 15-17 18,22 19,1 4-6 10-11 13-14 16 27,6-8 13-15 28,1-4 7-10 12-13 16-20 22-25 27-30 32-35 38-41 43-68 29,1-13 15-18 20-21 23-27 20-25 (20-27 were repeated) 30,1 4-6 10-13 16-17 19-20 31,3-4 8-16 18 21-23 26-29 32,3-5 10-13 17-19 24-25 27-29 33,24-26 34,11-12. Of the above list the following verses are complete: 1,25-27 30-32 45-2,1 5-6 20-21 24 35-37 3,2-3 15-20 4,4-5 8-9 20-22 24-26 37-39 41-44 5,8-9 14 29 6,1 15-17 22 28,49-50 59. Edition: F.G.Kenyon, The Chester Beatty Biblical Papyri, FascLA3.LA1 V. London 1935 (Facsimile-Edition Dublin 1958). Cf. also A.Pietersma, Vetus Testamentum 24(1974), 113-118. 970 Heidelberg, Univ. Bibl., Inv. Pap. Graec. No.8LA3.LA1 II. Century. Very framentary Contents: 29,18-19 23-24. Edition: Fr. Bilabel, Griechische Papyri (Urkunden, Briefe, Schreibtafeln, Ostraka etc..) with 2 tables. Verouffent~lichungen aus den badischen Papyrus-Sammlungen. Heft 4. Heidelberg 1924, 24-27. 5. Collated mss. without Rahlfs-number Giessen, Univ. Bibl., P. (Gie). V.-VI. Century. Contents (fragm.): 24,15-21 25,3-8 27,4-8 11-12 21-26 28,20 24 29 32 29,22-24. Edition: P.Glaue and A.Rahlfs, Fragmente einer griechischen Uubersetzung des samari~tanischen Pentateuchs, MSU I, 29-64. 6. The Greek Patristic Citations For problems in connection wiht the evaluation of patristic citations see Genesis 29-30.LA3LA1The following authors were collatedFN1RP The collection of citations of patristic witnesses cited with  were graciously made available to me by the Centre d'Analyse de Documentation Patristiques in Strassburg, for which I express my gratitude. Anast = Anastasius Sinaita (PG 89 Ath = Athanasius I-III (Pg 25-27) Barn = Epistula Barnabae (ed. F.X.Funk-K.Bihlmeyer, 1956) Bas = Basilius Magnus Caesariensis I-IV (PG 29-32) BasSel = Basilius Seleuciensis (PG 85) Chr = Chrysostomus I-XVIII (PG 47-64) Clem = Clemens Alexandrinus I-III (GCS 12, 15, 17; ed. O.Stauhlin) LA3 MDITLA1ProtLA3MDNM LA1= Protrepticus (SC 3; Ed. C.Mondeasert)  LA3LA1ClemR = Clemens Romanus (ed. F.X.Bihlmeyer, 1956)  Cyr = Cyrillus Alexandrinus I-X (PG 68-77) CyrHier = Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus (PG 33,331-1180) DialAZ = F.C.Conybeare, The Dialogues of Athanasius and ZaccheusLA3, LA1in: Anecdota Oxoniensia, Class. Ser. I, 8 Oxford, 1898 Did = Didymus Alexandrinus, Kommentar zu Sacharja (Tura-Papyrus) (SC 83-85; ed. H.L.Doutreleau, 1962) . MDITEcclMDNMLA3LA1 = Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes (Tura Pypyrus) Pt.VI (Ch. 11-12) ed. G.Binder & L.Liesenborghs; Pt.III (Ch. 5-6) ed.J.Kramer; Pt.IV (Ch. 7-8,8) ed. J.Kramer & B.Krebber PTA 9,13,16. Cited acccording to Papyrus page & Column MDITHiobMDNM = Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura Papyrus), PTA 1,2,3; Vol. 1 & 2 ed A. Hendrichs; Vol.3 ed. U.& D.Hagedorn & L. Koenen. Cited as in MDITEcclMDNM MDITPsMDNM = Psalmenkommentar (Tura Papyrus), I-V ed.. L.Koenen & R. Merkelbach, PTA 7,4,8,6,12. Cited as in MDITEcclMDNM DionAl = Dionysius Alexandrinus (.Feltoe, MDITLA3MDNM.LA1 The Letter and Other Remains of Dionysius of Alexandria, Cambridge 1904 [Cambridge Patr. Texts]) Epiph = Epiphanius I-III (GCS 25,31,37; ed. K. Holl Eus = Eusebius Caesariensis I-II,III 1,IV,VI,VIII 1,2 (GCS 7, 11, 14; ed. E.Klostermann. GCS 23; ed. I.A.Heikel. GCS 43, 1.2; ed. K.Mras. GregNys = Gregorius Nyssenus I-IX (W. Jaeger, Gregorii Nysseni Opera, Berlin/Leiden 1921ff)  Hipp = Hippolytus MDITAntMDNMLA3LA1 = LA3 q LA1 (GCS I,2; ed. Achelis)  LA3MDITLA1BenMDNMLA3LA1 = Sur les beaneadictions d'Isaac, de Jacob ei de Moiuse (PO 27, 1-2; edd. M. Briegre, L.Mariegs & B.-Ch. Mercier, 1954-1957  MDITCantMDNM = Kommentar zum Hohenlied (TU 23, 2c; ed. G.N.Bonwetsch)  MDITDanMDNMLA3LA1 = Commentaire sur Daniel (SC 14; ed. M. Lefegvre)  MDITElenchosMDNMLA3LA1 = Elenchos (GCS 26; ed. P.Wendland)  MDITFragmMDNM = Les fragments des commentaire de S. Hippolyte sur les Proverbs de Salomon (Le Museaon 79(1966); Ed.M. Richard)  MDITLA3LA1HaerMDNM = MDITLA3LA3MDNMh LA1 (ed. P. Nautin, Paris 1949)  LA3LA1IsidMDITMDNM = Isidorus Pelusiota (PG 78) IustMDITMDNM = Iustinus Martyr (ed. H.Hemmer & P.Lejay. 1909  MDITMDITDialMDNM = Dialogus cum Tryphoni (ed. G. Archambault) MDITApolMDNM = Apologia I (ed. L. Pautigny) Mac = Macarius Aegyptus (PG 34) Mel = Melito (SC 123; ed. O. Perler, 1966)  Meth = Methodius Olympius (SC 95; ed. H.Musurillo & V.H.Debidour, 1963)  Nil = Nilus Ancyranus (PG 79)  LA3LA1Or = Origenes I-VI (GS 2, 3  ; ed. P.Koetschau. GCS 10; ed. E. Preuschen. GCS 29; ed. W.A.Baerens. GCS 38; ed. E.Klostermann. GCS 40; ed. Klostermann)LA3  LA1 MDITCelMDNMLA3LA1 = Contra Celsum I-VIII (SC 132,136,147, 150; ed. M. Borret, 1967-1969)  MDITEphMDNM = The Commentary of Origen upon the Epistle of the Ephesians (JThSt 3 (1902); ed. J.A.F. Gregg)  LA3 MDITLA1LA1HeraclMDNM = LA3ᢜ h 򘡢囘LA1 (SC 123; ed. O.Perler, 1966)  MDITRomMDNM = Comm. in Romanos (CADP 308; ed.J.Scherer)  Phil = Philon Iudaeus Alexandrinus (Opera; ed. L. Cohn & P. Wendland, Berlin 1896ff) Procop = Procopius Gazaeus (PG 87) PsClem = Pseudo-Clementina (GCS 42; ed. B. Rehm)  PsHipp = Pseudo-Hippolytus Romanus (GCS I,2; ed.H.Achelis)  Ptol = Ptolemaeus Gnosticus (SC 24; ed.G.Quispel, 1949)  Sev = Severianus Gabalitanus (PG 56, 29-516) Th = Theodorus Mopsuestenus (PG 66) Tht = Theodoretus Cyrensis I-V (PG 80-84, 76) MDITDtFN1RPComplete collations from the Tht-mss of Quaesiones in Deuteronomium were graciously given to me by N. Fernaandez Marcos and A. Saainz-Badillos. Since their critical edition is not yet in press, no page numbers could be given.MDNM = Quaestiones in Deuteronomium MDITQuaestMDNM = Quaestones et responsiones ad orthodoxos (= Pseudo-Iustinus; ed. I.C.Th. Otto, Iustini Philosophi et Martyris, Opera quae feruntur omia. Vol.V. 3,2. Jena 1881)  Titus = Titus Bostrensis Episcopus (PG 18) LA3LA1 II. The Old Versions In the order of the Versions in the Apparatus the Old Latin witneses stand at the beginning, in which the mss appear in numerical order, and then the citations of theLA3 LA1Fathers in alphabetic order. The other versions then follow in alphabetic order. On the problems in general associated with the versions see Genesis 33-34. 1. The Old Latin Version (=La)FN1RPLA3 LA1I would like to thank B.Fischer and W. Thiele of the Vetus Institut in Beuron for their readiness to provide much needed help at the Institut both for making it possible freely to use their magnificent collection of citations of the Latin Fathers as well their help in their evaluation as witnesses. The margins of the following mss were collated: 91: Leaon, S. Isidoro, Codex Gothicus Legionensis. Written 960. 92: Leaon, S. Isidoro 1.3 (Legionensis 2). Written 1162. Copy of 91. 94: Escorial, Biblioteca de S.Lorenzo 54. V.35. Written [1561]. 95: Madrid, Acad. de la Historia 2-3. XII. Century. 96: Calahorra, Catedral 2. Written 1183. The marginal notes of 91 to 96 were collated on the basis of T. Ayuso Marazuela, La Vetus Latina Hispana. II El Octateuco, TECC 6 Madrid 1967. Some marginalia in this edition were noted as Al (i.e.. alius). These were noted in Apparatus I under Al: plus ms number. 100 Lyon, Bibl. de la Ville, Ms 403 + 1964, VII. Century. Ed.: U. Robert, Pentateuchi versio latina antiquissima e codice Lugdunensi, Paris 1881; idem, Heptateuchi partis posterioris versio latina antiquissima e codice Lugdunensi, Lyon 1900. 