Latin 401: 2nd Semester Exam

Dr. Rob S. Rice, 3/21/95

Part I: Class Translation (50 pts.) Translate the following six lines from our previous class readings. Try and strike the proper balance between making sure that I know that you know the Latin, and understandable Engli sh:

870 Talia nequiquam questus (nam cuncta videbam)

surgit et ut taurus vacca furibundus adempta

stare nequit silvaque et notis saltibus errat:

cum ferus ignaros nec quicquam tale timentes

me videt atque Acin, 'Video, que exlamat, 'et ista

875 ultima sit, faciam, Veneris concordia vestrae.'

To the English Translation

Part II: Sight Translation (30 pts.) Translate the following three lines from these text passages we have not yet covered in class (Echo becomes a radio announcer in Denver):

vox manet; ossa ferunt lapidis traxisse figuram.

400 Inde latet silvis nulloque in monte videtur,

omnibus auditur: sonus est, qui vivit in illa.

ossa: bones (n)

ferunt: "they say" (that)...

figura, figurae (f), figure, shape, form=appearance

omnibus: dative of agent

To the English Translation

Part III Form ID's (20 pts.) Give full form identifications and scansion for the first two lines of the passage in part I, to wit

Talia nequiquam questus (nam cuncta videbam)

surgit et ut taurus vacca furibundus adempta