Whether in literature or as part of their daily lives, warfare, man hunting man, acquired and maintained a firm grip on the intellects of the Ancient Greeks. The city-states and hoplite armies of the Classical era went down to defeat before the armies of the Macedonian conquerors, and in the years afterwards the inhabitants of the Hellenistic world sought various means to defend themselves against armed violence. The defenders of Rhodes used war machines of surpassing power; Roman armies followed paths plotted by Athenian diplomats, and those vying to reconstruct Alexander's Empire found themselves balked at every turn by peoples frantic to prevent it. The biographies of Plutarch and the history of Polybius will combine with more modern research to assist modern students in understanding the means by which technology, diplomacy, and strategy weighed in the day to day physical and cultural survival of peoples in the Hellenistic Age. Aspects of political, social, and scientific history all combine to explain a great deal about philosophical and social aspects of life in the Greek World after Alexander.
Resource Biography on Ancient Military History
To Scott Rusch's Presentation of 2/22/96
To the Take-at-Home Quiz of 2/28/96
To the Mid-Semester Examination
To Class Notes as of 4/25/96 and end.
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Nobody Did it Better: A Bibliography of The Roman Army
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