103 Wuurzburg, Universitautsbibl., Mp. theol. fol.64a. Palimpsest. Edition: E. Ranke, Par palimpsestorum Wirceburgensium. Antiquissimae Veteris Testamenti versionis Latinae fragmenta. Vienna 1871. Contents: 28,42-53 55-58 31,11-26. Partly fragmentary. 104 Munich, Bayer. Staatsbibl. Lat.Monac. 6225. VI. Century. Edition: L.Ziegler, Bruchstuucke einer vorhieronymianischen Uubersetzung des Pentateuch aus einem Palimpseste der K.Hof- und Staatsbibliothek zu Muunchen. Munich 1883, Contents: 8,12-10,12 22,7-26(fragmentary) 22,26-23,4 28,1-31 30,16-31,11 31,16-32,29. 111 Oxford, Bodl.Libr., Auct.F.4.32. See Rahlfs, No.508. For the text character of the Vetus Latina see A.V.Billen, The Old Latin Texts of the Heptateuch, Cambridge 1927. The oldest Vetus Latina translation (LaMDOLKMDNM in Genesis) is the African text, which is chiefly known from Cyp, as well as by MDOLLatMDNMcod 104 for chh. 22ff. In chh. 8-10 cod 104 has a European text. The Cyp tradition is supported by those of FirmMat, Lact and EvagrGall. Cod.100 (and to a less degree cod 103) preserves the European text (LaMDOLEMDNM), especially when it goes with the patristic witnesses Aug, Luc, Nov, Quodv and Tert. The symbols which were used for the various texttypes in Genesis (LaMDOLKMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLCMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLEMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLSMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLIMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLAMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLMMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLOMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLPMDNMLA3LA1 LaMDOLXMDNM) were not used in Deut, since no Beuron edition had yet appeared. Undoubtedly some of these differences might well apply to Deut as well, for ex. LaMDOLLA3LA1MMDNM (Ambr over against LaMDOLLA3LA1IMDNM), LaMDOLLA3LA1SMDNM (cod 100 over against LaMDOLLA3LA1ELA3MDNMLA1), LaMDOLLA3LA1PMDNM (Quodv over against LaMDOLLA3LA1IMDNM), LaMDOLOMDNMLA3LA1 (independent reflection of the hexaplaric text of the Greek, comp. Gen), LaMDOLXMDNMLA3LA1 (independent renderings of the Greek by Jub and PsPhil). The symbol La is used only when all the Old Latin witnesses agree. Abbreviations of the Latin Patristics. The abbreviations in parentheses are those of Fischer, Verzeichnis, where fuller information can be found as well. Ambr (AM) = Ambrosius MDITCainMDNMLA3LA1 (Ca) = De Cain et Abel MDITEpMDNMLA3LA1 (ep) = Epistulae MDITExamMDNMLA3LA1 (ex) = Exameron MDITFideMDNMLA3LA1 (fi) = De fide ad Gratianum Augustum MDITFugaMDNMLA3LA1 (fu) = De fuga saeculi MDITIacMDNMLA3LA1 (Jac) = De Iacob et vita beata MDITIosMDNMLA3LA1 (Jos) = De Joseph MDITLucMDNMLA3LA1 (Lc) = Expositio Evangelii secundum Lucam MDITMortMDNM (mort) = De bono mortis MDITOff minMDNM (off) = De oficiis ministrorum MDITParMDNMLA3LA1 (par) = De paradiso MDITPatrMDNMLA3LA1 (ptr) = De patriarchis MDITPs duodMDNMLA3LA1 (Ps) = Explanatio super Psalmos XII MDITPs 118MDNMLA3LA1 (118 Ps) = Expositio de Psalmo CXVIII MDITSpMDNMLA3LA1 (sp) = De Spiritu Sancto libri 3 MDITTobMDNMLA3LA1 (Tb) = De Tobia Ambrst (AMst) = Amrbrosiaster MDITQuaestMDNMLA3LA1 (q) = Questiones V. et N.T. MDITRomMDNMLA3LA1 (Rm) = In epistulas S. Pauli Arnob (AR) = Arnobius the Younger MDITConflMDNMLA3LA1 (cfl) = Conflictus Arnobi catholici cum Serapione Aegyptio MDITPs2MDNM (Ps) = Commentarii in Psalmos Aug (AU) = Augustinus MDITMDNMLA3LA3 MDITLA1Ad ValentMDNMLA3LA1 (gr) = De gratia et libero arbitrio ad Valentinum et cum illo monachos liber MDITC AdimMDNMLA3LA1 (Ad) = Contra Adimantum LA3MDITLA1C DMDNMLA3LA1 (ci) = De civitate Dei MDITConfMDNMLA3LA1 (cf) = Confessionum libri 13 MDITCons evangMDNMLA3LA1 (Ev) = De consensu evangelistarum MDITDeutMDNMLA3LA1 (Dt) = Quaestiones de Deuteronomio MDITEpMDNMLA3LA1 (ep) = Epistulae MDITFaustMDNMLA3LA1 (Fau) = Contra Faustum Manicheum MDITFideMDNMLA3LA1 (fi) = De fide rerum invisibilium MDITGen c ManMDNMLA3LA1 (Gn Ma) = De Genesi contra Manichaeos MDITIohMDNMLA3LA1 (Jo) = In Iohannis Evangelium tractatus MDITIosMDNM (Jos) = Quaestiones de Iesu Nave MDITLA3LA1IudicMDNM (Jdc) = Quaestiones de Iudicibus LA3MDITLA1IulMDNMLA3LA1 (Jul) = Contra Iulianum haeresis Pelagianae defensorem MDITIul impMDNMLA3LA1 (Jul im) = Contra secundam Iuliani responsionem imperfectum opus MDITLegMDNMLA3LA1 (leg) = Contra adversarium legis et prophetarum libri 2 MDITLoc in heptMDNMLA3LA1 (loc) = Locutionum in Heptateuchum libri 7 MDITMorMDNMLA3LA1 (mor) = De moribus ecclesiae catholicae et de moribus Manichaeorum MDITPerfMDNMLA3LA1 (perf) = De perfectione iustitiae hominis MDITPsMDNMLA3LA1 (Ps) = Enarrationes in Psalmos MDITQuaestMDNMLA3LA1 (Gn q) = Quaestiones de Genesi MDITQuaest VTMDNMLA3LA1 (q VT) = De VIII quaestionibus ex Veteri Testamento MDITSermMDNMLA3LA1 (s) = Sermones MDITTrinMDNMLA3LA1 (tri) De Trinitate Barn (BAR) = Epistulae Barnabae Caes (CA) = Caesarius MDITGalMDNMLA3LA1 (Gal) = Expositio in Epistulae S. Pauli MDITInstMDNMLA3LA1 (in) = Institutionum divinarum et humanarum lectionun libri 2 MDITPsMDNMLA3LA1 (Ps) - Expositio Psalmorum MDITRomMDNMLA3LA1 (Rm) = Expositio in Epistulas S. Pauli Ch (CHRY) = Chrysostomus MDITRepar lapsMDNMLA3LA1 (lap) = De reparatione lapsi ClemR (CLE-R) = Clemens Romanus COncil (CO) = Concilia Oecumenica Cyp (CY) = Cyprianus MDITAd DemMDNMLA3LA1 (Dem) = Ad Demetrianum MDITEpMDNMLA3LA1 (ep) = Epistulae MDITFortunMDNMLA3LA1 (Fo) = Ad Fortunatum, de exhortatione martyrii MDITMortMDNMLA3LA1 (mort) = De mortalitate MDITOpMDNMLA3LA1 (op) = De opere et eleemosynis LA3MDITLA1OratMDNMLA3LA1 (or) = De dominica oratione MDITQuirMDNMLA3LA1 (te) = Ad Quirinum seu testimoniorum libri 3 adversos Iudaeos DidascApost (DIDa) = Didascalia Apostolorum Eucher (EAUCH) = Eucherius MDITAd SilMDNMLA3LA1 (inst) = Instructionum ad Salonium libri 2 EvagrGall (EVA-G) = Evagrius Gallicus FirMat (FIR) = Firmicus Maternus MDITConsultMDNMLA3LA1 (PS-FIR con) = Consultationes Zacchaei et Apollonii, probably of Evodius, not of FirmMat MDITErrMDNMLA3LA1 (err) = De errore profanarum religionum FragmBob (AN) Bob = Fragmenta Bobiensia Ariana Fulg (FU) = Fulgentius MDITC FabMDNM (Fab) = Contra Fabianum MDITEpMDNMLA3LA1(Ep) = Epistulae Hes (HES) - Hesychius of Jerusalem Hi (HI) = Hieronymus MDITAbdMDNMLA3LA1 (Abd) = Commentarius in Abdiam LA3MDITLA1C PelMDNMLA3LA1 (Pel) = Dialogi contra Pelagianos libri 3 MDITDidMDNMLA3LA1 (Did) = Didymi Alexandrini liber de Spiritu Sancto MDITEpMDNMLA3LA1 (ep) = Epistulae MDITEphMDNMLA3LA1 (AEph) = Commentarii in epistulam ad Ephesios libri 3 MDITEzechMDNMLA3LA1 (Ez) = Commentariorum in Hiezechielem libri 14 MDITGalMDNMLA3LA1 (Gal) = Commentarii in epistulam ad Galatas libri 3 MDITHelvMDNMLA3LA1 (Hel) = Adversus Helvidium de Mariae virginitate perpetua MDITHierMDNMLA3LA1 (Jr) = In Hieremiam prophetam libri 6 MDITIsMDNMLA3LA1 (Is) = Commentariorum in Esaiam libri 18 MDITIs trMDNMLA3LA1 (Is tr) = De Isaia tractatus 2 MDITLucMDNMLA3LA1 (Lc) = Origenis in Lucam homiliae 39 MDITMalMDNMLA3LA1 (Mal) = Commentarius in Malachiam MDITMatthMDNMLA3LA1 (Mt) = Commentariorum in Mattheum libri 4 MDITMicMDNMLA3LA1 (mi) = Commentarius in Michaeam MDITOr in Ezech homMDNMLA3LA1 (Ez h) = Origenis in Ezechielem