A.The Textual Witnesses
I. The Greek Witnesses1)For fuller information on the Greek manuscripts,
see Rahlfs, Verzeichnis.―
The edition of Leviticus is based on the following mss,
which have been recollated by the LXX-Unternehmen:
1. Uncial Manuscripts
A London, Brit. Mus., Royal 1 D.V. V. Century. “Codex Alexandrinus”.
Lacking are 6,19-23. In H.-P. = III.
B Rome, Bibl. Vat., Vat.gr.1209. IV. Century. In H.-P. = II.
F Milan, Bibl. Ambr., S.P.51 (earlier A.147 inf.). V. Century. Lacking is
9,19-10,14 αφαιρεμα[τος], and has been restored by Fb. Correctors in F come
from two clearly differentiated periods. The codex was first corrected by
various hands which can be distinguished by a yellowish brown tint as well
as majuscle script, and are named Fa. When these corrections can be distinguished
in time they are called Fa 1, Fa 2, etc. In the Middle Ages the
codex was thoroughly retraced by a Restorer, who also made corrections. His
and later correctors are called Fb; should it be possible to distinguish
these correctors in time, they would be designated Fba 1, Fb 2, etc.
Where Fb clearly made an error in his retracing, it is called Fs. Corrections
by erasure are designated by Fc. Most of the marginal corrections are by
Fb, in which cases the coresponding text in F might be marked by dots.
These have not been recorded. Edition: A.M.Ceriani, Monumenta sacra et profana
3, Milan 1864. The edition contains only the text of the original ms without
corrections (except for those made by the original hand). In H.-P. = VII.
G Leiden, Univ.-Bibl., Voss.graec. in qu.8; Paris, Bibl.
Nat., Gr.17. IV.-V. Century. Through leaf loss the following texts are lost:
13,17 [μετε]βαλεν - 49 τω 1° 14,6 το 3° - 32 fin 14,49
[αφαγνι] /Mαι - 15,24 αν 17,10 [προσ]ηλυτων - 18,28 ε[θνεσιν]
19,36 χους - 24,9 Ααρων 27,16 κυριω - fin libri. Edition of the Leiden
part: C. Tischendorf, Monumenta sacra inedita. Nova collectio 3, Leipzig
1860. Edition of the Paris part: P. de Lagarde, Semitica II. Abh. d.K. Ges.d.Wiss.
zu Gφttingen, Vol.25, Gφttingen 1879. Facs. edition: Codices Graeci
et Latini photgraphice depicti duce G.N.Du Rieu. Tom.I: V.T. Graece. Codicis
Sarraviani-Colbertini quae supersunt in Bibliothecis Leidensi Parisiensi
Peropolitana phototypice edita. Leiden 1897. In H.-P. = IV.
M Paris, Bibl. Nat., Coisl.1. VII. Century. Hexaplaric notes. In H.-P. =
V Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.2106. VIII. Century. “codex Venetus”. Contents:
13,39 [στιππυ[ινου - fin libri. In H.-P. = XI, in Br.-M. = N.
2. Minuscule Manuscripts
15 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coisl.2. X. Century. Due to leaf loss it lacks 23,41
εν - 24,23 εποιησαν 25,43 και - 26,8 υμων ult. In Br.-M = a.
16 Florence, Bibl. Laur., Plut. V. 38. XI. Century.
18 Florence, Bibl. Laur., Medic. Palat. 242. XI. Century.
19 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Chigi R., VI 38. XII. Century. In Br.-M. = b'.
29 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.2. X.-XI. Century. In Br.-M. = b®MDSD―2®MDNM―.
30 Rome, Bibl. Casanat., 1444. XI.-XII. Century.
44 Zittau, Christian-Weise Bibl.,A.1. XV. Century. in Br.-M. = d.
46 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coisl 4. XIII.-XIV. Century. Through leaf loss it lacks
26,5 και 2° - 27,15 προσθη[σει].
52 Florence, Bibl.Laur., Acq.44. X.-XI. Century. Cat., Scribal change at
8,17 παρεμβοώ|3λης. In Br.-M. = e.
53 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.17A. Written 1439. In Br.-M. = f.
54 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.5. XIII.-XIV. Century. In Br.-M. = g.
55 Rome, Bibl.Nat., Regin.gr.1. First half of X. Century. It lacks 15,8-33.
In Br.-M. = h.
56 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.3. Written 1096. In Br.-M. = i.
57 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.747. XI. Century. Cat. Through leaf loss it lacks
4,34 (αυτου)επιθησει - 6,2 και 2° 23,27 υμων - fin libri. In Br.-M.
= j.
58 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Regin.gr.10. XI. Century. In Br.-M. = k.
59 Glasgow, Univ.Libr., BE 7b. 10 XV. Century. In Br.-M. = l.
64 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.2. X. Century.
68 Venice, Bibl. Marc., Gr.5. XV. Century.
71 Paris, Bibl. Nat. Gr.1. XIII. Century
72 Oxford, Bodl. Libr., Canon.gr.35. XII. Century. Lacking are 8,19-22
9.11 init - 20στηθυνια 23,9-22. Ι®MDUL―®MDNM―n Br.-M. = m.
73 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vaat.gr.746. XI.-XII. Century. Cat. Through leaf loss
it lacks 11,44 και 2° - 13,1 προς 13,27 τη 1° - 39 ο[ψεται].
74 Florence, Bibl.Laur., .S Marco 700. Late XIII. Century.
75 Oxford, Univ. College 52. Written 1125. In Br.-M. = n.
76 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.4. XIII. Century. For 21,14 βεβηλωμενην - 24 fin
22,1 - 24,1 εσπερας e silentio conclusions are not valid.
77 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.748. XIII.-XIV. Century. Cat.
82 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coisl.3. XII. Century. In Br.-M. = o.
84 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.1901. X.-XI. Century. Through leaf loss it lacks
6,2 [αρ]παγης - 14,10 και 2° 19,37 αυτα - 20,25 κτηνων 1° 26,37
[κατα]~τρεχοντος - 27,20 ετερω.
85 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.2058. X. Century. Hexaplaric notes. in Br.-M.
= z.
106 Ferrara, Bibl. Comm., 187 I. XIV. Century. In Br.-M. = p.
107 Ferrara, Bibl. Comm., 188 I. Written 1334.
108 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.330. XIII. Century. Hexaplaric notes. In
Br.-M. = ®MDIT―b®MDNM―.
118 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr.6. XI.-XII. Century.
120 Venice, Bibl. Marc., Gr.4. XI. Century. Through leaf loss it lacks 16,12
του 2° - 26,20 υμων 3°. Also absent is 6,31 - 7,17 αν. In Br.-M.
= q.
121 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.3. X. Century. Through leaf loss it lacks 3,1
τε θηλυ - 4,27 μια 15,31σκηνην - 16,34 εξιλασκεσθαι 20,10 [μοιχευ]σηται
2° - 22,4 ψυχης. In Br.-M. = y.
122 Venice, Bibl.Marc., Gr.6. XV. Century.
125 Moscow, formerly Syn. Bibl., Gr.30, XIV. Century.
126 Moscow, formerly Syn. Bibl., Gr. 19. Written 1475.
127 Moscow, formerly Syn. Bibl., Gr. 31. X. Century.
128 Rome, Bibl. Vat., Vat.gr. 1657. XIII. Century. Cat.
129 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Vat.gr.1252. XI.-XII. Century. In Br.-M. = r.
130 Vienna, Nat. Bibl., Theol.gr. 23. XII.-XIII. Century. Hexaplaric notes.
In H.-P, = 131; in Br.-M. = s.
131 Vienna, Nat.Bibl., Theol.gr. 57. Late X. Century.
134 FLorence, Bibl. Laur., PLutei V 1. XI. Century. It lacks 2,12 - 16 κυριω
1° and due to leaf loss 15,13 και 2° - 16,6 τον 1°. In Br.-M.
= t.
246 Rome, Bibl. Vat., Vat.gr.1238. Written 1195. In part a palimpsest; Leviticus
text overwrites.
313 Athens, Nat. Bibl., 43. XI. Century. Cat.
314 Athens, Nat. Bibl.,®MDNM―44. XIII. Century. In Br.-M. = w.
318 Athos, Βατοπαιδἰου, 598 (formerly 511). X.-XI. Century.
319 Athos, Βατοπαιδἰου 600 (formerly 513). Written 1021.
320 Athos, Βατοπαιδἰου 602 (formerly 515). XIII. Century. Cat. Through leaf
loss it lacks 3,15 νεφρους - 4,15 κυριου 1° 19,36 Αιγυπτου - 20,9 θανατω.
