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--- M I E N   D A N G

I know the bud will bloom
Perhaps into a girlish pink
Or the color of a salamander
Or the color of a hairy worm
Grinding a thousand leaves
To steal for itself a green color 
How does one know that someone is longing to look at a green flower? 

Perhaps the blossom will not be whole Missing a broken angel wing The flower also has no perfume But I'm longing for something else entirely And he doesn't have a penis Twisting towards me on a VERY HUMAN foot And I also don't have a vagina We make love with our mouths With tongues sucking To increase our pleasures We clang our teeth God has given mankind so many marvelous sensations! If there really is an actual nervous system We'd knock each other down to make love Damn those illusions!

I know the bud will bloom into a mottled flower With fake angel wings But I solemnly wait for something else entirely

And he doesn't have a penis Circling me on a VERY HUMAN foot

Dec 5, 2001

translated from the Vietnamese by Linh Dinh

© crossconnect, inc 1995-2004 |
published in association with the |
university of pennsylvania's kelly writers house |