homiliae 14 MDITPachMDNMLA3LA1 (Pach) = Pachomiana MDITQuaestMDNMLA3LA1 (q) = Hebraicae quaestiones in libro Geneseos MDITZachMDNMLA3LA1 (Za) = Commentarius in Zachariam Hil (HIL) = Hilarius MDITPsMDNMLA3LA1 (Ps) = Tractatus super Psalmos MDITTrinMDNMLA3LA1 (tri) = De Trinitate seu de fide Hiln (HILn) = Quintus Iulius Hilarianus MDITPaschMDNMLA3LA1 (pa) = De ratione paschae et mensis Hippol (AN chr) = Hippolytus, Chronographus anni 354: 15, liber generationis IohCass (CAn) = Johannes Cassianus MDITConlatMDNMLA3LA1 (co) = Conlationes Patrum Iren (IR) = Irenaeus Isid (IS) = Isidor MDITFidMDNMLA3LA1 (fi) - De fide catholica ex Veteri et Novo Testamento contra Iudaeos ad Florentinam sororem MDITProMDNM (pro) = In libros Veterus ac Novi Testamenti prooemia ItinEger (IT Ae) = Itinerarium Egeriae Iub (AP-V Jub) = Liber Jubilaeorum IulEcl (JUL-E) = Julianus of Eclanum MDITFideMDNM (fi) = Libellus fidei oder Expositio fidei catholicae Lact (LAC) = Lactantius MDITEpitMDNMLA3LA1 (epit) = Epitome divinarum institutionum MDITInstMDNMLA3LA1 (in) = Divinarum institutionum libri 7 Leo (LEO) = Pope Leo I. MDITSermMDNMLA3LA1 (S) = Sermones Lib geneal (AN gen) = Liber genealogus Luc (LUC) = Lucifer of Cagliari MDITAthanMDNMLA3LA1 (Ath) = De S.Athanasio MDITConvenMDNMLA3LA1 (con) = De non conveniendo cum haereticis MDITParcMDNMLA3LA1 (par) = De non parcendo in Deum delinquentibus Mart I (MART I.) = Post Martin I. Max (MAXn) = Maximinus MDITC IudMDNMLA3LA1 (Jud) = Contra Iudaeos MDITSermMDNMLA3LA1 (s) = Sermones MissMoz (M-M) = Missale Mozarabicum Nov (NO) = Novationus MDITCibMDNMLA3LA1 (cib) = De cibis Iudaicis Opt (OPT) = Optatus MDITAppMDNMLA3LA1 (app) = Appendix 10 monumentorum veterum ad Donatistarum historiam pertinentium MDITParmMDNMLA3LA1 (Par) = Contra Parmenianum Donatistam Or (ORI) = OrigenesLA3 LA1 MDITMatthMDNMLA3LA1 (Mt) = with numbering of books and Sections = Matthauus-Kommentar;LA3 LA1the Tomoi extant in Greek and Latin revision. MDITMatthMDNMLA3LA1 (ser) cited only with pagination = Matthauus-Kommentar; the translation LA3 LA1of the Commentariorum seriesLA3 LA1LA1MDITI RegMDNM (1 Reg) = Homilie uuber den Anfang von 1 Reg. Pac (PAC = Pacianus MDITBaptMDNM (s) = Sermo de baptismo MDITEpMDNM (ep) = Epistulae 3 contra Novationos PaulNola (PAU-N) = Paulinus of Nola MDITEpMDNM (ep) = Epistulae Pal (PAL) = Pelagius, Brite MDITEp et trMDNM (Casp 2-6) = Epistulae et tractatus a C.P.Caspari edita MDITIndurMDNM (ind) = De induratione cordis Pharaonis MDITRomMDNM (Rm) = Rxpositiones XIII Epistularum S. Pauli MDITVitaMDNM (PS-AU vit) = De vita christiana PetrChr (PET-C) = Petrus Chrysologus, Sermones Prisc (PRIS) = Priscillianus MDITTrMDNM (tr) = Tractatus PsAmbr (PS-AM) = Pseudo-Ambrosius MDITLexMDNM (lex) = Lex Dei sive Mosaicarum et Romanarum legum collatio MDITMansMDNM (man) = DE XLII mansionibus filiorum Israel PsAug (PS-AU) = Pseudo-Augustinus MDITFulgMDNM (Fu) = Libellus adversus Fulgentium Donatistam MDITPraedestMDNM (gr) = De praedestinatione et gratia MDITSolutMDNM (sol) = Solutiones diversarum quaestionum ab haereticis obiectarum PsBen (Ps-Ben I.) = Pseudo-Benedictus I. MDITEpMDNM (ep) = Epistulae Ps-Hi (PS-HI) = Pseudo-Hieronymus MDITBrevMDNM (bre) = Breviarium in Psalmos MDITEpMDNM (ep) = Epistulae MDITRomMDNM (Rm) = Uuberarbeitung des Pauluskommentars von Pel Ps-Hil (PS-HIL) = Pseudo-Hilarius PsIsid (PS-IS) = Pseudo-Isidor MDITIudMDNM (Jud) = Liber de variis quaestionibus adversus Iudaeos seu ceteros infideles vel plerosque haereticos iudaizantes ex utroque Testamento collectus PsMaxT (PS-MAX) = Pseudo-Maximus von Turin MDITTrMDNMLA3LA1 (tr) = Tractatus de baptismo PsPhil (PS-PHO) = Pseudo-Philo PsVig (PS-VIG) = Pseudo-Vigilius of Thapsus MDITTrinMDNM (tri) = De Trinitate libri 12 MDITMDNMLA3MDITLA1VarimMDNMLA3LA1 (Var) = Contra Varimadum Arianum Quodv (QU) = Quodvultdeus MDITSermMDNMLA3LA1 (s) = Sermones Ruf (RUF) = Rufinus MDITCantMDNMLA3LA1 (Ct) = Commentarius Origenis in Ct LA3MDITLA1ExMDNMLA3LA1 (Ex) = Origenis in Ex homiliae 13 MDITLevMDNMLA3LA1 (Lv) = Origenis in Lv homiliae 16 MDITNumMDNMLA3LA1 (Nm) = Origenis in Nm homiliae 28 MDITOm S BasMDNMLA3LA1 (Bas) = Omeliae S. Basilii MDITOr princMDNMLA3LA1 (pri) = Origenis libri De principiis MDITPsClemMDNMLA3LA1 (Cl) = Pseudo-Clementis Recognitiones MDITReg S BasMDNMLA3LA1 (reg) = Regula S. Basilii ad monachos MDITRomMDNMLA3LA1 (Rm) = Origenis Commentarius in Rm SomnNero (AP-E Nero) = Somnium Neronis Spec (PS-AU spe) = Liber de divinis scripturis sive Speculum quod fertur S. Augustini Tert (TE) = Tertullianus MDITAdv IudMDNMLA3LA1 (Jud) = Adversos Iudaeos MDITIdolMDNMLA3LA1 (id) = De idolatria MDITIeiunioMDNMLA3LA1 (je) = De ieiunio adversus psychicos MDITMarcMDNMLA3LA1 (Marc) = Adversus Marcionem MDITMonogMDNMLA3LA1 (mon) = De monogamis MDITScorpLA3MDNMLA1 (sco) = Scorpiace Verec (VER) = Verecundus MDITLA3LA1CantMDNM (cant) = Commentariorum super Cantica ecclesiastica libri 9 VigilTh (VIG-T) = Vigilius of Thapsus MDITLA3LA1C ArianMDNM (Ar) = Contra Arianos Sabellianos et Photinianos dialogus Deut 32,1-43 presents a particular problem, since this text has also been handed down independently of the Pentateuch tradition as one of the Odes attached to the Psalter. In this context it received a much wider distribu~tion since it was used liturgically in the Church Calendar. Furtheremore, the tradition of the Odes had no Vulgate, but solely a Vetus Latina one. For the Canticum (32,1-43) the following mss were also collated: 250 Paris, Bibliothegque de l'Arsenal, S407. IX. Century. Collated from F.F. Fleck, Anecdota maximam partem sacra in itineribus italicis et gallicis collecta. Lipsiae 1837. 300 Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, I (1). VI.-VII. Century. Collated from J. Blanchinus, Vindiciae Canonicarum Scripturarum Vulgatae Latinae editionis, seu vetera Sacrorum Bibliorum fragmenta juxta Graecam Vulgatam, et Hexa~pla~rem, Latinam Antiquam Italam, duplicemque S. Eusebii Hieronymi translationem, nunc primum in lucem edita atque illustrata, Romae 1740. 325 Leningrad, Ouff. Staatsbibl., F. v.I,5. VIII. Century. Edition: A Staerk, Les manuscrits latins du VMDITLA3MDOLLA1eMDITLA3MDNMLA1 au XIIIMDITLA3MDOLLA1eMDITLA3MDNMLA1 siegcle conserveas ag la Bibliothegque Impeariale de Saint-Peatersbourg I, Peatersbourg 1910, 305-306. 330 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Regin.lat. 11. VIII. Century 372 London, Brit.Mus., Cotton Vespasian A. 1. Written cir. 700. Facsimile ed.: D.H.Wright, The Vespasian Psalter (British Museum Cotton Vespasian A.1). Early English Manuscripts in Facsimile, Vol. XIV. Copenhagen 1967. 398 Monte Cassino, Badia 559. Written cir. 1100. 400 Milan, Biblioteca Capitolare, 4, 6. XI. Century. Edition: M. Magistretti, Manuale Ambrosianum, Milan 1905. 401 Milan, Biblioteca Capitolare, Beroldus Novus. XIII. Century. Edition: as 400. 402 Milan, Bibl. Ambr.,A.189 sup. Written 1188. Edition: as 400. 410 Madrid, Bibl.Nacional, 10001. IX.-X. Century. Edition: PL 86, 879 419 Unknown Ms. Edition: PL 86, 52-55. 