The ms is a copy of 73 in Leviticus, but because of the two large omissions
in 73 it was collated.®MDNM―
321 Athos, Βατοπαιδἰου, 603 (formerly 516). XIV. Century. Hexaplaric notes.
343 Athos, Λαύρα, 352. X. Century. Hexaplaric notes.
344 Athos, Παντοκρἀτερος 24. X. Century. Through leaf loss it lacks 7,5 [κατλειψου]σιν
- 11,40 αυ[των], Hexaplaric notes. In Br.-M. = v.
346 Athos Πρωτἀτου, 53. Written 1326. It lacks init libri - 5,15 ακου[σιως].
Hexaplaric notes.
370 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Chigi R. VIII. 61. XI. Century. Through leaf loss it
lacks init libri - 4,6 κυριου 11,40 και ult - 13,59 δερματινου.
376 Escorial, Real Bibl., Υ-II-5. XV. Century. In Br.-M. = c.
381, Escorial Real Bibl., Ω-I-13. XI. Century.
398 Grottaferrata, Bibl. della Badia, A.®MDIT―®MDNM―γ. 1. X. Century.
407 Jerusalem, Patr. Bibl., ʽΑγἰου Τἀφου,2.
End of IX. Century. in Br.-M. = u.
413 Constantinople, Bibl. d. Serail, 8. XII. Century. Cat.
414 Leiden, Univ.-Bibl., Voss.gr. in fol.13. XIV. Century. Cat.
416 Leipzig, Univ.-Bibl., Gr.16. X. Century. Hexaplaric notes .
417 London, Archiepisc. Libr., 1214. Written 1104. Cat.
422 London, Brit., Mus., Add. 35123. XII.-XIII. Century. Cat.
424 London, Brit. Mus., Burney 34. XV. Century. Cat. The ms contains the
following text pieces: 1,1-5,15 ακουσιως 6,19-20 θυσιαν 7,12-13 προβατων
7,18-19σωτηριου 1° 8,1-2 αμαρτιας 8,6-7 της 10,2-3
και 2° 10,8-9 θυσιαστηριον 11,1-3 ονυχιστηρας 11,13-17
καταρρακτην 12,1-2 ημερας 1° 13,1-2 αυτου 2° 13,7-8
ιδου 13,22-24 γενηται 1° 13,42 13,52 εν πυρι - 55 αφην
14,1-2 και 14,10 33 34 15,1-3 νομος 15,19-20 κοι[ταζηται
15,24-25 γυνη 16,1-4 και 3° 16,9-10 αποπο[μπαιου] 17,1-2
ενετειλατο 17,8-9σκηνης 17,1-14σαρκος 1° 18,1-3 παρωκησατε
18,6-7 ασχημοσυνην 2° 18,16-17 της 19,19 τα-20 μετα
19,26-28 ποι[ησετε] 1° 20,1-2 προ[σγεγε~νημενων] 20,24 εγω
2°-25 μεσον 3° 21,1-2 αυτων 21,9-10 αυτου 21,16-17
προσφερειν 22,1-2 μου 22,17-18 προσ[κειμενων] 22,26-27
δεχθησεται 23,1-3 τη δε 23,9-10 και 2° 23,12-13 αναπε[ποιημενης]
23,23-24 μηνος 2° 23,26-27 τουτου 23,29-30 ταυτη 23,33-35
πρωτη 24,1-2 κα[θαρον] 24,5 init - δυο 24,32 init-ισρα[ηλιτιδος]
2° 24,18-19 δω 25,1-2 γη 25,8-9 φωνη 25,32
25,46 των 1°-fin 26,3-4 χυλα 26,18-19 θησω 26,34 init-αυτης
2° 27,1-3 εως 27,20.
426 London, Brit. Mus., Add. 39585 (earlier Curzon 66). Early XI. Century.
init. libri - 16,8 κληρους was restored in the late XI.
Century. In Br.-M. = x.
458 Messina, Bibl. Univ., S.Salv.62. XII. Century. Hexaplaric notes.
500 Vienna, Nat. Bibl., Suppl.gr.176 (earlier Nikolsburg, Dietr. Schlossbibl.
II 221). XI.-XII. Century. Cat. The ms had two scribes:
a) init libri - 3,2 δωρου 11,26 πας -fin libri, b) 3,2 και 2°-11,36
509 Leningrad, Φff. Staatsbibl., Gr.62. IX.-X. Century. in Br.-M. = a®MDSD―2®MDNM―.
527 Paris, Bibl de l’Arsenal, 8415. XIV. Century.
528 Paris, Bibl. Nat., Coisl.5. Written 1264. Cat.
529 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coisl.6. XIII. Century. Cat.
537 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Coisl. 184. XIII. Century.
550 Paris, Bibl. Nat., Gr.128. XII. Century. Cat.
551 Paris, Bibl Nat., Gr.129.XIII. Century. Cat.
552 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Gr. 132. XV. Century. Cat.
610 Paris, Bibl.Nat., Suppl.gr.609. XIV. Century.
615 Patmos ἰa’ωἀννου τοῦ θεολόγου, 216. XI. Century. Cat.
618 Patmos, ἰa’ωἀννου τοῦ θεολόγου, 410. ΧΙΙΙ. Century.
619 Patmos, ἰa’ωἀννου τοῦ θεολόγου, 411. 8,27 εναντι - 29
8,33 ουκ - 34 ταυτη 9,4 αναπεφυραμενην - 5 μαρτυριου 9,10 ανηνεγκεν
- 11 παρ[εμβολης]®LAHebrew― were restored by a later hand, since the
upper part of a leaf was cut off. The same scribe restored 9,19 και 2°
- 11,2 fin and 26,40 [εξα]γορευσουσι - fin libri, two omissions due to leaf
628 Leningrad, Φff. Staatsbibl., Gr. 124. XIII. Century. Contains besides
the Lev. text Tht ®MDIT―Lev®MDNM― in the form of a chain-catena.
630 Leningrad, Φff. Staatsbibl., Papadopulos-Kerameus 8. X. Century. Through
leaf loss it lacks 7,10 [κρε]ων - 28 τροπον 20,4 [υπεριδω]σιν - fin
642 Rome, Bibl. Vallicell., Gr.10. XII. Century. Contents: 16,1-17 αγιω.
646 Rome, Bibl.Vat. Barber.gr.474. XII. Century. Cat. The ms has a double
form. The first is collated under the symbol 4641. Through leaf loss it lacks
6,8-10,11 14,33-16,34 19,19 τα-24,4.
664 Rome, Bibl.Vat., Pii. gr.20. XIV. Century. Through leaf loss it lacks
8,10 του-9,1 υιους 25,19 και 2° - 53 μοσθω.
707 Sinai St. Catherine Monastery, Cod.gr.1. X.-XI. Century. The ms is badly
faded, and e silentio conclusions are not valid.
708 St. Catherine Monastery, Cod.gr.2. X. Century. Cat.
730 Venice, Bibl. Marc., Gr.15. XII. Century. Cat.
739 Venice, Bibl. Marc., Cr.534. X. Century. Cat.
761 Zόrich, Zentralbibl., C.II. XIII. Century. Cat.
767 Athos, ®MDNM―Λαύρα, 603. XIII.-XIV. Century. Through leaf loss it
lacks init libri 13,5 α[φοριει], as well as 23,34 τη -25,14 fin.
799 Athens, Nat. Bibl., 2491. Written 1280.
Manscripts not Collated
The following younger mss. were not collated, since they
would not yield an important text.
83 Lisbon, Arch. da Torre do Tombo, 670. XVI. Century. Cat.
350 Berlin, Staatsbibl., Phill. 1405. Written cir. 1540. Cat.
461 Μετε'ωρα, 216. ΧVΙ. Century
702 Rome, Bibl. Vat., Vat.gr.2131. XVI. Century. Cat.
723 Turin, Bibl. Naz., B.III.15. XVI. Century. Cat.
Not available was:
Rumania, Τόμ. 1 σελ. 371. Cat.
The following were destroyed by fire:
364 Με'γα πη'λαιον, Βε'ης 68. XIV. Century.
716 Smyrna, Ευ’αγγελ. χολη'. A-1. XII. Cewntury. Cat.
4. Papyri and Fragments
801 Jerusalem, Rockefeller Museum, 4QLXX Leva. I. Century B.C.E. Contents
(fragmentary): 26,2-16. Edition: P.W.Skeehan, The Qumran Manuscripts
and Textual Criticism, Supplement Vetus Testamentum 4. Leiden 1957, 157-159.
802 Jerusalem, Rockefeller Museum, 4QLXX Levb, I. Century B.C.E. Contents
(very fragmentary): 1,11 2,3-5 7-8 3,4 7(vid) 9-14 4,3-4 6-8 10-11
18-20 25 26-28 5,6(vid) 8-10 16-17(vid) 18-6,5.®FN1 My special thanks
go to Monseigneur P.W.Skehan† who in extraordinary kindness gave
me not only photographs but also a copy of his transcriptions.―
809 Vienna, Nat. Bibl.,P. Gr. Vind. 19893. VI. Century. Contents (fragm.):
8,14-15 17-19. Edition: P. Sanz, Griechische literarische Papyri christlichen
Inhalts I. Mittelilungen aus der Papyrusasammlung der Nationalbiblothek in
Wien (Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer). N.S. IV, Folge, Baden b. Wien 1946., 18-19.
