AMES 86-680: Filipino Language, Elementary
Mondays 6-8 p.m. Williams Hall 215
Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. Williams Hall 4 |
Instructor: Erlinda B. Juliano (Ginang Juliano)
Admissions, Graduate School of Education
Rm. B-31, GSE Building
Tel: (215) 898-6455 (Office)
(609) 616-2896 (Home)
Background and Rationale of the Course:
The Filipino (commonly known as Tagalog) language course is offered
to students to learn it for academic, professional and/or personal use.
This course will generally provide and develop student to speak, listen,
read and write Filipino language at its beginning (elementary) level.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, each student should be able to :
1. Acquire and appreciate the overview of the historical and cultural
background of the Philippines in relation to its language development.
2. Familiarize, pronounce, and compare the Filipino alphabets and numbers
to other languages.
3. Learn basic grammar rules and apply this in role playing and short
essay writing.
4. Build confidence to carry on a short dialogue using the language
in any given situation.
5. Apply and practice the newly acquired language skills for academic,
business and/or personal use.
Lecture discussion, role-playing, oral reading and presentation, brainstorming,
and workshops. Tagalog will mainly be the medium of communication.
Students, both graduate and undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania,
who want to learn the Filipino course in its basic level are eligible to
attend. The course is equivalent to one credit unit. No auditors or observers
are able to attend unless approved by the instructor.
Course Requirements:
Attend all classes, unless arrangements have been made in advance with
the instructor.
Submit exercises and projects on time. Non-submission of these will be
considered incomplete.
Towards the end of the course, each student should show the ability to
speak, listen, read and write Tagalog language in its basic level, using
proper pronounciation and in accordance with Filipino basic structures
Grading Policy:
The final grade will be computed according to the following criteria:
30%: Attendance and Participation
25%: Submission of homework, video tapes and exercises
25%: Exams and quizzes
20%: Final Project (Group Presentation)
Office Hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:15-6 p.m. Others by appointment.
Required Books:
Ramos, Teresita V. 1985. Conversational Tagalog. Honolulu: University of
Hawaii Press.
Ramosa,Teresita V. 1990. Modern Tagalog. Grammatical Explanations and Exercises
for Non-Native speakers. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
These books are available for sale at the University of Penn. bookstore
and on reserve at the Van Pelt Library.
Reference Books:
Wolff, John U. et al. 1991. Filipino through Self-Instruction. Part One
to Four (4 volumes) Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. (On reserve
at Van Pelt Library)
Ramos, Teresita V. et al. (unpublished). Tagalog for Beginners (this book
is only available from the instructor. Back-up exercises will be drawn
from this).