460 Sinai, St. Catherines Monastery, Slavon.5. X. Century. A text history of the liturgical texts of the Canticum Moyses must~ take into consideration the following liturgical orders: the African order, the Veronese, the Milanese, the Roman, the Spanish (Mozarabic), LA3LA1and the Gallican (or German) orders. The witnesses which were collated for these orders may be listed in the following Canticle-orders: a) African order = CantLA3MDOLLA1VerecMDNMLA3LA1 (only vv.1-32; Verecundus Iuncensis, Commentariorum per Cantica ecclesiastica libri 9; cf. Fischer, Verzeichnis b) Veronese order = CantMDOLRMDNMLA3LA1: cod.300 c) Milanese order = CantMDOLMilMDNMLA3LA1: codd 400-402 d) Roman order = CanMDOLRomMDNMLA3LA1: codd 372 398 e) Spanish order = CantMDOLMozMDNMLA3LA1: codd 410 419 f) Gallican order = CantMDOLGallMDNMLA3LA1: codd 250 325 330 A unique case is that of cod 460 = CantMDOLSinMDNMLA3LA1, which can not be assigned to any of the above orders. Since the Odes are based on a La text, it should follow that patristic citations of the Canticum would be of La, even of those Fathers who normally cite Vulg. The following list contains those patristic works which were collated for Deut only in Canticum ActSilvestri (A-SS Silvester) = Actus Silvestri papae AgnRav (AGN) = Agnellus of Ravenna Ambr MDITLA3LA1HelMDNM (AM Hel) = Ambrosius, De Helia et ieiunio Ambr MDITLA3LA1IobMDNM (AM Jb) = De interpellatione Iob et David AntBenev (ANT-Ben) = Antiphonale Missae Beneventanum AntMoz (ANT-M) = Antiphonale Mozarabicum Aug MDITLA3LA1C MaxMDNM (AU Max) = Augustinus, Contra Maximinum haereticum Arrianorum episcopum libri 2 Beda MDITLA3LA1LucMDNM (BED Lc) = Beda Venerabilis, In Lucae Evangelium expositio Beda MDITLA3LA1MarcMDNM (BED Mc) = In Marci Evangelium exposito Caes MDITLA3LA1SermMDNM (CAE s) = Caesarius, Sermones Cassiod MDITLA3LA1ColMDNM (CAr Col) = Cassiodorum Senator, Expositio in Epistulae S.Pauli EpiphSchol MDITLA3LA1CantMDNM (EP-SC Ct) = Epiphanius Scholasticus, Uubersetzung des Cant- Kommentars des Philo of Karpasia Eucher MDITLA3LA1FormMDNM (EUCH int) = Eucherius, Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae EusGall (EUS-G) = so-called Eusebius Gallicanus EvodLA3MDITLA1 ValentMDNMLA3LA1 (EVO Val) = Evodius, Letter to Valentinus of Hadrametum Gel MDITEpMDNMLA3LA1 (ep) = Pope Gelasius I., Epistulae Greg MDITIobMDNMLA3LA1 (GR-M Jb) = Gregorius Magnus, Moralium libri sive Expositio in librum Iob Greg MDITRegMDNMLA3LA1 (GR-M Rg) = In librum primum Regum expositionum libri 6 GregIl MDITCantMDNMLA3LA1 (GR-I Ct) = Gregor of Illiberis,In Canticum Canticorum libri 5 Hi MDITAmosMDNMLA3LA1 (HI Am) = Hieronymus, Commentarius in Amos Hi MDITOsMDNMLA3LA1 (HI Os) = Commentarius in Oseam Isid MDITQuaestMDNMLA3LA1 (PS-IS q) = Pseudo-Isidor, Liber quaestionum Isid MDITI RegMDNMLA3LA1 (IS Rg) = Isidor, Quaestiones in Vetus Tesamentum seu Mysteriorum expsitiones sacramentorum MissAmbr (M-A) = Missale Ambrosianum MissRom (M-R) = Missale Romanum Nov LA3MDITLA1TrinMDNMLA3LA1 (NO tri) = Novatianus, De Trinitate Philipp (PHI) = Philippus, Presbyter PsAmbr MDITSerm SeMDNMLA3LA1 (PS-AM s Se) = Pseudo-Ambrosius, Sermones 3 ex codice Ses~soriano 55 PsCyp MDITPaschMDNMLA3LA1 (PS-CY pa) = Pseudo-Cyprianus, De pascha computus Quodv MDITPromMDNM (QU pro) = Quodvultdeus, Liber promissionum et praedictorum Dei Quodv MDITSerm symbMDNMLA3LA1 (QU sy) = Sermones 3 de symbolo ad catechumenos Ruf MDITGenMDNMLA3LA1 (RUF Gn) = Rufinus, Origenis in Gn homiliae 16 Ruf LA3MDITLA1IosMDNMLA3LA1 (RUF Jos) = Origenis in librum Iesu Nave homiliae 26 Vinc (VINC) = Vincentius of Lerin 2. The Ethiopic Version = Aeth The collation of the Ethipic Version of Deut was based on A. Dillmann's edition as well as the text of cod M; for both as well as for cod R which was not collated, see Genesis 43-44. Cod P unfortunately was not available to me. W. Baars, however, in a friendly letter told me that the colophon was a later hand, and was written only in the late 14th or earlier 15th Centuries; cf also S. Greabaut, L'acge du ms, Eth NMDOLoMDNM.3 de Paris, Aethiops 3 (1930), 60=62 and C. Conti Rossini, Notice sur les manuscrits eathiopiegns de la collection d'Abbadie, Journal Asiatique 19/20 (1912), 9-10. 3. The Arabic Version = Arab See Genesis 44-46. 4. The Armenian Version = Arm The old Armenian version was collated from Zohrab's edition of 1805. Although Arm is in general considered to be a good witness for MDOLLA3MDITLA1OMDOLLA3MDNMLA1, its witness for Deut is only of secondary significance, since it neither shows any hexa~plaric signs nor does it witness to all those texts that are under the asterisk in Syh. Cf further Genesis 46-47. 5. The Coptic Versions = Co a) The Bohairic Version = Bo Melvin K.H.Peters in his work An Analysis of the Textual Character of the Bohairic of Deuteronomy (Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Toronto) has clearly shown that the text of Wilkins' edition of the Bohairic Pentateuch, Quinque libri Moysis prophetae in lingua aegyptia, London 1731, can hardly be taken as a trustworthy textual witness, since his text was rather thoroughly LA3LA3"[LA1correctedLA3"]LA1 according to the Sixtina. Since de Lagarde's Der Pentateuch koptisch Leipzig 1867 was based on Wilkins' edition, his edition could also not be used for this edition, although he had already made nmerous corrections based on a Tattam-manuscript (see infra no.4). Thus for Deut neither edition was used for the edition. The following mss Peters used for his research: 1. Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coptic 1. 1356 2. Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coptic 100. 1805 3. Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coptic 56. 1660 4. London, Brit.Mus., Or.422, 1393 5. London, Brit.Mus., Or. 8987. 1796 6. Oxford, Bodl.Libr., Huntington 33. 1674 7. Rome, Bibl.Vat., Coptic 1. IX./X. Century 8. Rome, Bibl.Vat., Coptic 4. 1399 Ms no.7, of which no.8 is a copy, shows throughout an older and more authentic text, whereas mss 1-6 show a revised text. Among these no.1 is not only the oldest text, it also has the best text. Since in Peters' study nos. 1 and 7 were the best texts, these were collated for the edition. Where the two texts disagreed, ms no.1 was designated BoMDOLAMDNM, and ms no.7LA4 LA1,LA1 BoMDOLBMDNM. For Bo in general see Genesis 47. b) The Sahidic Version = Sa The Sa text for Deut is complete in SaMDOLLA3MDOLLA117MDNM. This text has not yet been edited, and was collated from a microfilm. Unfortunately, various pages were practicably unreadable, and e silentio conclusions are not valid. Fortunately a large amount of Deut does exist in a number of other mss. For Sa in general see Genesis 48. The following mss were collated: SaMDOLLA3LA11MDNM = A. Ciasca, Sacrorum Bibliorum fragmenta copto-sahidica Musei Borgiani iussi et sumptibus S. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide edita. Tom. I, Rome 1885. Contents: 1,13-38 3,5-4,22 4,44-6,14 8,11-9,24 11,-16,7 16,16-17,1. SaMDOLLA3LA12MDNM = R. Kasser, Papyrus Bodmer: Deutearonome I-X, 7 en sahidique. Genegve 1962. Contents: 1,1-10,7 (1,1-9 9,26-10,7 are fragmentary). SaMDOLLA3LA13MDNM = E.A.Willis Budge, Coptic Biblical Texts in the Dialect of Upper Egypt. London 1912. See also Sir Herbert Thompson, A Sahidic Version of Deuteronomy, Jonah and Acts of the Apostles from Ms.Or.7594 of the British Museum. Privately Printed 1913. London: Brit.Mus., Or. 7594. Contents: 1,39-2,19 4,48-8,3 9,7-13,17 14,17-18,10 19,1-20,6 22,3-26,10 28,1-6 9-12 28,14-31,10 12-14 31,16-fin libri SaLA3MDOLLA14MDNMLA3LA1 = W.C.Till and P.Sanz, Eine griechisch-koptische Odenhandschrift, Monumenta biblica et ecclesiastica 5. Rome 1939. Contents: 32,2-13 14-39 43. Fragmentary. SaMDOL5MDNM = C. Wessely, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts II,III u.IV, in: Studien zur Palaeographie u.Papyruskunde IX, XII, XIV. Leipzig 1909, 1912, 1914. Vienna, Staatsbibliothek, L.9870, 9875-9878. Contents: 1,3-7 13,12-14,5 32,1-15 39-43 33,18-28 34,7-12 SaMDOL6MDNM = J. Schleifer, Sahidische Bibel-Fragmente aus dem British Museum zu London. Sitzungsb. der Kais.Akad.d.Wiss in Wien, philos.