You have one hour to complete this exam, which you shouldn't need. You may write answers on the test sheet or in the bluebooks provided, LEAVING ME ROOM TO MAKE CORRECTIONS! As always, understanding is more important than the exact label used for a given construction.
Translate the following passages, taken from the exercises of the two chapters we have worked through previously, once you have answered the questions immediately below them.
1) Aliquid a nobis invenitur; nescimus quid sit. Quidam credunt id malum esse. Illis non credimus.
a)Provide full form identifications of the two indefinite (as opposed to interrogative) pronouns here.
b)Why does illis take the case it does?
2)Credo vos mirari quo ferat natura sua quemque.
a)What is the construction introduced by quo?
b)How do you know that sua and quemque both refer to the same person?
3)Venti ita validi erant ut nemo vela dare posset.
a)How does the construction introduced by ut differ from a purpose clause?
b)What do we call the phrase vela dare?
4)Nemo tam impius est quin hoc iure factum esse fateatur.
a)What are the two words combined in quin?
b)Provide a full form identification of fateatur.
Cicero continues after Catiline, pausing to take a bow.. As previously, answer the questions below the passage before you translate it:
Quod reliquum est, iam non possum oblivisci meam hanc esse patriam, me horum esse consulem, mihi aut cum his vivendum aut pro his esse moriendum.
reliquus, -a, -um 'remaining'
obiliviscor, oblivisci, oblitus sum, 'forget'
a)What is the relationship between possum and oblivisci?
b)Provide full form identifications of the four pronouns Cicero uses to describle his audience.
c)What do we call the constructions Cicero employs in the last three clauses? What do we call his use of them?
Explain (briefly) the basic role of the subjunctive in Latin syntax.