"PARABIBLICAL" Titles from Lists, with a Comprehensive List

["LX" = the list of 60 Books; "Nic" = Stichometrey of Nicephoros]

The Latin Decretum Gelasianum (also in English)

Part 5 -- [A catalogue of the 'apocrypha' and other writings which are to be rejected]

The remaining writings which have been compiled or been recognized by heretics or schismatics the Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church does not in any way receive; of these we have thought it right to cite below some which have been handed down and which are to be avoided by catholics.
[Cetera quae ab hereticis sive scismaticis conscripta vel praedicata sunt, nullatenus recipit catholica et apostolica Romana ecclesia; e quibus pauca, quae ad memoriam venerunt et a catholicis vitanda sunt, credidimus esse subdenda]

Further Enumeration of Apocryphal Books:

[01]In the first place we confess that the [Arian] Synod at Ariminum which was convened [in 359] by the emperor Constantius, the son of Constantine, through the prefect Taurus is damned from then and now and forever.
[inprimis Ariminensem synodum a Constantio Caesare Constantini filio congregatum mediante Tauro praefecto ex tunc et nunc et in aeternum confitemur esse damnatam]

[The following items are all followed by a form of the word "apocryphal" in singular or plural -- apocryphus, apocryphum, apocryphi, apocrypha]

[02]Itinerary (book of travels) under the name of the apostle Peter, which is called The Nine Books of the holy Clement [or is it "the ninth of the books of Saint Clement?]
     [Itinerarium nomine Petri apostoli, quod appellatur sancti Clementis libri numero novem, apocryphum]
+[NicNTA]2. The Circuit of Peter 2750 lines
+[LX]17.The Circuits and Teachings of the Apostles
+[LX]21.The Teaching of Clement
+[NicNTA]7. The 32 (books) of Clement 2600 lines
[03]Acts under the name of the apostle Andrew [Actus nomine Andreae apostoli, apocryphi]
[04]Acts under the name of the apostle Thomas
+[NicNTA]4. The Circuit of Thomas 1600 lines
[05]Acts under the name of the apostle Peter
[06]Acts under the name of the apostle Philip
+[LX]19.The Acts of Paul
+[NicNTA]1. The Circuit of Paul 3600 lines
+[NicNTA]3. The Circuit of John 2500 lines