-hist.Kl. 162,6. Vienna 1909.London: Brit.Mus., Or.4717 (1). Contents:32,30-43 SaMDOL7MDNM = idem,164,6. Vienna 1911. London: Brit.Mus.,Or.3579A.Contents:1,23-30 SaMDOL8MDNMLA3LA1 = idem, Bruchstuucke der sahidischen Bibeluubersetzung,idem 170,1. Vienna 1912. London: Brit.Mus., Or.4916 (2). Contents: 21,8-16 SaMDOL9MDNMLA3LA1 = A.E.Brooke, Sahidic Fragments of the Old Testament. JThSt 8(1906),73 -74. Paris, Bibl.Nat., Copte 129MDOL1MDNM f.93. Contents: 32,14-16 17-19 21-22 24-25 SaMDOL10MDNM = O. von Lemm, Sahidische Bibelfragmente III. Bulletin de l'Akadeamie Impeariale des Sciences de St. Peatersbourg, VMDOLeMDNM Seurie, XXV, 4. St. Peatersbourg 1906. Paris, Bibl.Nat., Copte 130MDOL5MDNM,f.137. Contents: 21,5-12 13-15. Fragmentary SaMDOL11MDNM = W. Till, Sahidische Fragmente des Alten Testamentes, Le Museaon 50(1937), 175-237, Vienna, Staatsbibl K.9809. Contents: 16,19-22 17,1-6 SaMDOL12MDNM = L.Th.Lefort, Les manuscrits Coptes de l'Universitea Louvain. Louvain 1940. Contents: 7,26-8,1 8,2-3 4-5 7-8 9,24-10,4. All are in a fragmentary state. SaMDOL13MDNM = A.Erman, Bruchstuucke der oberaegyptischen Uebersetzung des Alten Testaments. Nachr.v.d.Koun.Ges.d.Wiss. und d.G.A.Universitaut zu Gouttingen, No.12, Gouttingen 1880.Oxford,Bibl.Bodl., Hunt 5. Contents: 8-19-9,24 SaMDOL14MDNMLA3LA1 = W.Pleyte & P.A.A.Boeser, Manuscrits Coptes du Museae d'Antiquiteas des Pays-Bas ag Leide. Leiden 1897. Contents: 17,5-14 SaMDOL15MDNMLA3LA1 = Paul E.Kahle, Bala'izah: Coptic Texts from Deir Bala'izah in Upper Egypt, Vol.I, Oxford 1954, 298-301. Contents: 8,1-8 SaMDOL16MDNMLA3LA1 = G. Maspearo, Fragments de la version theabains de l'Ancien Testament. Meam. publ.par les membres de la arch.fr. au Caire VI,1. Paris 1892. Contents: 1,11-23 5,1 3-8 11-15 7,11-13 26,15-19 27,1 28,4-12 59-29,11 32,43-52 33,1-34,8 SaMDOL17MDNMLA3LA1 = New York, J.Pierpont Morgan Library, Copt. ms. 566. Cf.H.Hyvernat, A check-list of Coptic Manuscripts in The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York 1909, S.3, No.1 and Bibliothecae Pierpont Morgan Codices Coptici photographice expressi. Roma 1922 (not available to me). Complete text 6. The Palestinian-Syriac Version = Pal Pal was collated from The Bible in the Syropalestinian Version, ed. M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, Part I Pentateuch and Prophets, Jerusalem 1973. This edition is a recollation of the following Lectionary texts. The list con~tains the information about their original publications. a) H.Duensing, Christlich-palausttinisch-aramauische Texte und Fragmente. Gouttingen 1906. Contents: 12,17-25a. b) J.P.N.Lund, Fragmenta Biblica Petropolitana. Anecdota Syriaca IV. Leiden 1875. Contents: 7,25-26 13,6-16 (fragmentary) 6,4-16 (fragmentary). Supp~lementa, idem, 222-223. Content: 6,4-16 (very fragmentary) 13,7-17. c) A.S.Lewis, A Palestinian Syriac Lectionary, Studia Sinaitica VI. London 1897. Contents: 10,12-11,28 12,28-14,3. d) A.S.Lewis, Codes Climaci Rescriptus, Horae Semiticae VIII. Cambridge 1909. Contents: 6,4-7,26. r) A.S.Lewis and M.D.Gibson, Palestinian Syriac Texts from Palimpsest Fragments in the Taylor-Schechter Collection. London 1900. Contents: 31,2-8 11fin-14 25-28. Fragmentary. Also individual letters from 31, 20-21 can be seen. For the abbreviatons PalLA3MDOLMDNM LA1and PalLA3MDOLMDNMLA1 see Goshen-Gottstein. For Pal in general see Genesis 51. 7. The Syro-Hexaplaric Version = Syh The folowing texts were collated: a) An unpublished Pentateuch-Ms from Tur LA3LA1Abdin, in which 32,26-fin libri is not extant (SynMDOLTMDNMLA3LA1). According to Dr. W.Baars the ms is from the 15th Century. The designation SyhMDOLTMDNMLA3LA1 is only used when it contrasts with other witnesses (SyhMDOLbMDNMLA3LA1, SyhMDOLgMDNMLA3LA1 and SyhMDOLmMDNMLA3LA1). b) W. Baars, New Syro-Hexaplaric Texts. Leiden 1968. Contents 15,1-8 32, 1-43 (SyhMDOLbMDNMLA3LA1). c) M.H.Gottstein, Einer Cambridger Syrohexaplahandschrift. Le Museaon 67(1954), 291-296 (Or.929). Contents: 32,5-15 and Neue Syrohexaplafrag~mente, Biblica 37(1956), 162-183 (Brit.Mus., Add.14485 fol. 51a and 32a). Contents: 16,18-17,7 24,20-22. (SyhMDOLgMDNMLA3LA1). d) The readings of Andreas Masius were collated from his Peculium Syrorum and from the Amsterdam edition of his Critici Sacri (SyhMDOLmMDNMLA3LA1), SyhMDOLmMDNMLA3LA1 is only cited there where the text of the other Syh-witnesses differ. Other Syriac witnesses collated were Barh and Ish. For the text character of Syh see Genesis 52. III. Printed Editions LA3LA1 Complu~tensis (Compl) and Sixtina (Sixt). These have all been fully collated in this edition. The principles according to which these are cited are given below. Of the three the Sixt has been extensively reprinted. In this edition only the original texts were consulted. 1. Aldina (Ald) Ald is particularly closely related in Numbers to ms.LA3 83LA1. Ald is cited inLA3 LA1the edition only when its text does not agree with that of LA383LA1. 2. Complutensis (Compl) The text of Compl is based to a large extent on 19LA3LA1, though it seems that the mss 56 and 129 were used as well. Compl is only noted in the Apparatus when it does not agree with 19LA3LA1. 3. Sixtina (Sixt) Sixt is based on a large number of mss, but especially on Cod. B. It is cited only when it does not agree with B. LA3 4. LA1Grabe (Gr) See Genesis 53. 5. Holmes-Parsons (H.-P.) See Genesis 54. 6. Lagarde The text of Lagarde is his reconstructed text of the Lucianic Recension of Genesis to Esther. The edition is not cited in this edition. 7. Brooke-McLean (Br.-M.) See Genesis 54-55. The edition Numbers - Deuteronomy was published in 1911. 8. Rahlfs (Ra) Rahlfs is a manual edition of the Greek Old Testament. In Numbers its text is essentially based on a comparison of Codd. A and B. A few hexaplaric plusses have also been noted. LA3LA3LA4 LA1LA4PT14MDITMDBOLA1B MDBOThe Text History MDNM PT12 The text history has been thoroughly discussed in J.W.Wevers THGMDITLA3MDNMLA1D. Only such information will be given here which is necessary for the use of this edition. I. Recensions and Textgroups in the LXX-tradition 1. The MDITOMDNM recension MDITOMDNM = G-82-376-426 Syh MDIToIMDNMLA3LA1 = 15-64-381-618 MDIToIIMDNMLA3LA1 = 29-58-72-707 Arm LA3LA1MDITOMDNMLA3LA1 LA3LA1= MDITOMDNM + MDIToIMDNM MDITO'MDNM = MDITOMDNM + MDIToIIMDNM MDITMDNM MDITMDNMLA3LA1MDITOMDNMLA3LA1> = MDITOMDNM +MDITMDNM MDIToIMDNM + MDIToIIMDNM MDIToI'MDNM + MDIToIMDNM + MDIToIIMDNMLA3LA1 15LA3LA1 = 15 + 64 72LA3LA1 = 72 + 707 367LA3LA1 = 376 + 426 381LA3LA1 = 381 + 618 Hexaplaric signs are found mainly only in G and Syh; occasionally they are found in mss which do not present an MDITOMDNMLA3LA1-text. 2. The MDITCMDNMLA3LA1-Group MDOLCMDNMLA3LA1 = 16-77-131-500-616-739 MDITcIMDNMLA3LA1 = 