858 Heidelberg, Inst. f. Papyrologie, P.Heid. Gr.945. III. Century. Contents
(fragm.): 19,16-19 31-33. Edition: Griech. Texte der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung
IV, ed. by B.Kramer and D. Hagedorn with contributions by C.Rφmer, B.H.Kraut
and F. Montanari. Verφffentl. a.d.Heidelb. Pap.-Samml., NF. publ. by Heidelb.
Akad. d.Wiss., phil.-hist. Kl., No.5. Heidelberg 1986.
931 Sinai, St. Catherine Monastery, Fragment 1. IV. Century. Contents: 22,3
αν 1°-8 θηριαλω[τον] 22,9 και 2°-14 κ[αι] 2° 22,16
init - 21 ευχην η 22,21 μωμος - 27 ημερας 22,28 [προβ]ατον -
23,3 εν 23,6 init - 12 πο[ιησετε] 23,12 [ενιαυ]σιον - 17
δεκα[των] 23,17 [πεφθη]σονται - 22 αγρουσου. Of these 22,1-8 21-27 are complete,
and the rest are fragmentary. Edition: J.R.Harris, Biblical Fragments from
Mount Sinai. London 1890, 57-64 (No.15). In Br.-M. = pNaό| | ®MDSD―6®MDNM―.
936 Munich, Bayer. Staatsbibl., Gr.610, No.2. V. Century. Contents (fragm.):
1,14 15 2,10-12. Edition: W. Gerhδuser and A. Rahlfs, Mόnchener Septuaginta-Fragmente,
MSU 1. Berlin 1913.
947 P.Oxyrh. 1225. IV. Century. Contents (fragm.): 16,33 34. Edition with
facs.: B.F.Grenfell and A.D. Hunt, The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Part X. London
954 P.Oxyrh. 1351. IV. Century. Contents: 27,12 15 16 19 20 24; of these
verses very few letters are extant. Edition with Facs. on the front side:
see ms 947, Part XI. London 1915.
5. The Greek Patristic Citations
For the problems with the proper assessment of patristic
citations see Genesis 29-30.
™he Following authors were compared.®FN1 A
collection of citations of the patristic witnesses marked with † were graciously
made available to the Unternehmen by the Centre d’Analyse et de Documentation
Patristiques in Strassburg.―
Anast = Anastasius Sinaita (PG 89)
Ast = Asterius Amasenuss
(PG 40,163-478_
Ath = Athanasius
I-III (Pg 25-27)
Barn = Epistula Barnabae
(ed. F.X.Funk-K.Bihlmeyer, 1956)†
Bas = Basilius Magnus
Caesariensis I-IV (PG 29-32)
CanAp = Canones apostolicae (TU 2,1-2’
ed. A.Harnack 1884)
Chr = Chrysostomus
I-XVIII (PG 47-64)
Clem = Clemens Alexandrinus I-III (GCS
12, 15, 17; ed. O.Stδhlin)†
Cyr = Cyrillus ALexandrinus
I-X (PG 68-77)
CyrHier = Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus (PG 33,331-1180)
DialTA = F.C.Conybeare, The Dialogues of Athanasius and
Zaccheus and of Timothy and Aquila, Anecdota Oxoniensia, Class. Ser.
I, 8 Oxford, 1898
Did = Didymus Alexandrinus,
Kommentar zu Sacharja (Tura-Papyrus) (SC 83-85; ed. H.L.Doutreleau, 1962)†.
Cited according to the Papyrus page
= Kommentar zum Ecclesiastes
(Tura Pypyrus) Pt. I.1 Ch. 1-2,14) ed. G.Binder & L.Liesenborghs;
Pt.II (Ch. 3-4,12)
ed. Gronewald; Pt.III (Ch. 5-6) ed. J.Kremer; Pt.IV (Ch. 7-
8,8) ed. J.Kramer & B.Krebber; Pt.V. (Ch. 9,8-10,20) ed.M.
Gronewald; Pt.VI (Ch. 11-12) ed. G.Binder & L.Liesenborghs, PTA 25,22,13,16,24,9.
Cited acccording to Papyrus page & Column
= Kommentar zu Hiob (Tura Papyrus), PTA 1,2,3; Vol. 1
& 2 ed A. Hendrichs; Vol.3 ed. U.& D.Hagedorn & L. Koenen. Cited
as in ®MDIT―Eccl®MDNM―
= Psalmenkommentar (Tura Papyrus), I-V ed..
L.Koenen & R. Merkelbach, PTA 7,4,8,6,12. Cited as in ®MDIT―Eccl®MDNM―
DionAl = Dionysius Alexandrinus (.Feltoe,
®MDIT―Λεἰψανα®MDNM―. The Letter and Other Remains of Dionysius of
Alexandria, Cambridge 1904 [Cambridge Patr. Texts]
Epiph = Epiphanius I-III (GCS 25,31,37;
ed. K. Holl
Eus = Eusebius Caesariensis
I,II,III 1,IV,VI,VIII 1,2 (GCS 7; ed. E.Klostermann. GCS 9,1-3: ed. E.Schwartz.
GCS 11,14; ed.
E.Klostermann. GCS 23; ed. I.A.Heikel. GCS 43, 1,2; ed. K. Mras).
IX (GCS; ed. J.Ziegler)
= Commentaria in Psalmos (PG 23 24)
Hipp = Hippolyus
®MDIT―Elenchos®MDNM― = Elenchos
(GCS 26; ed. P.Wendland
Isid = Isidorus Pelusiota
(PG 78)
Iust = Iustinus Martyr
(ed. H.Hemmer & P.Lejay. 1909†
®MDIT―Dial®MDNM― = Dialogus cum Tryphoni
(ed. G.
Mac = Macarius Aegyptus
(PG 34)
Meth = Methodius (GCS 27. Ed. N.Bonwetsch)
®MDIT―Convivium®MDNM― = Convivium
(SC 95; ed. H.Musurillo and V.H.
Debidour, 1963) †
Nil = Nilus Ancyranus
(PG 79)
Or = Origines I-IV,
VI, IX, X, XII (GCS 2,3; ed. P. Koetschau. GCS 6; ed. E.Klostermann. GCS
10; ed. E.Preuschen. GCS 29 ed. W.A.Baerens. GCS 49(35); ed. M.Rauer. GCS
40 and 41,1; ed. E.Klostermann. GCS 41,2; ed. E.Klostermann & L. Frόchtel)
= Contra Celsum I-VIII (SC 132,136,147, 150; ed.
Borret, 1967-1969)†
= Le Commentaire d’Origθne sur Rom 3,5-5.7
ed. J. Scherer†
= Philon Iudaeus ALexandrinus (Opera; ed. L. Cohn &
P. Wendland, Berlin 1896ff)
Procop = Procopius
Gazaeus (PG 87)
= Ptolemaeus Gnosticus, Epistula ad Floram. SC 24; ed.
= Severianus Gabalitanus (PG 56, 429-516)
Th =
Theodorus Mopsuestenus (PG 66)
= Theodoretus Cyrensis I-V (PG 80-84)
= Quaestiones in Genesis (TECC 17; ed. N. Fernαndez
Marcos and A.Saenz-Badillos, 1979)
= Quaestiones in Leviticum (TECC 17)
II. The Old Versions
In the ranking of the versions, the Old Latin stands first
in the
Apparatus, in which the ms are listed first, followed by the Fathers; the
remaining versions follow these in alphabetic order.
For the problems connected with the Versions in geneal
see Genesis 33-34.
1. The Old Latin Version = La®FN1 I would
like to tender my special thanks to H.J.Frede and W. Thiele of the Vetus
Latina Institut in Beuron for their friendly support, by which it became
possible for me to investigate the wealth of materials in the Institute on
site relevant to my work. They offered me the use of their enormous
collection of patristic evidence not only, but also enabled me to make a
new collation of the marginal notes on mss 91-96.―
The following mss were collated:
91: Lιon, S. Isidoro, Codex Gothicus Legionensis. Written 960.
92: Lιon, S. Isidoro 1.3 (Legionensis 2). Written 1162. Copy of 91.
94: Escorial, Biblioteca de S.Lorenzo 54. V.35. Written 1561.
95: Madrid, Acad. de la Historia 2-3. XII. Century.
96: Calahorra, Catedral 2. Written 1183.
