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"When sawing through a cross-bar, pour oil on it, to make the task quicker and quieter. The sound will also be deadened considerably if a sponge is tied on to both the saw and the cross-bar. Many other, similar hints could be mentioned, but I had better let them pass."
". . . and together with Melon and Charon he at once blockaded the Cadmeia and attacked it on every side, for he was anxious to drive out the Lacedaemonians and free the acropolis before an army could arrive from Sparta. He succeeded in his object, but with so little time to spare that after the Spartans had surrendered on terms, they had gone no further than Megara before they met Cleombrotus marching...
"Herodotus emphasizes that the Persians were not inferior in spirit or strength, but that they lacked armour and experience, and were not their opponents' equal in skill. When he goes on to remark that 'rushing out singly in groups of ten, more or less, they fell upon the Spartans and were destroyed,' he seems to imply that their lack of experience and skill lay precisely in their failure to combine."