57-73-320-413-528-616-761 MDITcIIMDNMLA3LA1 = 46-52-313-414-417-422-551-615 LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNMLA1 = MDITCMDNM + MDITcIMDNM MDITC'MDNM = MDITCMDNM + MDITcIIMDNM MDITMDNMLA3LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1 = MDITCMDNM + MDITcIMDNM + MDITcIIMDNM MDITcI'MDNM = MDITcIMDNM + MDITcIIMDNM 16LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 16 + 131 46LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 46 + 313 52LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 52 + 615 57LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 57 + 413 73LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 73 + 320 414LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 414 + 551 500LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 500 + 739 528LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 528 + 761 529LA3LA1 = 529 + 616 550LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 550 + 552 The LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1-Group presents a widely distributed texttype, which is found particularly in Catena mss. Except for 16 and 131 all the witnesses of this group are catena mss. On the other hand, only a few catena mss do not present a Catena text. Ms 646 which has a mixed text, is strongly influenced by the Catena texttype, but it has too many deviations for it to be included in the MDITCMDNMLA3LA1-Group, An exceptional case is ms 424 which does have a LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1-texttype, but is so strongly abbreviated that it could not be differentiated within the LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1, but had to be consigned to the codices mixti. 3. The MDITbMDNMLA3LA1-Group MDITbMDNMLA3LA1 = 19-108-118-314-537 19LA3LA1 = 19LA3LA1 + 108 118LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 118 + 314 19LA3LA1LA3LA1 sometimes deviates from the other three, but usually the Group is a closed group. 4. The MDITdMDNM-Group MDITLA3LA1dMDNM = 44-106-107-125-610 44MDITLA3LA3LA1LA3MDNMLA1 = 44 + 106 107MDITLA3LA3LA1LA3MDNMLA1 = 107 + 610 125MDITLA3LA3LA1LA3MDNMLA1 = 125 + 107 The MDITLA3LA1dMDNM-Group is closely related to the MDITLA3LA1tMDNM-Group. 5. The MDITLA3LA1fMDNM-Group MDITLA3LA1fMDNM = 53-56-129-246-664 53MDITLA3LA3LA1LA3MDNMLA1 = 53 + 664 56MDITLA3LA3LA1LA3MDNMLA1 = 56 + 246 Ms 129 often deviates from the MDITLA3LA1fMDNM-Group. 6. The MDITLA3LA1nMDNM-Group MDITnMDNMLA3LA1 = WMDOLIMDNMLA3LA1-54-75-127-458-767 54LA3LA1 = 54 + 127 75LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 75 + 458 For the character of the MDITnMDNMLA3LA1-Group see J.W.Wevers in THGD. Ms 54 has a few hexaplaric readings within its text. 7. The MDITsMDNMLA3LA1-Group MDITsMDNMLA3LA1 = 30-85-130-321-343-344-346-730 30LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 30 + 730 85LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 85 + 130 321LA3LA1LA3LA1= 321 + 346 343LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 343 + 344 The mss of the MDITsMDNMLA3LA1-Group contain numerous hexaplaric readings on the margins. 8. The MDITtMDNMLA3LA1-Group ] MDITtMDNMLA3LA1 = 74-76-134-370-602-799 75LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 75 + 134 76LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 76 + 370 134LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 134 + 602 As in the other books of the Pentateuch the MDITtMDNMLA3LA1-Group is closely related to the LA3MDITLA1dMDNMLA3LA1-Group. 9. The MDITyMDNMLA3LA1-Group MDITyMDNMLA3LA1 = 71-121-318-392-527-619 71LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 71 + 619 392LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 392 + 527 The MDITyMDNMLA3LA1-Group is strongly influenced by the A-Text tradition. Within the group the combinationo 71LA3LA1LA3LA1-527 often has separate readings. 10. The MDITzMDNMLA3LA1-Group MDITzMDNMLA3LA1 = 18-68-83-120-122-128-630-669 18LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 18 + 128 68LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 68 + 122 630LA3LA1LA3LA1 = 630 + 669 II. The younger Greek Versions LA3 LA1For the character of the second Apparatus see Genesis 59-60. The Catena texts were systematically investigated for non-LXX readings; to that end two representatives from each of LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1 groups were completely collated, i.e. MDITCMDNM, MDITcIMDNM and MDITcIIMDNMLA3LA1, and the non-LXX readings excerpted. Beyond that the two Catena mss, 424 and 646, which were not included in LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1, were also investigated. Since these contained no additional material, they were not separately mentioned in the apparatus. If readings could be verified in all these mss they were simply characterized as LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1 readings, though throughout with the additonal notation as to whether the readings was a catena or a commentary reading, i.e. either as LA3LA1MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>MDOLLA1catMDNM or MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1MDOLcommMDNM. If they were also found as a general marginal reading, they were simply noted as MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1. Readings from the MDITcIMDNM or MDITcIIMDNM mss were similarly dealt with. Should a reading be individually supported the ms would be named, for ex. 77MDOLcatMDNM or 77MDOLcommMDNM. Should the source of a given reading be given, such as Tht, Eus or Or, and the reading also be found in the Father, the witness would only be given for the Father, and not the Catena ms. THe largest number of readings (29) which were attributed to a Father, was Procop; the next was Hi with 14, and 12 by Eus. Only four were found in both Or and in Tht. From the Syrian Fathers Barh had 11 and Ish only one. Among the uncial mss M and F contain hexaplaric materials. Of the 96 found in F almost all are actually from FMDOLbMDNM, i.e. minuscule texts. M with 402 cases is one of the best sources for readings diverging from LXX, particularly so since many of these are not attested elsewhere. A group of M readings, which were not supported either by MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1 or MDITsMDNM texts, were supported by ms 108. This ms has 121 readings of which all but two appear in chh. 1-16. As in Genesis the MDITsMDNM-Group is a rich source for hexaplaric material; with the exception of mss 30 and 730 all the MDITsMDNM mss are witnesses. While ms 343 has only five readings and ms 130 but 52, but limited to 1,1-5,28 (with scribal change in 5,28), ms 344 is the richest source with 488 readings. The pair, 321 and 346 have the most readings in common; but both are not completely extant (comp their description in A I,2), they do differ in their number of readings, viz., 235 in 321 and 209 in 346. Ms 85 has somewhat less with 165 readings. The MDITOMDNM-mss contain only a few witnesses: while there were 52 readings in ms 58 and 20 in 707, ms 15 had only one reading. Other mss with occasional (less than a dozen) readings are 106, 56, 459 and 128. Unexpected was the appea~rance of hexaplaric readings within the text of ms 54 usually with actual source (28 readings). Although these readings were found in the text, they have been recorded in the second apparatus, where they are designated as 54MDOLtxtMDNM, in distinction from the notation 54 (= 54MDOLmgMDNM). Among the versions only Syh contains hexaplaric material (289), of which many wre already known from Masius. In other words the lost text which Masius had was a better witness than SyhMDOLTMDNM, which often does not contain the notes which are found in SynMDOLmMDNM, SyhMDOLmMDNM is noted in the apparatus only if it is the sole witness or if its witness deviates from that otherwise attested. It should be noted that all the readings in Field were verified, so that it was not necessary to cite Field in the edition. LA3 LA1 PT14 MDBOC Re this Edition MDNMPT12 LA3 LA1The general layout of the Genesis edition was retained for Leviticus as well. The changes over against earlier volumes of the Gouttingen Septuaginta are in part repeated from the Genesis volume. 