Intermediate Tagalog
AMES 286-680
Mondays & Wednesdays 6-8 p.m. |
Instructor: Professor Erlinda
Juliano (Ginang Juliano)
Office: Rm. B-31 GSE Building
Tel: (215) 898-6455 (O) (609) 616-2896 (H)
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 5:15-6 p.m. Others by appointment.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, each student should demonstrate competence
in the following communicative skills:
1. Speaking:
*initiating and closing a conversation.
*handling limited communicative tasks and social situations.
*handling connected discourse particularly for simple narration and/or
2. Listening:
*understanding sentence-length expressions which consist of recombinations
of learned utterances or a variety of topics.
*sustaining somewhat long stretches of connected discourse on a number
of topics.
3. Reading:
*getting main ideas and information.
*reading simple connected texts with full understanding.
*interpreting and inferring from simple connected text.
4. Writing:
*Composing materials used for common social interactions, journals
and short essays.
Required Books:
Ramos, Teresita V. 1981. Intermediate Tagalog: Developing Cultural
Awaremess Through Languages.
Reference Books:
Ramos, Teresita V. 1990. Modern Tagalog. Grammatical Explanations and
Exercises for Non-Native Speakers.
English Tagalog Dictionary by English
(Available for sale at the University of Pennsylvania Bookstore and
on reserve at the van Pelt Library.)
Lecture-discussion, role-playing, oral reading and workshops. Use of
audio and visual aids,a nd electronic message (e-mail) is also included.
Tagalog will be the primary medium of communication, using limited English
for grammatical explanations.
Students at the University of Pennsylvania, who satisfactorily passed
Tagalog Courses: Elementary I and II and other students who already acquired
competence in the basic skills may attend this course. Before acceptance
to the class, students who did not take Beginning I and II are required
to take a preliminary test. Auditors or observers are permitted with prior
approval by the instructor.
Grading Policy:
30%: Attendance and participation. Two unexcused absences will affect
the course grade.
20%: Graded homework, tests, and audio exercises
20%: Midterm and Final Examinations
30%: Group Project- Creation and Maintenance of Tagalog Webpage