Mss 91-96 are Vulgate mss which contain marginal readings which
are attributed to LXX, Al and T. Only 95 in the main fails to indicate their
derivation. The attributions LXX and GR (= Graecus), for which no distinction
could be discovered, have not been noted in the apparatus, whereas readings
of Al (aliter or alia) and T (tertius) are noted. The notes designated
by Al (for aliter or alia) show a close relation to the readings of ms. 100.
100 Lyon, Bibl. de la Ville, Ms 403 + 1964. VII. Century. The ms lacks 18,30
- 25,13 αριθμον 2°. Edition: U. Robert, Pentateuchi versio latina antiquissima
e codice Lugdunensi. Paris 1881.
101 Naples, Bibl. Nazionale, lat.1. V. Century. Palimpsest. Contents: 1,1-3,2σκηνης
5,10 ως-6,20 πρωι 8,5 ενετειλατο-33 θυρας. Collated on the basis of
P. Bonifacius Fischer’s decipherment.
103 Wόrzburg, Univ. Bibl., Mp. theol.fol.64a. V. Century. Palimpsest. Contents:
4,23-35 5,1-4 (fragm.) 4-8 10 (fragm.) 11-6,2 7,2-11 16-20 (fragm.)
23-27 (fragm.) 28-8,3 (fragm.) 6-15 (fragm.) 11,7-9 12-16
22-25 27-36 (fragm.) 37-47 17,14-18,21 19,31-20,3 12-16
(very fragm.) 20-21,2 22,19-29 23,5-9 (fragm.). Edition: E. Ranke,
Par palimpsestorum Wirceburgensium Antiquissimae Veteris Testamenti
versionis Latinae fragmenta. Vienna 1871.
104 Munich, Bayer. Staatsbibl., Lat. Monac. 6225. VI. Century. Palimpsest.
Contents (fragmentary): 3,17-4,25 11,12-13,6 14,17-15,10
18,18-20,3. Edition: L.Ziegler, Bruchstόcke einer vorhieronymianischen
άbersetzung des Pentateuch aus eiem Palimpseste der K. Hof- und Staatsbibl.
zu Mόnchen. Munich 1883.
For the textual character of Vetus Latina comp. A.V.Billen,
The Old Latin Texts of the Heptateuch, Camridge 1927. As in Numbers and Deuteronomium
citations of mss and the Fathers were made, rather than by text types as
in Genesis. The character of the Vetus Latina texts of Leviticus are characteried
as in Numbers and Deuteronomium as homogeneous. Also in the case of Leviticus
the rendering of the Greek hexaplaric text (LaO in Genesis), and the translations
from the Greek related to PsPhil, i.e. those not dependent on La are, however,
cited within the series of Latin Fathers. The designation La is used
whenever all Old Latin witnesses agree.
Abbreviatons for the Latin Patristic citations. The abbreviations
placed in parentheses are those found in Frede, Verzeichnis, where all further
information can be found.
Ambr (AM) = Ambrosius
®MDIT―Ep®MDNM― (ep) = Epistulae
®MDIT―Fuga®MDNM― (fu) = De fuga saeculi
®MDIT―Luc®MDNM― (Lc) = Expositio Evangelii secundum
®MDIT―Noe®MDNM― (noe) = De Noe
®MDIT―Off min®MDNM― (off) = De officiis minisitrorum
®MDIT―Ps 118®MDNM― (118 Ps) = Expositio de Psalmo
®MDIT―Sat®MDNM― (Sat) = De excessu fratris Satyri
®MDIT―Tob®MDNM― (Tb) = De Tobia
Amrst (AMst) = Ambrosiaster
®MDIT―Quaest®MDNM― (q) = Quaestiones V. et N.T.
®MDIT―Rom®MDNM― (Rm) = Commentarius in Epistulas
Aug (Au) = Augustinus
®MDIT―C Adim®MDNM― (Ad) = Contra Adimantum
®MDIT―Faust®MDNM― (Fau) = Contra Faustum Manicheum
libri 33
®MDIT―Iul imp®MDNM― (Jul im) = Contra secundam Iuliani responsionem
imperfectum opus
®MDIT―Lev®MDNM― (Lv) = Locutionum in Heptateuchum
libri 7
®MDIT―Num®MDNM― (Nm) = Quaestiones de Numeris
®MDIT―Parmen®MDNM― (Par) = Contra epistulam Parmeniani
libri 3
®MDIT―Ps®MDNM― (Ps) = Enarrationes in Psalmos
Caes (CAE) = Caesarius
®MDIT―Serm®MDNM― (s) = Sermones
Cassiod (CAr) = Cassiodorus
®MDIT―Compr®MDNM― (cpl) = Complexiones in epistulis
Apostolorum et Actibus
eorum et Apocalypsi
®MDIT―1 Cor, 2 Cor®MDNM― (1-2 Cor) = Expositio
in epistulae S. Pauli
®MDIT―Ps®MDNM― (Ps) = Expositio Psalmorum
Chrom (CHRO) = Chromatus
®MDIT―Matth®MDNM―(Mt) = Tractatus in Matthaeum
Concil(Cyr) (CYR:CO) = Scholia de incarnatione Unigeniti
ConcilTur (CO-Tur) = Concilia Turonensia
Cyp (CY) = Cyprianus
®MDIT―Ep®MDNM― (ep) = Epistulae
®MDIT―Laps®MDNM― (lap) = De lapsis
®MDIT―Quir®MDNM― (te) = Ad Quirinum seu testimoniorum
libri 3
Eucher (EUCH) = Eucherius
®MDIT―Form®MDNM― (int) = Formulae spiritalis intelligentiae
EusEm (EUS-E) = Euselius of Emesa
Fulg (FU) = Fulgentius
®MDIT―Tras®MDNM― (Thr) = Ad Trasamundum libri
GregIl (GR-I) = Gregor of Illiberis
®MDIT―Tr®MDNM― (tr) = Tractatus Origenis
Hes (HES) = Hesychius of Jerusalem
Hi (HI) = Hieronymus
®MDIT―Agg®MDNM― (Agg) = Commentariorum in Aggaeum
prophetam ad Paulam et
Eustochium liber
®MDIT―C Pel®MDNM― (Pel) = Dialogi contra Pelagianos
libri 3
®MDIT―Ep®MDNM― (ep) = Epistulae
®MDIT―Ezech®MDNM― (ez) = Commentariorum in Hiezechielem
libri 14
®MDIT―Helv®MDNM― (Hel) = Adversos Helvidium de
Mariae virginitate perpetua
®MDIT―Is®MDNM― (Is) = Commentariorum in Esaiam
libri 18
®MDIT―Luc®MDNM― (Lc) = Origenis in Lucam homiliae
®MDIT―Mal®MDNM― (Mal) = Commentariorum in Malachiam
prophetam ad
Minervium et Alexandrum liber
®MDIT―Or in Ezech hom®MDNM― (Ez h) = Origenis
in Ezechielem homiliae 14
®MDIT―Pach®MDNM― (Pach) = Pachomiana
®MDIT―Quaest®MDNM― (q) = Hebraicae quaestiones
in libro Geneseos
Hiln (HILn) = Quintus Iulius Hilarianus
®MDIT―Pasch®MDNM― (pa) = De ratione paschae et
IohCass (CAn) = Johannes Cassianus
®MDIT―Conlat®MDNM― (co) = Conlationes Patrum 24
®MDIT―Inst®MDNM― (in) = De institutis coenobiorum
et de octo principalium
vitiorum remedis libri 12
Isid (IS) = Isidor
®MDIT―Fid®MDNM― (fi) = De fide catholica ex Veteri
et Novo Testamento contra
Iudaeos ad Florentinam sororem
®MDIT―Off®MDNM― (off) = De ecclesiasticis officiis
libri 2
Luc (LUC) = Lucifer of Cagliari
®MDIT―Athan®MDNM― (Ath) = De Athanasio libri 2
MissMoz (M-M) = Missale Mozarabicum
Pac (PAC) = Pacianus
®MDIT―Paen®MDNM― (par) = Paraenesis ad paenitentiam
Pel (PEL) = Pelagius, Brite
®MDIT―2 Cor®MDNM― (2Cor) = Expositiones XIII Epistularum
S. Pauli
®MDIT―Ep et tr®MDNM― (Casp 2-6) = Epistulae et
tractatus a C.P.Caspari edita,
®MDIT―Rom®MDNM― (Rm) = Expositiones XIII Epistularum
S. Pauli
PsAmbr (PS-AM) = Pseudo-Ambrosius
®MDIT―Lex®MDNM― (lex) = Lex Dei sive Mosaicarum
et Romanarum legum collatio
®MDIT―Mans®MDNM― (man) = De XLII mansionibus filiorum
®MDIT―Trin®MDNM― (tr) = De Trinitate alias in
Symbolum Apostolorum tractatus
PsCyp (PS-CY) = Pseudo-Cyprianus
®MDIT―Aleat®MDNM― (al) = De aleatoribus
PsHi (PS-HI) = Pseudo-Hieronymus
®MDIT―Ep®MDNM― (ep) = Epistulae
PsPhil (PS-PHo) = Pseudo-Philo, Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum
Quodv (QU) = Quodvultdeus
®MDIT―Prom®MDNM― (pro) = Liber promissionum et
praedictorum Dei
Ruf (RUF) = Rufinus
®MDIT―Cant®MDNM― (Ct) = Commentarius Origenis
in Ct
®MDIT―Gen®MDNM― (Gn) = Origenis in Gn homiliae
®MDIT―Lev®MDNM― (Lv) = Origenis in Lv homiliae
®MDIT―Num®MDNM― (Nm) = Origenis in Nm homiliae
®MDIT―Or princ®MDNM― (pri) = Origenis libri De
®MDIT―Reg S Bas®MDNM― (reg) = Regula S. Basilii
ad monachos
®MDIT―Rom®MDNM― (Rm) = Origenis Commetarius in
SedScot (SED-S) = Sedulius Scottus
Spec (PS-AU spe) = Liber de divinis scripturis sive Speculum quod fertur
S. Augustini
Tert (TE) = Tertullianus
®MDIT―Ieiunio®MDNM― (je) = De ieiunio adversos
®MDIT―Marc®MDNM― (Marc) = Adversos Marcionem libri
®MDIT―Monog®MDNM― (mon) = De monogamia
®MDIT―Pud®MDNM― (pud) == De pudicitia
®MDIT―Scorp®MDNM― (sco) = Scorpiace
Zeno (ZE) = Zeno of Verona
2. The Ethiopic Version = Aeth
The collation of the Ethiopic translation of Lev was made
from O.Boyd’s edition and according to the text of cod M; for both cf Genesis
43-44. For the dating of the Colophon in cod. P see Deueronomium 31.