1. The Introduction The introduction is limited to those materials which are immediately necessary for the user of the volume. An extensive discussion, especially of the text history is to be found in THGL. LA3LA1Deviations from Br.-M are collec~tively listed in an Appen~dix, which in spite of their importance are not absolutely necessary for the use of this edition. LA1As in Genesis the Orthographica- and Grammatica-discussion has been placed in a Supplement. MDNMFor the construction of the edition the editor had to distinguish between real variants and variants which were only orthographic in nature; only the former were taken up in the first apparatus. Only for names are MDITallMDNM variants cited in the apparatus. 2. The Critical Text As in the Genesis edition, proper nouns are supplied with accents, and where appropriate with spiritus lenis or spiritus asper. The principles which were followed in the Genesis edition are also followed in this edition. The reader is referred to Genesis 62-63. 3. List of Sources Between the text and the apparatus all the ms witnesses and versions are named in the same order as that in the apparatuses. For this see the following paragraphs. A witness whose text is fragmentary appears in parentheses, e.g. (963). Should the text of a witness begin on a particular page a hyphen follows, e.g. (963-). Should such a reference end there, the hyphen would precede, e.g. (-963). It is also noted in the list when a piece of text fails for some external reason. E.g., should ms 318 lack some text due to leaf loss the notation would read LA3LA1MDITyMDOL-318MDNM. This would show that the entire MDITyMDNMLA3LA1-group except for ms 318 (which belongs to MDITyMDNMLA3LA1) contains the text of the page involved. The abbreviation al (for alia manuscripta) refers to mss which could not be assigned to any text group, i.e. the so-called codices mixti as well as those mss too broken or damaged to be classified. The expression verss refers to all versions which contain the complete text of Deut. Versions whose Deut text is not complete, such as Pal, are placed at the end of the source list. 4. Apparatus I At the beginning of ch.32 many mss have written LA3, 򦤦LA1 or LA3 LA1either within the text or as a title. These expressions are not noted in the apparatus; an exception would be made there where without noting that it served as title it would appear in the running text. The evidence for a variant is always given in a special order: a) the uncial mss in alphabetic order, b) the papyri in numerical order, c) the witnesses of LA3LA1MDITOMDNMLA3LA1> mss, d) the witnesses of MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1, e) the remaining text families (cf Section B I supra), in alphabetic order, f) the codices mixti, g) the rest of the Greek witnesses in the following order: N.T. witnesses, Phil, followed by the other Greek Patristics in alphabetic order, h) the Latin texts in numerical order, followed by the Latin Fathers in alphabetic order. The Latin witnesses are (except for unique readings of a Father) always introduced by a raised MDOLLatMDNMLA3LA1, i) the remaning versions in alphabetic order, and j) other witnesses or commentaries. Over against the Genesis edition only the notation of the Latin witnesses has changed. The various text types, such as LaMDOLKMDNMLA3LA1, LaMDOLILA3MDNMLA1, etc. could not be used, and the designation La in Deut is only used to indicate that all Latin witnesses agree (cf Section A II 1. supra). This change was necessary since up to the present no critical edition of the Vetus Latina for Deut has appeared, and so no secure basis for the classification of Latin witnesses according to text types is possible (cf Section A II 1 supra.). For the same reason it was necessary to record the witness of the Latin Fathers immediately after the Latin mss. For the changes in the notation which the Pentateuch editions have in common over against the other editions of the Gouttingen Septuaginta, see Genesis 64. 5. Apparatus II The theory that underlies the second apparatus was explained above under B II. Unless otherwise stated the recorded variants are throughout marginal readings. Readings of the younger translators which are found in the commentary texts of catena mss are designated by a raised MDOLLA3LA1commMDNM, (for ex. 77MDOLLA3LA1commMDNM). Should such a reading be attributed to a certain Father, his name would be added, (for ex 77MDOLLA3LA1commThtMDNM). Readings within the catenas which are not in a commentary, are noted by a raised MDOLcatMDNMLA3LA1 (for ex. 77MDOLcatMDNMLA3LA1). LA3LA1 PT14MDBOD Signs and Abbreviations MDNMPT9- = up to, for ex. MDOLLatMDNMcodd 94-96 = MDOLLatMDNMcodd 94 95 96 or also used to indicate mss within a group, for ex. 44-125-610 or MDOLLatMDNMcodd 94-96 = MDOLLatMDNM codd 94 95 96 LA3LA1 MDITCMDOL-LA316LA1MDNM Mss deviating from a group are shown by a raised minus sign, so MDITCMDOL-LA316LA1MDNM means all of MDITCMDNM except 16MDOLMDNM. Similarly AethMDOL-FLA3LA1MDNM means all the Aeth texts except FMDOLMDNM. MDITCMDNMMDOL(-16)MDNM indicates that ms 16 has a larger omission than the other members of MDITCMDNM. E.g. MDBUdMDNMLA3MDOLLA1-MDUD(MDOL44MDNMLA3MDUDLA1)MDNMLA3LA1 in Deut 2,22 (2,21 LA3vB 2LA1LA3 LA1LA3LA1(LA322LA1)LA3 44LA1)LA3 MDOLLA1*MDNMLA3MDNMLA1 = the original reading of a ms.LA3 MDOLLA1cMDNM LA3 LA1= later correctionsLA3 LA3LA1MDOL(*)MDNMLA1MDNMLA3, LA1MDOL(c)MDNMLA1 means that within a larger omission the ms does not have the original or corrected variant (e.g. 77MDOL(c)MDNM LA3LA1MDOLc pr mMDNM (c pr m) = a correction of the first hand. MDOLc1MDNMMDOLMDNM = the first corrector MDOLc2MDNM = the second corrector MDOLsMDNM refers to the suppletor of a ms,. for ex. 46MDOLsMDNM An MDOLsMDNM cannot contrast with an MDOL*MDNM MDNMMDNM LA3LA1txtMDOLMDNM means a textual reading in mss mg = a marginal reading in mss (mg) means that a marginal reading does not contrast with a reading in text, since the txt has a larger omission, e.g. 77(mg) txtMDOL*MDNM,txtMDOLcMDNM,mgMDOL*MDNM,mgMDOLcMDNMMDOLMDNM are used if a txt- or margin- shows a correction te refers to readings in the text of editions MDOLapMDNM refers to readings (variants) in the apparatus of editions MDOLcatMDNM(in App.2) means the reading comes from the Catena of a Catena ms MDOLcommMDNMMDNM(in App.2) means the reading comes from Catena