ANCHS/AMES 021: Greece and Rome
9th Reading/Terms Quiz
Part I: Identify two of these three terms. Tell the reader 1) What, where, or who it is, 2) provide some species of time frame, and 3) explain its significance for the purposes of this class. Three or four coherent sentences should do nicely.
M. Licinius Crassus (Starr, pp. 526-7; 538); Arpinum; (Starr, p. 528; Plu. 1.550); Tigranes (Plu. 1.684-9)
Part II: 1) Who wrote this? 2) What does it describe, and 3) why do we care? Provide your argument within a single, structured paragraph.
"Lucullus, on the other side, to be even with him, replied that Pompey came to fight with the mere image and shadow of war, it being his usual practice, like a lazy bird of prey, to come upon the carcass when others had slain the dead, and to tear in pieces the relics of a war.
Thus he had appropriated to himself the victories over Sertorius, over Lepidus, and over the insurgents under Spartacus..."