c r o s s w o r d s

The sound between beats.
Sorrow’s cousin. _______beat
+ _______away. Fractured
Stick snapped over knee
To the tune of the William
Tell Overture. Elvis hotel,
Shaw house. What a bone
Crushed to dust uncovers:
A beautiful compound.
First half of 1986 film title
Glorifying war. Breather minus
Two letters. Used about 110 times
Out of a sample of 100 million words
Spoken or written in English.
Departures, halving, misplaced
Affections lost in the woods.
Pulmonary karate chop.
Synonym for anguish
As experienced by the widow
Of a soldier enlisted
Because he couldn’t find a job.
Aortic tear. Passion’s lunch hour
Indigestion. Fleurie’s
Pronouncement, the need
For the handbook
Of __________. Cardio
Circuitry’s exercise translating
Appetite into loss.
The aspiration for what one can
Never have; its nonethelessness.
In the doctor’s office, “Breathe, good.
Breathe, good. Breathe,” then
The prognosis. A wife’s
Call to her children
For whom she would give
Her life, her “C’mon…”
Not quite the opposite
Of joy. What arguments
Over jealousy, true or fancied,
Come to. Crčvecoeur.
The world’s favorite sport.
Sum of features by which
A member of a plant or animal
Species can be placed
Into one of two spiritual
Conditions. The snake
Leading into a cancellation
At the end. Used
About 8,307 times
Out of a sample of 100 million
Words spoken or written
In English. Crossed by _________,
Salve for sorrow,
Medicine for love’s failures.
The anagram for an ex’s
Sweet spot. The arrow
And bow games we play.
I always end arguments
With her this way.
Rhymes with AMEX.