3. The Arabic Version = Arab
Cf Genesis 44-46.
4. The Armenian Version = Arm
The old Armenian version was collated from Zohrab’s edition
of 1805. See further on Arm Genesis 46-47 and Numeri 26.
5. The Coptic Versions = Co
a) The Bohairic Version = Bo
As in Numeri and Deuteronomium (see
31-32) two mss were collated for Bo
Paris, Bibl. Nat., Coptic 1, 1356
Rome, Bibl. Vat., Coptic 1. IX.-X. Century.
If the two texts differ the Paris ms
is called BoA, and the Roman
one BoB, For the Bohairic Version in general see Genesis 47.
b) The Sahidic Version = Sa
The Sahidic text for Leviticus is practically entirely
extant in Sa1. Various pages of the ms are very difficult to read; accordingly
no e silentio conclusions are valid. In another seven mss smaller or larger
fragments of Leviticus are extant. For the Sahidic in general see Genesis
48. The following mss were collated:
Sa1 = New York, J. Pierpont Morgan Library, Copt. ms. 566. See H. Hyvernat,
A check-list of Coptic Manuscripts in The Pierport Morgan
Library, New York 1909, p.3, No.1 and Biblothecae Pierpont
Morgan Codices Coptici photographice expressi. Rome 1922. Lacking are 14,33-15,13
and 27,16-25.
Sa2 = G. Maspιro, Fragments de la version thιbaine de l’Ancien Testament.
Mιm. publ. par les membres de la mission arch. fr. au Caire VI, fasc.1. Paris
1892. Contents: 6,6-25 λεγων 6,39 επ-11,3 11,4-9 (fragm.) 13-18
(fragm.) 21-23 (fragm,) 13,4 ταπεινη-39 18,30 τα-20,11
γναικοςσου 21,5 ταςσαρκας-22,9 ινα 23,3 εργα-25,38 27,26
τω-27 των 1° 29 30 33 αλλαξης-34.
Sa3 = A. Ciasca, Sacrorum Bibliorum fragmenta copto-sahidica Musei Borgiani
iussu et sumptibus S. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide edita. Tom. I, Rome
1885. Contents: 7,24 Ααρων-13,39 ιδου 14,8-29 εξιλασεται 15,25
ρυσεως-19,16 πορευση 19,34 αυτον-20,16 προσελευσεται 23,5-12
26,15 διασκεδασαι-30 27,15 δε-31 ανθρωπος.
α4 O. von Lemm,, Sahidische Bibelfragmente. Bulletin de l’Acadιmie Impιriale
des Sciences de Saint-Pιtersbourg. Ve Sιrie, XXV,4. St. Pιtersbourg 1906.
Cod. orient. Berolin. in fol.1605, fol.2. Contents: 2,3 Ααρων-3,5 επι ult.
Sa5 = L.Th. Lefort, Les Manuscrits Coptes de l’Universitι de Louvain. Louvain
1940. Contents: 21.17 ου-22,8 εν.
Sa6 = W.Till, Sahidische Fragmente des Alten Testaments. Le Musιon 50(1937),
180f. Vienna, Nat. Bibl., K. 2596. Contents (fragmentary): 25,47 53-55.
Sa7 = C. Wesseley, Griechische und koptische Texte theologischen Inhalts
IV. Studien zur Palδographie und Papyruskunde XV. Leipzig 1914. Vienna, Nat.
Bibl., K.9387. Contents: 25,6-20 εαν.
Sa8 = J.Schleifer, Bruchstόcke d. sahidischen Bibelόbersetzung: Sitzb. d.
Kais.Akad.d.Wiss. in Wien, philos.-hist. Kl. 170, I. Vienna 1912. London,
Brit. Mus., Or. 3579A. Contents: 19,4-7.
6. The Palestiniah-Syriac Version = Pal
Pal was collated from The Bible in the Syropalestinian
Version, ed. M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, Part I Pentateuch and Prophets. Jerusalem
1973. This edition is a collation of all previously known as well as of newly
found texts of Pal for the Pentateuch and the Prophets. For Leviticus it
contains only two fragments, which were first published by A.S.Lewis, Codex
Climaci Rescriptus, Horae Semiticae VIII. Cambridge 1909. Contents: 8,18
Ααρων-30 fin and 11,42 επι ult-12,8 ολοκαυτωμα.
7. The Syro-hexaplaric Version = Syh
The following texts were collated:
SyhT = Turb‘Abdin Ms. Edition: A Vφφbus, The Pentateuch in the Version
of the Syro-Hexapla. A facsimile edition of a Midyat Ms. discovered 1964.
Corp. Scr. Chr. Or. 369. Louvain 1975. The following pieces of text are absent
because of leaf loss: 20,14 εν υμιν-21,9 εκπορνευσαι (A page has been ripped
out. Fragments of 20,21-24 and 21,5-9 are preserved) and 26,46 των-fin libri.
SyhB = W. Baars, New Syro-hexaplaric Texts. Leiden 1968. Contents: 8,1-3
θυραν 23,33-41 υμων.
SaG = M.H.Gottstein, Neue Syrohexaplafragmente. Biblica 37(1956), 162-183.
British Museum, Add. 14495. Contents: 19,11-19 φυλαξεσθε. J.Gwynn, Remnants
of the Later Syriac Versions of the Bible, Pt.II. London 1909. British Museum,
Add. 12139. Contents: 26,42-46 Ισραηλ.
Besides these Barh and Ish were also
With the discovery of SyrT the text of this translation
of Lev has been made available to scholars for the first time. As in the
other books of the Pentateuch Syh is one of the chief witnesses to the hexaplaric
recension. Syh constitutes, even though not entirely trustworthy, for the
greater part of the book, where cod G is lacking, the only witness for the
hexaplaric signs. Furthermore, the significance of Syh for the reconstruction
of the ®MDIT―ο®MDNM―b' text of the hexapla in full can hardly be
overstated, since ms 426 which is a chief witness for the hexaplaric text
in other books is extant only from 16,8.
III. The Printed Editions
The three large oldest Bibles: Aldina
(Ald), Complutensis Compl) and the Sixtina (Sixt) are particularly important.
They have been fully collated for this edition. The principles which govern
their citation are given below. Only the Sixtina has been reprinted numerous
times; in this edition only the original text has been used.
1. Aldina (Ald)
In Leviticus Ald is especially closely related to the
ms-pair 68b'. These in turn are related to 120; and where this is not available,
to 29. All four mss were in the possession of Cardinal Bessarion, and their
text has been influencial either directly or indirectly on the text of Ald.
It has also been established that Ald has a number of variants which are
witnessed by ®MDIT―oI®MDNM―. Ald is only noted in the Apparatus when
it has unique readings or variants which permit further conclusions for the
developement of its textual form.
2. Complutensis (Compl)
The text of Compl is based in large part of mss 19b'®MDIT―®MDNM―.
but it also supports variants which are found in the ®MDIT―f®MDNM―-group.
The notation of Compl readings is treated in the same fashion as Ald. As
for its unique readings it must be said that these do not come from a lost
Greek parent text, but go back to the editor of Compl; note some otherwise
unsupported instances of MT influence.
