Rob S. Rice received his introduction to underwater archaeology at
the University of Colorado, where he studied with Robert Hohlfelder
excavator of Caesarea's harbor in Israel. Rice himself graduateed with
highest honors in Classics and History in 1986, and received his Ph.D from
the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate Group in Ancient History in May
of 1994. His dissertation (A. John Graham, advisor) treats the Rhodian
Navy in the Hellenistic Age, but his interests in human activity on the
sea extend to all historical periods. He has delivered papers before the
American Philological Association in addition to his presentation at
Annapolis and taught subjects from Mythology to Roman History in the
course of his academic career. His work on computers in the Classics has
included introducing a laptop as a teaching aid both in the classroom and
in the direct conversions of classroom material into course texts
accessible via the World Wide Web. He has also introduced modern
electronic research methods to all his students, and assisted the Center
for the Computer Analysis of Texts in the preparation of Septuagint
materials for global consultation.