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--- C A R O L   M I R A K O V E

it was [ad infinitum] the confrontation that led to silence

	[In June 2000] Mayor Omar Bradley of Compton petitioned 
	Cardinal Mahoney to order Father Stan Bosch to stay away 
	from all future city council meetings. ..Father Bosch [had 
	begun] taking members of his parish to city council 
	meetings to protest a council proposal to disband the 
	Compton city police department.. simply to ask for some 
	accountability in terms of what is happening in the city.
				- Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission

staving off violence or trying over father stan. the new ''less 
than honorable'': metal detectors. ''was there any actual 
violence?'' ''No,''

& possible place, basically would prevent uprising, decided, we 
could at least contain. presuppose destructive forces. might be 
within an organized next. ''I can't say the names,''

''I don't know the names, 

			 we started to ask the 'why' questions - 

there are persons sometimes paid. sometimes 
encouraged. those kinds. strictly to try. elicit / illicit. 
''agitators.'' "well because'' 	[as reported] 	I trust 
/ issued. 

''I don't know the names,''

	On Tuesday, July 9, city police set up special barricades 
	around the council chambers after all 160 seats in the 
	chambers had been filled. Outside, protesters waved 
	copies of a city law that requires all council proceedings to 
	be open to everyone.
				- Los Angeles Lay Catholic Mission

influx of immigrants (or, '', a very essential connection among 
from our day-to-day life. one degenerate politician ''that's 
all I can afford.'' blatantly identified - the aberration to 
deter. peace to this resilient - community - purchase 
translation & propel the instrumental, vis-a-vis narcotics.

forward in the transition: homelessness. federal and 
state / grants to the city, already committed, a done / 

dead, dogs, black, sabbath. sunday, bloody but ''was 
there any actual violence? No, 

confirmed. lateral? linear. 

the dead?

strained relations: remedy what might have been. noise. 
much? motivation, indicated that. ''the city prevailed. And 
of course nothing

''But that's what''

''that's what.. peaceful intention was;''

the voters	know how to forgive.

the hell we do.


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published in association with the |
university of pennsylvania's kelly writers house |