3. Sixtina (Sixt)
Of all the old printed editions Sixt shows the closest
dependence on a single ms. It presents almost exclusively the text of B;
if B is corrected it mainly supports B®MDIT―c ®MDIT―®MDNM―.
Since little is known of other mss which were used in the creation of B,
whenever Sixt does not support B, B or B®MDIT―c ®MDIT―®MDNM―,
it is noted in the Apparatus. Purely orthographic variants, which might be
interessst in certain cases, as with spellings of names, are not considered
for B.
4. Grabe (Gr)
See Genesis 53,
5. Holmes-Parsons (H.-P.)
See Genesis 54.
6. Lagarde
The text of Lagarde is that of his reconstructed Lucianic
text of the books Genesis to Esther. The edition is not used for the Apparatus.
6. Brooke-McLean (Br.-M.)
See Genesis 54-55. The edition Exodus-Leviticus appeared
in 1909. Also in the edition list of divergences from Br.-M. are given in
a Supplement. The list does not, hwoever, contain any material which Br.-M.
took over from H.-P.
7. Rahlfs Ra)
Ra refers to the manual edition of the Greek Old Testament;
for Leviticus it is essentially based on a comparison of the uncials A and
®LAHebrew― ®LAHebrew―®SZ14PT―®MDIT―®MDBO―B
®MDBO―The Text History
®SZ12PT― The text history has been thoroughly discussed in J.W.Wevers
THGL®MDIT―®MDNM―. Only such information will be given here which
is necessary for the use of this edition.
I. Recensions and Textgroups in the LXX-tradition
1. The ®MDIT―O®MDNM― recension
®MDIT―O®MDNM― = G-58-376-426(from 16,8) Syh
®MDIT―oI®MDNM― = 15-64-381-618-708
®MDIT―oII®MDNM― = 29-72-82-707
®MDIT―®MDIT―O®MDNM―b'b‡ = ®MDIT―O + oI + oII®MDNM―
64b' = 64 + 708 72b' = 72 + 707 376b' = 376 + 426 381b'
= 381 + 618
Hexaplaric signs are found chiefly only in G and in Syh;
they are found in mss which do not present the ®MDIT―O®MDNM―-text.
2. The ®MDIT―C®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―®MDIT―C®MDNM― = 16-46-77-131-500-529-739
®MDIT―cI®MDNM― = 57-73-320-413-528-550-552-761
®MDIT―cII®MDNM― = 52-313-414-417-422-551-615
®MDNM―16b' = 16 + 46 52b' = 52 + 615 57b' = 57 + 413
73 = 73 + 320
77b' = 77 + 131 414b' = 414 + 551 500b' = 500 + 739
528b' = 528 + 761
550b' = 550 + 552
The ®MDIT―C®MDNM―b'®MDNM―b‡-Group presents
a widely diffused text type,, which is preserved particularly in Catena-mss.
Except for the mss 16-46-131 all the mss of this group are Catena mss. On
the other hand, ther are six catena mss which are not members of the ®MDIT―C®MDNM―
group, namely two from the codices mixti, 18 and 646, 128 which is a ®MDIT―z®MDNM―
text, the ®MDIT―oI®MDNM― ms 708, and the ®MDIT―s®MDNM― ms
730. Ms 424 also represents the ®MDIT―C®MDNM―b'®MDNM―b‡ text
type, but is such a condensed text that it would be difficult to record it
the ®MDIT―C®MDNM― group, and has been assigned to the codd mixti
for convenience’ sake.
3. The ®MDIT―b®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―b®MDNM― = 19-108-118-314-537
19b' = 19 + 108 118b' = 118 + 314
The group often divides into 19b' and 118b'-537, but
usually it constitutes a closed group.
4. The ®MDIT―d®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―d®MDNM― = 44-106-107-125-610
44b' = 44 + 106 107b' = 107 + 610 125b' = 107 + 125
On the character of the ®MDIT―d®MDNM―-group as
the chief representative of the Byzantine text see THGN.
5. The ®MDIT―f®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―f®MDNM―-Group = 53-56-129-246-664
53b' = 53 + 664 56b' = 56 + 246
Ms 129 ofen deviates from the group.
6. The ®MDIT―n®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―n®MDNM― = 54-75-127-458-767
54b' - 54 + 127 75b' = 75 + 458
Ms 54 has a few hexaplaric readings in its text.
7. The ®MDIT―s®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―s®MDNM― = 30-85-130-321-343-344-346-730
30b' = 30 + 730 85b' = 85 + 130 321b' = 321 + 346 343b'
= 343 + 344
The mss of the ®MDIT―s®MDNM―-group contain numerous
hexaplaric readings on the margins.
8. The ®MDIT―t®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―t®MDNM― = 74-76-84-134-370
74b' = 74 + 134 76b' = 76 + 370
As in Genesis the ®MDIT―t®MDNM―-group is closely
related to the ®MDIT―d®MDNM―-group.
9. The ®MDIT―x®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―x®MDNM― = 71-509-527-619
71b' = 71 + 619
10. The ®MDIT―y®MDNM―-Group
®MDUL―®MDNM―®MDIT―y®MDNM― = 121-318-392
11. The ®MDIT―z®MDNM―-Group
®MDIT―z®MDNM― = 68-120-122-126-128-407-628-630
68b' = 68 + 122 120b' = 120 + 407 126b' = 126 + 128
628b' = 628 + 630
68-120b' quite often diverges from the others, but usually
the group
is closed as a group.
II. The younger Greek Versions
On the character of the second Apparatus see Genesis 59-60.
The readings
brought together in Apparatus II, which come in the main from the hexapla
especially as αb'σb' and θb' readings, are usually marginalia from the
Only seldom are there direct references to the later versions in the text
of the mss themselves, as for ex. in ms. 54. The situation is quite different
in the Catenas, where the non-LXX readings are to be found either within
the commentaries of the Fathers or as independent catena fragments. Accordingly
the catena texts have been systematically excerpted of non-LXX materials
germane to the second apparatus. Since ®MDIT―C®MDNM―b'®MDNM―b‡
is not the equivalent to “catena mss”, some clarification is necessary for
the nomenclature within Apparatus II. The designaton ®MDIT―C®MDNM―b'®MDNM―b‡
can hardly involve the non-catena mss 16 46 and 131. In fact, the evidence
for such readings extends beyond ®MDIT―C®MDNM―b'®MDNM―b‡ and
includes the other catena mss (18 128 646 708 730) as well, which are separately
listed as supporters; though it must be added that the readings
of 128 throughout and the majority for 708 do not actually stem from the
catena tradition.
The intent of c a t and c o m m has not changed; similarly
also in Leviticus in so
far as the source of a c o m m-reading can be verified, the witness for
the Father would be named.
As to the witnesses for non-LXX readings the usual picture
is attested in
Leviticus as well. The most readings are again to be found in the mss Mb'
(M = 664; 416 = 577) as well as the ®MDIT―s®MDNM― mss: 344 (= 488),
130 (= 448), 321 (= 435), 85 (= 389), 346 (=380), 343 (= 43). Next come the
Catena mss, of which the ®MDIT―C®MDNM―b'®MDNM―b‡ group present
100 readings. ms 18 = 94, 730 = 64. and the damaged ms 646 = 35 cases, while
the rogue mss over against the other catenas, 128 and 708 witness to only
29 and 14 resp.
For the ®MDIT―O®MDNM―b'b‡-mss once again in Leviticus
it is only Syh which yields
substantial material with 51 cases, whereas the other ®MDIT―O®MDNM―b'b‡
witnesses only show an occasional instance: 58 = 35, 707 = 16, 376 = 3, and
64 = 1. This situation is similar for all other witnesses, except for Fb
(= 68). This appears from the following: a) mss.: 56 = 25, 108 = 24,
458 = 21, 54 = 14, F = 8, 118 = 7, 314 = 5, Fa and 127 each = 2; b) patristic
witnesses: Hes = 57, Tht = 7, Procop = 6, Eus = 5, Barh = 4, Ish = 1 instance.
It is worthy of notice that non-LXX readings in Leviticus
remain anonymous to a large extent. Of the ca 1400 readings,about 66% (=916);
10% (139), of the cases present a summary source indication, such as οἰa‘
λb', οι ε‘'τεροι, or as αb'σb' or θb' or some other named source, while
6.7% each name αb' orσb' (96 and 94 resp.), 5% name οb', about 4.4% (61)
for θb', and 1.2% (18) name το`σαμb',
A basis for the large number of anonymous readings, which
incidentally helps to explain the relatively large amount of non-LX material
involved, might be sought in the fact that many readings are repeatedly attested;
in such cases as a rule the first mention is often given with source, whereas
the repeats may well lack the name of the source. For example, the reading
ιωβηλ is given four times together with source (θb' in 25,29;σb' θb' b’εβρb'
in 25,11 13 28), and ten times is anonymous (25,12 15 28 30 31 33 40 50 52
27,17). Beyond that, this example points to the fact that the majority of
these anonymous readings belong to αb'σb' and θb'.
