Latin 401: 3rd Semester Exam

Dr. Rob S. Rice, 4/24/95

Part I: Class Translation (50 pts.) Translate the following six lines from our previous class readings. Try and strike the proper balance between making sure that I know that you know the Latin, and understandable English. Budget your time; remember y our vocabulary!

477 "Quo refugis? Remane nec me, crudelis, amantem

desere," clamavit. "Liceat, quod tangere non est,

adspicere et misero praebere alimenta furori!"

Dumque dolet, summa vestem deduxit ab ora

nudaque marmoreis percussit pectora palmis.

482 Pectora traxerunt roseum percussa ruborem...

To the English Translation

Part II: Sight Translation (30 pts.) Translate the following three lines from these text passages we have not yet covered in class (The Pilot realizes that Dionysus is hijacking them to Marineland).:

Et sensi et dixi sociis: 'Quod numen in isto

612 corpore sit, dubito, sed corpore numen in isto est.

Quisquis es, o faveas nostrisque laboribus adsis.'

To the English Translation

Quod: Introduces an indirect question within the story being told.

corpore sit. . .corpore est: The speaker is making a point by shifting the mood here.

dubito: This is indubitably a verb.

faveas. . . adsis: The speaker is groveling and asking simultaneously. The second word made it into English with the "d" changed to an "s." No vocative forms here.

Part III Form ID's (20 pts.) Give full form identifications and scansion for the last two lines of the passage in part I, to wit

nudaque marmoreis percussit pectora palmis.

482 Pectora traxerunt roseum percussa ruborem...