[07]Gospel under the name of Matthias [Evangelium nomine Mathiae, apocryphum]
=[LX]25.The Gospel according to Matthias
[08]Gospel under the name of Barnabas
=[LX]24.The Gospel according to Barnabas
[09]Gospel under the name of James the younger [Iacobi minoris]
+[LX]15.The History of Jacob/James
[10]Gospel under the name of the apostle Peter [Petri apostoli]
[11]Gospel under the name of Thomas, which the Manicheans use [quibus Manichei utuntur]
+[NicNTA]5. The Gospel of Thomas 1300 lines
[12]Gospels under the name of Bartholomaeus [Evangelia nomine Bartholomaei, apocrypha]
[13]Gospels under the name of Andrew
[14]Gospels which Lucian has forged [Evangelia quae falsavit Lucianus]
[15]Gospels which Hesychius has forged [Evangelia quae falsavit Hesychius]
+[NicNT]4. The Gospel of the Hebrews 2200 lines
[16]Book about the childhood of the Savior [Liber de infantia salvatoris, apocryphus]
[17]Book about the birth of the Savior and about Mary or the midwife
      [Liber de nativitate salvatoris et de Maria vel obstetrice]
[18]Book which is called Shepherd [Liber qui appellatur Pastoris]
+[NicNTA]8. (Writings) of Ignatius, of Polycarp and of Hermas ...
+[LX]18.The Epistle of Barnabas
+[NicNT]3. The Epistle of Barnabas 1360 lines
+[LX]22.The Teaching of Ignatius
+[NicNTA]8. (Writings) of Ignatius, of Polycarp and of Hermas ...
+[LX]23.The Teaching of Polycarp
+[NicNTA]8. (Writings) of Ignatius, of Polycarp and of Hermas ...
[19]All books which Leucius, the disciple of the devil, has made
      [Libri omnes quos fecit Leucius disciplulus diabuli, apocryphi]
[20]Book which is called Foundation [Liber qui appellatur Fundamentum, apocryphus]
[21]Book which is called Treasure [Liber qui appellatur Thesaurus]
[22]Book about the daughters of Adam: Leptogenesis(?) [Liber de filiabus Adae Leptogeneseos, apocryphum]
[23]Cento about Christ, put together in Virgilian lines [see also below, after 55]
     [Centonem de Christo virgilianis conpaginatum versibus, apocryphum]
[24]Book which is called Acts of Thecla and of Paul [Liber qui appellatur Actus Theclae et Pauli, apocryphus]
[25]Book which is called Nepos' [Liber qui appellatur Nepotis]
[26]Book of Proverbs, compiled by heretics and presented in the name of the Holy Sixtus
     [Liber Proverbiorum ab hereticis conscriptus et sancti Sixti nomine praesignatus]
[27]Revelation which is called Paul's [Revelatio quae appellatur Pauli, apocrypha]
=[LX]20.The Revelation of Paul
+[LX]16.The Revelation of Peter
+[NicNT]2. The Revelation of Peter 300 lines
[28]Revelation which is called Thomas'
[29]Revelation which is called Stephen's
+[LX]10.The Revelation of Elias
+[LX]11.The Vision of Isaiah
+[LX]12.The Revelation of Zephaniah
+[LX]13.The Revelation of Zechariah
+[LX]14.The Revelation of Ezra
[30]Book which is called Translocation of the Holy Mary
      [Liber qui appellatur Transitus sanctae Mariae, apocryphus]
[31]Book which is called the Penitence of Adam [Liber qui appellatur Paenitentia Adae]
[32]Book about the giant Ogias, of whom the heretics assert that after the flood he fought with the dragon
     [Liber de Ogia nomine gigante qui post diluvium cum dracone ab hereticis pugnasse perhibetur]
+[NicOTA]1. Enoch 4800 lines
+[NicOTA]6. Abraham 300 lines
+[LX]4.The Patriarchs
+[NicOTA]2. (Testaments of the) Patriarchs 5100 lines
+[LX]5.The Prayer of Joseph
+[NicOTA]3. The Prayer of Joseph 300 lines
+[LX]6.Eldad and Modad
+[NicOTA]7. Eldad and Modad 400 lines
+[LX]7.The Testament of Moses
+[NicOTA]4. The Testament of Moses 1100 lines
+[NicOTA]5. The Assumption of Moses 1400 lines
[33]Book which is called Testament of Job [Testamentum Iob]
[34]Book which is called Penitence of Origen [Paenitentia Origenis]
[35]Book which is called Penitence of the Holy Cyprian [Paenitentia sancti Cypriani]
[36]Book which is called Penitence of Jamnes and Mambres [Paenitentia Iamne et Mambre]
[37]Book which is called Prophecies/Destinies(?) of the Apostles [Sortes apostolorum]
[38]Book which is called Amusements(?) of the Apostles [Lusa apostolorum]
[39]Book which is called Canons of the Apostles [Canones apostolorum]
+[NicNTA]6. The Teaching (Didache) of the Apostles 200 lines
[40]The book Physiologus, compiled by heretics and called by the name of the blessed Ambrose
     [Liber Physiologus ab hereticis conscriptus et beati Ambrosii nomine praesignatus]
[41]The History of Eusebius Pamphili [Historia Eusebii Pamphili, apocrypha]
[42]Works of Tertullian [opuscula Tertulliani]
[43]Works of Lactantius (later add: or of Firmianus or of the African) [opuscula Lactantii sive Firmiani]
     [opuscula Africani]
[44]Works of Postumianus and of Gallus [opuscula Postumiani et Galli]
[45]Works of Montanus, of Priscilla and of Maximilla [Montani, Priscillae et Maximillae]
[46]Works of Faustus the Manichean [Fausti Manichei]
[47]Works of Commodianus
[48]Works of the other Clement of Alexandria
[49]Works of Thascius Cyprian [Thascii Cypriani]
[50]Works of Arnobius
[51]Works of Tichonius
[52]Works of Cassian, a presbyter in Gaul [Cassiani presbyteri Galliarum]
[53]Works of Victorinus of Pettau [Victorini Petabionensis]
[54]Works of Faustus of Riez in Gaul [Fausti Regiensis Galliarum]
[55]Works of Frumentius Caecus [Frumentii Caeci]
     [Centonem de Christo virgilianis conpaginatum versibus, apocryphum (see above, #23)]
[56]Epistle of Jesus to Abgar [Epistula Iesu ad Abgarum, apocrypha]
[57]Epistle of Abgar to Jesus [Epistula Abgari ad Iesum]
[58]Passion (Martyr Acts) of Cyricus and of Iulitta [Passio Cyrici et Iulittae]
[59]Passion of Georgius [Passio Georgii]
[60]Writing which is called Interdiction (Exorcism?) of Solomon
      [Scriptura quae appellatur Salomonis Interdictio]
+[LX]9.The Psalms of Solomon
+[NicOT]4. The Psalms and Odes of Solomon 2100 lines
[61]All phylacteries which have been composed in the names not, as they pretend, of angels, but rather of demons [Phylacterua omnia quae non angelorum, ut illi configunt, sed daemonum magis nominibus conscripta sunt, apocrypha]
+[NicOTA]8. (Book of the) prophet Elias 316 lines
+[NicOTA]9. (Book of the) prophet Zephaniah 600 lines
+[NicOTA]10. (Book of) Zacharias, the father of John 500 lines
+[NicOTA]11. Pseudepigraphica of Baruch, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, and Daniel