attributed to a particular Church Father, for ex 77MDOLcommMDNM vid means the reading is uncertain, for ex 31(vid) MDOLvidMDNMLA3LA1 refers to a reading in which it is uncertain whether it deals with a corrected or an original text MDOLms(s)MDNM refers to codex(-ices) of the Vulgate MDOLLatMDNM introduces series of Latin Fathers MDOL]MDNM indicates line change MDOL|3MDNM indicates a page or column change MDNMMDOLhDMDNM a dot under a letter means that the letter cannot be read with certainty +, add indicates a plus >, om indicates an omission MDUDMDNM indicates omission due to homoioteleuton (LA3LA1) means that the enclosed letter is omitted in various mss, for ex LA3LA1(LA3LA1) LA3LA1[...] shows that three letters cannot be read in a ms. LA3LA1LA3...LA1]LA0LA3, LA1[LA3... LA1means that only LA3LA1 can be read in a ms [LA3LA1]LA0LA3LA1 means that LA3LA1 is conjectured <> means a symbol added contrary to the tradition {} means a symbol omitted contary to the tradition #X, are asterisk and obelus / means metobelus LA3LA1 refers to Apparatus II MT = the Masoretic text MTMDOLLMDNM = the text of BHS Q = A Qumran text LA3LA1absc = abscissus App = apparatus cf = confer cod(d) = codex (-dices) corr = correctura c var cum variis (lectionibus) del = deletus dess = desunt dittogr = dittographia ed(d) = editio (-tiones) ex corr = correctura LA3LA1ex par = ex parallelis locis fin - finis hab = habe(n)t haplogr = haplolographia homoiar = homoiarcton homoiot = homoioteleuton LA3LA1inc LA3 LA1 = incertus initLA3 LA1 = initium LA3LA1litt = littera(e) mend = mendose metob = metobelus ms(s) = manuscriptum (-ta) mutil = mutilatum omn codd = omnes codices pap = papyrus pl = plures plur = pluraliter pr = praemittit (-tunt) praec praecedens (re text reference within a verse) praef = praefatio pr m = prima manus ras = rasura relict = relictus rell = reliqui rescr = rescriptus s = sine s ind = sine indice s nom = sine nomine s ss = sequens, sequentes (for pages) scr = scripsit (-serunt) sed hab = sed habe(n)t sing = singulariter spat = spatium sq = sequens (re text reference within a verse) sup lin = supra lineam sup ras = supra rasuram superscr = superscripsit tr = transposuit (-suerunt) ult = ultimus vers(s) = versio (-ones) vid = ut videtur LA3PT12 LA1Recensions and Ms-Groups MDITOMDNM = G-82-376-26 Syh 376LA3LA1 = 376 + 426 MDIToIMDNM = 15-64-381-618 15LA3LA1 = 15 + 64 381LA3LA1 = 381 + 618 MDIToIIMDNM = 29-58-72-707 Arm 72LA3LA1 = 72 + 707 MDITOMDNMLA3LA1> = MDITOMDNM + MDIToIMDNM + MDIToII MDNM MDITOLA3MDNMLA1 = MDITOMDNM + MDITcIMDNM MDITO'MDNM = MDITOMDNM + MDIToIIMDNM MDIToI'MDNM = MDIToIMDNM + MDIToIIMDNM MDITCMDNM = 16-77-131-500-529-616-739 16LA3LA1 = 16 + 131 500LA3LA1 = 500 + 739 529LA3LA1 = 529 + 616 MDITcIMDNM = 57-73-320-413-528-550-552-761 57LA3LA1 = 57 + 413 73LA3LA1 = 73 + 320 528LA3LA1 = 528 + 761 550LA3LA1 = 550 + 552 MDITcIIMDNM = 46-52-313-414-417-422-551-615 46LA3LA1 = 46 + 313 52LA3LA1 = 52 + 615 414LA3LA1 = 414 + 551 MDITCMDNMLA3MDNM>LA1 = MDITCMDNM + MDITcIMDNM + MDITcIIMDNM MDITCMDNMLA3LA1 = MDITCMDNM + MDITcIMDNM MDITC'MDNM = MDITCMDNM + MDITcIIMDNM MDITcI'MDNM = MDITcIMDNM + MDITcIIMDNM MDITbMDNM = 19-108-118-314-537 19LA3LA1 = 19 + 108 118LA3LA1 = 118 + 314 MDITdMDNM = 44-106-107-125-610 44LA3LA1 = 44 + 106 107LA3LA1 = 107 + 610 125LA3LA1 = 125 + 107 MDITfMDNM = 53-56-129-246-664 53LA3LA1 = 53 + 664 56LA3LA1 = 56 + 246 MDITnMDNM = WMDOLIMDNM-54-75-127-458-767 54LA3LA1 = 54 + 127 75LA3LA1 = 75 + 458 MDITsMDNM = 30- 85-130-321-343-344-346-730 30LA3LA1 = 30 + 730 85LA3LA1 = 85 + 130 321LA3LA1 = 321 + 346 343LA3LA1 = 343 + 344 MDITtMDNM = 74-76-134-370-602-799 74LA3LA1 = 74 + 134 76LA3LA1 = 76 + 370 134LA3LA1 = 134 + 602 MDITyMDNM = 71-121-318-392-527-619 71LA3LA1 = 71 + 619 392LA3LA1 = 392 + 527 MDITzMDNM = 18-68-83-120-122-128-639-669 18LA3LA1 = 18 + 128 68LA3LA1 = 68 + 122 630LA3LA1 = 630 + 669 codd mixti: 28 55 59 319 407 416 424 508 509 646 407LA3LA1 = 407 + 509 Versions Aeth = Ethiopic version Arab = Arabic version (Paris, Bibl. Nat., Arab 9) Arm = Armenian version Co = Coptic version Bo = Bohairic version Sa = Sahidic Version La = Old Latin version Pal = Palestinian-Syriac version Pesch = Peshitta Sam = Samaritan Pentateuch Syh = Syro-hexaplaric version SyhMDOLbMDNM = Text ed. Baars SyhMDOLgMDNMLA3LA1 = text ed. Gottstein SyhMDOLmMDNM = Readings fromMasius SyhMDOLTMDNMLA3LA1 = Ms from TurLA3 LA1LA3LA1Abdin LA3LA1Tar = Targums TarMDOLOMDNM = Onkelos Targum TarMDOLPMDNM = Neofiti Targum Vulg = Vulgate Later Greek translations (Apparatus II) LA3LA1 LA3LA1 = Aquila LA3LA1 = Symmachus LA3LA1 = Theodotion LA3  LA1=LA3 i LA1LA3 LA1LA3 LA1= LA3 LA3 LA1= LA3 b㡦 i bLA1LA3 LA1=LA3 i ǦLA1 LA3h eLA1LA3 LA1=LA3 h e LA1(LA3hLA1)LA3 󘣮LA1LA3 LA1=LA3 LA1(LA3hLA1)LA3 󘣘 i LA1LA3 LA1= LA3i h ̦LA1LA3 LA1= LA3h ̦ LA1LA3 LA1=LA3 LA1 LA3, , cLA1 = unknown sources Printed editions Ald = Aldina Compt = Complutensis Sixt = Sixtina Gr = Grabe Gr. = Conjectures of Grabe Ra = Rahlfs Ra. = Conjecctures of Rahlfs Literature and Collections LA3 LA1APF = Archiv fuur Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete Barh = Abu 'l-Farag - Barhebraeus' Scholia on the O.T. Ed. byLA3 LA1 M.Springling LA3LA1BHS = Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, fasc.3 Deuteronomium praep. J. Hempel Stuttgart 1972 BK = Berliner Klassikertexte aus den Staatlichen Museen Berlin LA3LA1Br.-M. = The Old Testament in Greek according to the Text of Codex Vati~ca~nus ed. by A.E.Brooke and N.MMDOLcMDSDMDNMLean, vol.I part II, Cambridge 1909 CSCO = Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium LA3LA1Field = Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt, ed. Fr. Field, Oxonii 1875 Fischer, Verzeichnis = B. Fischer, Verzeichnis der Sigel fuur Handschriften und Kirchenschriftsteller (Vetus Latina, Teil I), Freiburg i.Br. 1949. 2nd ed. 1963 GCS = Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten dreiLA3 LA1 Jahrhunderte (Berliner Ausgabe) Genesis = Genesis, edidit J.W.Wevers, Gouttingen 1974 LA3LA1Gr = Septuaginta Interpretum tomus I, ed. J.E.Grabe, Oxonii 1707 H.-P. = Vetus Testamentum Graecum cum variis lectionibus, tom.I, Oxonii 1798 LA3LA1Ish = Commentaire d'Isho'dad de Merv sur l'Ancien Testament. II. Exode- Deutearonome, eaditea par C. van den Eynde CSCO 176 (Scriptores Syri Tome 80). Louvain 1958 JThSt LA3 LA1= Journal of Theological Studies LA3LA1Lagarde = Librorum VT canonicorum pars prior graece Pauli de Lagarde studio et sumptibus, Gottingae 1883 Mayser = E.Mayser, Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptolemauerzeit. I Leipzig 1906, II 1 Berlin 1926, II 2 1933/34, II 3 1934, 2nd Edition I 1 1970. I 2 1938, I 3 1936 MSULA3 LA1 = Mitteilungen des Septuaginta Unternehmens, Berlin 1909ff. Rahlfs = Septuaginta, ed. A.Rahlfs, vol.I. Stuttgart 1935 Rahlfs, Verzeichnis = A. Rahlfs. Verzeichnis der griechischen Handschriften des AT (=MSU II), Berlin 1914 PG = Migne, Patrologia, Series Graeca SC = Sources Chreatiennes Schleusner = Novus Thesaurus philologico-criticus sive Lexicon in LXX..., ed. J.Fr.Schleusner, Lipsiae 1820/21 Swete = The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint, Vol.1. Cambridge 1887 Thack = H.St.J.Thackeray, A Grammar of the Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint, vol.1. 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