As a further source to which a large number of anonymous
readings can be assigned. the Samaritan Targum may be named; its Greek translation
of the mss in a rather few cases show a direct relation to το`σαμ(αρειτικον).
Since the fact that eleven of the thirteen cases which are found under the
name το`σαμb' in the catena mss, are also found, either directly or indirectly
in Cod.M, which are throughout
s nom, similar anoonymous readings of M which were not readings of the three,
but did seem to represent MT, were compared to the Samaritan Targum of Petermann.
This produced 74 instances, a number large enough to warrant their being
noted in apparatus II. These were noted under the designation either
= SamA r a m or cf SamA r a m.
It was interesting that the readings of SamA r a m
almost exclusively agreed with those in M and the Catenas, but was not witnessed
by mss of the ®MDIT―s®MDNM―-Group, for which only one instance, 14,3
η’^ρταε 85b', obtained. This discovery reflects once again the still unsolved
problem in connection with the particular tradition-historical conditions
which lay behind the non-LXX readings. An edition can in any event only add
some clarification by bringing out these materials. This means that these
non-LXX readings in Leviticus must be included. Only such materials should
be omitted that seems certain to be exegetical gloss or lexical comment.
Thus the readings which were uncertain®FN1 My special thanks are due
to D. Fraenkel who in the course of his collating the hexaplaric materials
for this edition became aware of the relation between the M marginal
readings and SamA r a m (see also Field, pp.329ff.) and so compared all
the non-LXX readings with SamA r a m, His results have been included
in Apparatus II.―, were placed in the Apparatus.
®SZ14PT― ®MDBO―C Re this Edition
The general layout of the Genesis edition was retained
for Leviticus as well. The changes over against earlier volumes of the Gφttingen
Septuaginta are in part repeated from the Genesis volume.
1. The Introduction
The introduction is limited to those materials which are
immediately necessary for the user of the volume. An extensive discussion,
especially of the text history is to be found in THGL. Deviations from Br.-M
are collectively listed in an Appendix, which in spite of their importance
are not absolutely necessary for the use of this edition.
As in Genesis the Orthographica- and Grammatica-discussion
has been placed in a Supplement. It is limited, however, to fewer instances
of this discussion that might help to understand some passages. For the construction
of the edition the editor had to distinguish between real variants and variants
which were only orthographic in nature; only the former were taken up in
the first apparatus. Only for names are ®MDIT―all®MDNM― variants
cited in the apparatus.
2. The Critical Text
As in the Genesis edition, proper nouns are supplied with
accents, and where appropriate with spiritus lenis or spiritus asper. The
principles which were followed in the Genesis edition are also followed in
this edition. The reader is referred to Genesis 62-63.
3. List of Sources
Between the text and the apparatus all the ms witnesses
and versions are named in the same order as that in the apparatuses. For
this see the following paragraphs. A witness whose text is fragmentary appears
in parentheses, e.g. (931). Should the text of a witness begin on a particular
page a hyphen follows, e.g. (931-). Should such a reference end there, the
hyphen would precede, e.g. (-931).
It is also noted in the list when a piece of text fails
for some external reason. E.g., should ms 314 lack some text due to leaf
loss the notation would read ®MDIT―b®MDNM―- 3 1 4. This would
show that the entire ®MDIT―b®MDNM―-group except for ms 314 (which
belongs to ®MDIT―b®MDNM―) contains the text of the page involved.
The abbreviation al (for alia manuscripta) refers to mss
which could not be assigned to any text group, i.e. the so-called codices
mixti as well as those mss too broken or damaged to be classified. The expression
verss refers to all versions which contain the complete text of Leviticus.
Versions whose Leviticus text is not complete, such as Pal, are placed at
the end of the source list.
4. Apparatus I
The evidence for a variant is always given in a special
order: a) the uncial mss in alphabetic order, b) the papyri in numerical
order, c) the witnesses of ®MDIT―O®MDNM―b'b‡ mss, d) the
witnesses of ®MDIT―C®MDNM―b'®MDNM―b‡, e) the remaining text
families (cf Section B I supra), in alphabetic order, f) the codices mixti,
g) the rest of the Greek witnesses in the following order: N.T. witnesses,
Phil, followed by the other Greek Patristics in alphabetic order, h) the
Latin texts in numerical order, followed by the Latin Fathers in alphabetic
order. The Latin witnesses are (except for unique readings of a Father) always
introduced by a raised L a t, i) the remaning versions in alphabetic order,
and j) other witnesses or commentaries.
Over against the Genesis edition only the notation of
the Latin witnesses has changed. The various text types, such as LaK, LaI,
etc. could not be used, and the designation La in Leviticus is only used
to indicate that all Latin witnesses agree (cf Section A II 1. supra). This
change was necessary since up to the present no critical edition of the Vetus
Latina for Leviticus has appeared, and so no secure basis of the classification
of Latin witnesses according to text types is possible (cf Section A II 1
supra.). For the same reason it was necessary to record the witness of the
Latin Fathers immediately after the Latin mss. For the changes in the notation
which the Pentateuch editions have in common over against the other editions
of the Gφttingen Septuaginta, see Genesis 64.
5. Apparatus II
The theory that underlies the second apparatus was explained
above under B II. Unless otherwise stated the recorded variants are throughout
marginal readings. Readings of the younger translators which are found in
the commentary texts of catena mss are designated by a raised c o m m,
(for ex. 77c o m m). Should such a reading be attributed to a certain
Father, his name would be added, (for ex 77c o m m T h t). Readings
within the catenas which are not in a commentary, are noted by a raised c
a t (for ex. 77c a t).
®SZ14PT―®MDBO―D Signs and Abbreviations
®MDNM―®SZ9PT―- = up to, for
ex. L a tcodd 94-96 = L a tcodd 94 95 96 or
also used to indicate mss within a
group, for ex. 44-125-610 or
L a tcodd 94-96 = L a t codd
94 95 96
®MDIT―C- 1 6 Mss deviating from
a group are shown by a raised minus
sign, so ®MDIT―C- 1 6
means all of ®MDIT―C®MDNM― except 16®MDNM―. Similarly Aeth-
means all the Aeth texts except F®MDNM―.
®MDIT―C®MDNM―( - 1 6 ) indicates that ms 16
has a larger omission than the other
members of ®MDIT―C®MDNM―. E.g.
®MDIT―C®MDNM―b'®MDNM―b‡- 3 2 0 in Lev 1,14 (om ®MDNM―κἀρπωμα
προσφε'ρη, 320)
*®MDNM― = the original reading
of a ms.
c = later corrections
( * )®MDNM―, ( c ) means that within a larger omission the ms does
not have the
original or corrected variant
(e.g. 77( c )
c p r m (c pr m) = a correction of
the first hand.
c 1®MDNM― = the first corrector
c 2 = the second corrector
s refers to the suppletor of a ms,.
for ex. 46s An s cannot
contrast with an *
txt®MDNM― means a textual reading
in mss
mg = a marginal reading in mss
(mg) means that a marginal reading does not contrast with
a reading in
text, since the txt has a larger omission,
e.g. 77(mg)
txt*,txtc,mg*,mgc®MDNM― are used if a txt- or margin- shows a correction
te refers to readings in the text of
a p refers to readings (variants)
in the apparatus of editions
c a t(in App.2) means the reading comes from the Catena of
a Catena ms
c o m m®MDNM―(in App.2) means the reading from Catena attributed
to a particular
Church Father, for ex 77c o m m
vid means the reading is uncertain,
for ex 31(vid)
v i d refers to a reading in which
it is uncertain whether it deals
with a corrected or an original text
(?) refers to uncertain words or symbols
m s ( s ) refers to codex(-ices)
of the Vulgate
L a t introduces series of Latin
ώ]³ indicates line change
ώ|3 indicates a page or column
®MDNM―hD a dot under a letter
means that the letter cannot be read
with certainty
+, add indicates a plus
>, om indicates an omission
sΗ indicates omission due to homoioteleuton
(ν) means that the enclosed letter is
omitted in various mss,
for ex εστι(ν)
[...] shows that three letters cannot
be read in a ms.