These and the like, what [was taught or compiled by] [Haec et his similia quae ...]
Simon Magus,
Paul of Samosata [etiam Samosatenus],
Photinus and Bonosus, who suffered from similar error [qui simili errore defecerunt],
also Montanus with his detestable followers [quoque cum suis obscenissimis sequacibus],
Valentinus the Manichean [sive Manicheus],
Faustus the African [Faustus Africanus],
Arius [ca 325],
Pelagius [ca 400],
Iulianus of Eclanum,
Priscillian from Spain [Priscillianus ab Hispania],
Nestorius of Constantinople,
Maximus the Cynic [ca 380],
Lampetius [ca 431],
Dioscorus [-454],
Eutyches [ca 450],
Peter [of Alexandria] [ca 451 Chalcedon]
and the other Peter [of Antioch, ca 451 Chalcedon], of whom the one besmirched Alexandria and the other Antioch
      [e quibus unus Alexandriam, alius Antiocham maculavit],
Acacius of Constantinople [fl 471-489] with his associates [cum consortibus suis],

and what also all disciples of heresy and of the heretics or schismatics, whose names we have scarcely preserved, have taught or compiled, we acknowledge is to be not merely rejected but excluded from the whole Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church and with its authors and the adherents of its authors to be damned in the inextricable shackles of anathema for ever.
[nec non et omnes heresei hereseorumque disciplui sive scismatici docuerent vel conscripserunt, quorum nomina minime retinuimus, non solum repudiata verum ab omni Romana catholica et apostolica ecclesia eliminata atque cum suis auctoribus sequacibus sub anathematis insolubili vinculo in aeternum confitemur esse damnata.]

Catalogue of the Sixty Canonical Books (7th century) [=LX]

And the following apocryphal (writings)

[LX]4.The Patriarchs
[LX]5.The Prayer of Joseph
[LX]6.Eldad and Modad
[LX]7.The Testament of Moses
[LX]8.The Assumption of Moses
[LX]9.The Psalms of Solomon
[LX]10.The Revelation of Elias
[LX]11.The Vision of Isaiah
[LX]12.The Revelation of Zephaniah
[LX]13.The Revelation of Zechariah
[LX]14.The Revelation of Ezra

[LX]15.The History of James
[LX]16.The Revelation of Peter
[LX]17.The Circuits and Teachings of the Apostles
[LX]18.The Epistle of Barnabas
[LX]19.The Acts of Paul
[LX]20.The Revelation of Paul
[LX]21.The Teaching of Clement
[LX]22.The Teaching of Ignatius
[LX]23.The Teaching of Polycarp
[LX]24.The Gospel according to Barnabas
[LX]25.The Gospel according to Matthias

The Stichometery of Nicephorus (9th century?) [=Nic]

Nicephorus (Patriarch of Constantinople 806-815) drew up a Chronography reaching from Adam to the year of his death (829), to which he appended a canon catalogue, the origin of which has not been clearly settled, but which may perhaps be located in Jerusalem. Whether it is older that 850 (so Jülicher) remains open to question. It is striking that in the enumeration of the NT books the Revelation of John is not present. The catalogue of the Old and New Testament books is followed by that of the antilegomena (which contains the Revelation of John) and of the apocrypha. Next to each book is the count of its stichoi (lines).

And the (writings) of the Old Testament which are gainsaid and are not recognized in the Church (canonized) are the following:

[NicOT]1. 3 Books of the Maccabees 7300 lines
[NicOT]2. The Wisdom of Solomon 1100 lines
[NicOT]3. The Wisdom of Jesus Sirach 2800 lines
[NicOT]4. The Psalms and Odes of Solomon 2100 lines
[NicOT]5. Esther 350 lines
[NicOT]6. Judith 1700 lines
[NicOT]7. Susanna 500 lines
[NicOT]8. Tobith, also (called) Tobias 700 lines

And of the New Testament (writings) the following are gainsaid:

[NicNT]1. The Revelation of John 1400 lines
[NicNT]2. The Revelation of Peter 300 lines
[NicNT]3. The Epistle of Barnabas 1360 lines
[NicNT]4. The Gospel of the Hebrews 2200 lines

Apocrypha of the Old Testament are the following:

[NicOTA]1. Enoch 4800 lines
[NicOTA]2. (Testaments of the) Patriarchs 5100 lines
[NicOTA]3. The Prayer of Joseph 300 lines
[NicOTA]4. The Testament of Moses 1100 lines
[NicOTA]5. The Assumption of Moses 1400 lines
[NicOTA]6. Abraham 300 lines
[NicOTA]7. Eldad and Modad 400 lines
[NicOTA]8. (Book of the) prophet Elias 316 lines
[NicOTA]9. (Book of the) prophet Zephaniah 600 lines
[NicOTA]10. (Book of) Zacharias, the father of John 500 lines
[NicOTA]11. Pseudepigraphica of Baruch, Habakkuk, Ezekiel, and Daniel

Apocrypha of the New Testament are the following:

[NicNTA]1. The Circuit of Paul 3600 lines
[NicNTA]2. The Circuit of Peter 2750 lines
[NicNTA]3. The Circuit of John 2500 lines
[NicNTA]4. The Circuit of Thomas 1600 lines
[NicNTA]5. The Gospel of Thomas 1300 lines
[NicNTA]6. The Teaching (Didache) of the Apostles 200 lines
[NicNTA]7. The 32 (books) of Clement 2600 lines
[NicNTA]8. (Writings) of Ignatius, of Polycarp and of Hermas ...

[Original English Pages created by Glenn Davis, 1997-2002; modified by RAK]