Ancient History 21: Greece and Rome
Mid-Semester Examination


Part I (30 pts./30 minutes): Identify five out of the ten terms below from your lectures and reading. You will be graded upon your ability to supply a pertinent time frame, simple identification, and the significance for the purposes of this class of each term. Do not take excessive time in selecting the terms you will identify!

The Age of Heroes The Dorians officium Peisistratus Delphi

The OCD Megara pax deorum pontifex Alcibiades

Part II (30 pts./30 minutes): You will be graded upon your ability to name the author, subject, and significance of two of the following three passages. Keep these parameters strongly in mind while composing your answer.

"Many parts of Asia now revolting from the Persians, Agesilaus restored order in the cities, and without bloodshed or banishment of any of their memenbers re- established the proper constitution in the governments, and now resolved to carry the war from the seaside and to march further up into the county..."

"Athens enjoyed sufficient economic activity that the rich could normally stand their burdens, and those traditions of public moderation which went back to Solon also helped to mitigate conflicts. Elsewhere, hoever, the rich and the poor at times fell into open war."

"But being overborne with numbers, and nobody daring to face about, stretching out his hands to heaven, he prayed to Jupiter to stop the army, and not to neglect, but to maintain the Roman cause, now in extreme danger."

Part III (40 pts./30 minutes): In a coherent, organized essay, treat the advantages and disadvantages of the use of Plutarch's Lives as a means of increasing our understanding of the ancient world.