...]αι, αι[... means that only αι can be read in a ms
[ωσ]ει means that ωσ is conjectured
<> means a symbol added contrary
to the tradition
{} means a symbol
omitted contary to the tradition
,χ are asterisk and obelus
pE means metobelus
| refers to Apparatus II
MT = the Masoretic text
MTL = the text of BHS
Q = A Qumran text
absc = abscissus
App = apparatus
cf = confer
cod(d) = codex (-dices)
corr = correctura
c var cum variis (lectionibus)
del = deletus
dess = desunt
dittogr = dittographia
ed(d) = editio (-tiones)
ex corr = correctura
ex par = ex parallelis locis
fin - finis
hab = habe(n)t
haplogr = haplolographia
homoiar = homoiarcton
homoiot = homoioteleuton
inc = incertus
init = initium
Lev = textus criticus
litt = littera(e)
mend = mendose
metob = metobelus
ms(s) = manuscriptum (-ta)
mutil = mutilatum
omn codd = omnes codices
pap = papyrus
pl = plures
plur = pluraliter
pr = praemittit (-tunt)
praec praecedens (re text reference within a verse)
praef = praefatio
pr m = prima manus
ras = rasura
relict = relictus
rell = reliqui
rescr = rescriptus
s = sine
s ind = sine indice
s nom = sine nomine
s ss = sequens, sequentes (for pages)
scr = scripsit (-serunt)
sed hab = sed habe(n)t
sing = singulariter
spat = spatium
sq = sequens (re text reference within
a verse)
sup lin = supra lineam
sup ras = supra rasuram
superscr = superscripsit
tr = transposuit (-suerunt)
ult = ultimus
vers(s) = versio (-ones)
vid = ut videtur
Recensions and Ms-Groups
®MDIT―O®MDNM― = G-58-476-426(from 16®MDIT―®MDSD―s®MDIT―®MDNM―)
376®MDIT―b'®MDNM― = 376 + 426
®MDIT―oI®MDNM― = 15-64-381-618-708
64®MDIT―b'®MDNM― = 64 + 708 381®MDIT―b'®MDNM―
= 381 + 610
®MDIT―oII®MDNM― = 29-72-82-707
72®MDIT―b'®MDNM― = 72 + 707
®MDIT―C®MDNM― = 16-46-77-131-500-529-739
16b' = 16 + 46 77b' = 77 + 131 500b' =
500 + 739
®MDIT―cI®MDNM― = 57-73-320-413-528-550-552-761
57b' = 57 + 413 73b' = 73 + 320 528b' =
528 + 761 550b' = 550 + 552
®MDIT―cII®MDNM― = 52-313-414-417-422-551-615
52b' = 52 + 615 414b' - 414 + 551
®MDIT―b®MDNM― = 19-108-118-314-537
19b' = 19 + 108 118b' = 118 + 314
®MDIT―d®MDNM― = 44-106-106=125=610
44b' = 44 + 106 107b' = 107 + 610 125b' = 135 + 107
®MDIT―f®MDNM― = 53-56-129-246-664
53b' = 53 + 664 56b' = 56 + 246
®MDIT―n®MDNM― = 54=75=127-458-767
54b' = 54 + 127 75b' = 75 + 458
®MDIT―s®MDNM― = 30-85-130-321-343-344-346-730
30b' = 30 + 730 85b' = 85 + 130 321b' =
321 + 346 343b' = 343 + 344
®MDIT―t®MDNM― = 74-76-84-134-370
®MDIT―x®MDNM― = 71-509-527-619
71b' = 71 + 619
®MDIT―y®MDNM― = 121-318-392
®MDIT―z®MDNM― = 68-120-122-126-128-407-628-630
68b' = 68 + 122 120b' = 120 + 407 126b'
= 126 + 128 628b' = 628 + 630
Aeth = Ethiopic version
Arab = Arabic version (Paris, Bibl. Nat., Arab 9)
Arm = Armenian version
Co = Coptic version
Bo = Bohairic version
Sa = Sahidic Version
La = Old Latin version
Pal = Palestinian-Syriac version
Pesch = Peshitta
Sam = Samaritan Pentateuch
Syh = Syro-hexaplaric version
SyhB = Text ed. Baars
SyhG = text ed. Goshen-Gottstein
SyhT = Ms from Tur b‘Abdin
Tar = Targums
TarO = Onkelos Targum
Vulg = Vulgate
TarP = Neofiti
Later Greek translations (Apparatus II)
αb' = Aquila
σb' = Symmachus
θb' = Theodotion
οἰa‘ λb' = ο‘ι λοιποἰ
οἰa‘ γb' = οἰa‘ τρεἰa^ /F
οἰa‘ οb' = οἰa‘ ε‘βδομη'κοντα
ο‘ ε‘βρb' = ο‘ Ε’βραἰa^ο /F
το` ε’βρb' = το` ε’βραἰa¨κόν
(το`)σαμb' = (το`)σαμαρειτικόν
γρb' = γρἀφεται
α’'λλο /F, α’'λλοι, ε‘'τερο /F = unknown sources
Printed Editions
Ald = Aldina
Compl = Complutensis
Sixt = Sixtina
Gr = Grabe
Ra = Rahlfs
Ra. = Conjectures of Rahlfs
and Collections
APF = Archiv fόr Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
Barh = Abu ‘l-Farag - Barhebraeus’ Scholia on the O.T.
Ed. by
BHS = Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, fasc.2 Exodus et
Leviticus, praep.
G.Quell. Stuttgart
BK = Berliner Klassikertexte aus den
Staatlichen Museen Berlin
Br.-M. = The Old Testament in Greek according to the Text
of Codex
ed. by A.E.Brooke and N.Mc ®MDSD―®MDNM―Lean, vol.I part II, Cambridge
CSCO = Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium
Deuteronomium = Deuteronomium, edidit J.W.Wevers, Gφttingen 1977
Field = Origenis Hexaplorum quae supersunt, ed. Fr. Field,
Oxonii 1875
Frede, Verzeichnis = H.J.Frede, Kirchenschriftsteller, Verzeichnis
u. Sigel
(Vetus Latina Teil I,1),3,
neubearb. u.. erw. Aufl. von B.Fischer,
Verzeichnis der
Sigel fόr Kirchenschriftsteller. Freiburg i.Br.
GCS = Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der
ersten drei
Genesis = Genesis, edidit J.W.Wevers, Gφttingen 1974
Gr = Septuaginta Interpretum tomus I, ed. J.E.Grabe, Oxonii
Hesych = Hesychii Alexandrii Lexicon recensuit et emendavit
Kurt Latte.
Hauniae 1953,
H.-P. = Vetus Testamentum Graecum cum variis lectionibus,
tom.I, Oxonii 1798
Huber = K.Huber, Untersuchungen όber den Sprachcharakter
Leviticus. Giessen 1916
Ish = Commentaire d’Isho’dad
de Merv sur l’Ancien Testament. II. Exode-
Deutιronome, ιditι
par C. van den Eynde CSCO 176 (Scriptores Syri
Tome 80). Louvain 1958
JThSt = Journal of Theological Studies
Lagarde = Librorum VT canonicorum pars prior graece Pauli
de Lagarde studio
et sumptibus,
Gottingae 1883
Leviticus = Leviticus, edidit J.W.LS
= A Greek-English Lexicon by H.Wevers, Gφttingen
G.Liddel and R.Scott. A New Edition
by H.S.Jones.
Oxford 1940
Mayser = E.Mayser, Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus
I Leipzig 1906, II 1 Berlin 1926, II 2 1933/34,
II 3 1934, 2nd
Edition I 1 1970. I 2 1938, I 3 1936
MSU = Mitteilungen des Septuaginta Unternehmens,
Berlin 1909ff.
Numeri = Numeri, edidit J.W.Wevers. Gφttingen 1981
SamA r a m = Pentateuchus Samaritanus Ad fidem Librorum Manuscriptorum
Nablusianus Repertorium edidit H. Petermann, Fasc. Leviticus.
SC = Sources Chrιtiennes
Schleusner = Novus Thesaurus philologico-criticus sive Lexicon in LXX...,
J.Fr.Schleusner, Lipsiae 1820/21
Schwyzer = E.Schwyzer, Griechische Grammatik auf der Grundlage
von Karl
griechischer Grammatik. Handbuch der Altertumswissen~-
schaft. II.1.Band
I:3, Aufl. Band II:2.Aufl. Munich 1959
Swete = The Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint,
TECC = Textos y Estudios “Cardinal Cisneros”
Thack = H.St.J.Thackeray, A Grammar of the Old Testament
in Greek
according to the Septuagint, vol.1. Cambridge 1909
THGD = J.W.Wevers, Text History of the Greek Deuteronomy,
Gφttingen 1978
THGG = J.W.Wevers, Text History of the Greek Genesis. MSU
XI. Gφttingen
THGL = J.W.Wevers, Text History of the Grek Leviticus,
Gφttingen 1986
THGN = J.W.Wevers, Text History of the Greek Numbers, MSU
Gφttingen 1982
TU = Texte und Untersuchungen
Wackernagel = Kleine Schriften von Jacob Wackernagel. 2 Bδnde. Gφttingen
Walters = P.Walters, The Text of the Septuagint. ed. by
Cambridge 1973
We. = Conjectures by the editor
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