Contributors & Artists
JEFFREY MICHAEL BOCKMAN is Associate Editor & Executive Publisher of Literal Latte. He has a Ph.D. in Medical Microbiology from Berkeley as well as a Masters in Creative Writing from NYU. His writings have appeared in numerous literary and scientific journals including: American Letters & Commentary, Ark, The Art of Revision (University of Washington Press, 1996), Chelsea, Hyper Age, Literal Latte, Parting Gifts, Recursive Angel, The New England Journal of Medicine, Proceedings National Academy of Sciences, and Journal of Virology. "A Tower Of Words" and "Karsakoffs Town" have been nominated for Pushcart Prizes. His collection, A Misery of Shoes, awaits a publisher.ANDY J. CAMPBELL has had work featured in a handful of magazines - namely Implosion, Beneath the Surface, The New Science Fiction Times, Axiom, Auslander and Raw Nerve - and Cyberzines, such as Dreams and Dragons, Lexicon, Stitch among others. He currently works evening-shifts at a local newspaper firm, printing invoices, backing up files, and hacking away at new fiction.
RUTH DAIGON is editor of Poets On:. She won The Eve of St. St. Agnes Award (Negative Capability). Her poems have appeared in: Shenandoah, Poet & Critic, Kansas Quarterly, Alaska Quarterly, Greensboro Review, Sycamore Review, Atlanta Review, Connecticut Review and elsewhere. Her most recent book, Between One Future And The Next, was published by Papier Mache Press.
TONY D'ARPINO'S poetry has appeared recently in Bloomsbury Review, The Xavier Review, Synaesthetic and Nebo. His most recent books are Seven Dials (IO Press, 1997) and The Tree Worshipper (Imagine Press) and The Shade of The Stone (Deep Forest Press).
NGUYEN DUCMANH has spent 2 years in Ireland, 1974/76. On the 11 of April 1996: return to the source, Duc retrieves his family original name "LE" established since "The Xia Dynasty" long line of kings, chieftains, barons robbers, slaves traders, traitors, whores, ac/dc propensity dc, poets, duchesses, junkies, gamblers... revolutionaries, mostly hard-core alkies.
DOUG FINE tends to make trips decidedly Off-the-Grid, flee amidst gunfire, then report on Worldwide Interconnectedness and The Often Humorously Silly Things Men Do, for the Washington Post, Spin, the Discovery Channel Online, Wired and Salon. He's just written a novel and now he's making a movie. For more info consult his Web site, he welcomes feedback, but hopes you'll remember that all the polar arguments have long ago been spouted.
Masumi Hayashi is an artist and professor at Cleveland State University whose work has been exhibited at the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art, L.A. County Museum of Art, the Victoria and Albert Museum of Art. Other projects also include the Japanese American Concentration Camps, E.P.A. Superfund Sites, and the Post-Industrial Landscape.
PAUL HOOVER is the author of five collections of poetry, the most recent of which are Idea (1987) and the long poem, The Novel (1991). He has also written a novel, Saigon, Illinois and co-edits the literary journal, New American Writing with Maxine Chernoff. He has edited the very influential Norton Anthology of Post Modern American Poetry (1994).
William Lantry is an English professor at Slippery Rock University, implementing the latest instructional technology methods in his classes. As co-advisor to the University's literary magazine Ginger Hill, Dr. Lantry was instrumental in the debut of the online version of Ginger Hill this spring. In addition to being nominated for a Pushcart Prize, he has been published widely on both sides of the Atlantic.
WILLIAM LANTRY is an English Professor at Slippery Rock University. His poetry has appeared in Green World, Makar, The Poetry Garden Project, Gulf Coast, Tennessee Quarterly, The Paris/Atlantic, and The Charlotte PoetryReview among others.
THERON MONTGOMERY is founder and editor of the ALABAMA LITERARY REVIEW, has published several short stories, notably in Tampa Review, Texas Review, Habersham Review, Echoes Magazine, South Carolina Review, Red Mountain Review. My fiction has been selected by George Garrett for inclusion in the anthology, SOUTHERN WRITERS IN THE NINETIES and one of my novellas was Runner-Up in QUARTERLY WEST's national novella writing contest, 1992.
TOBY OLSON's most recent books are Unfinished Building, Coffee House, and At Sea (Simon & Shuster). He teaches in the MFA creative writing program at Temple University.
PEREGO lives and works in Daytona Beach, Florida.
ETHEL RACKIN has published poems in Poetry East, Lingo and other journals. She is the associate editor of American Poetry Review.
MARCELA SULAK teaches at Villanova University and St. Joseph. Her poems have appeared in The Notre Dame Review, Greenfuse, The Other Side, Kalliope, and Analecta.
SUSAN STEWART is the author of 3 books of poetry, Yellow Stars and Ice (Princeton University Press), The Hive University of Georgia Press) and The Forest (Univeristy of Chicago Press), and three books of literary theory, Nonsense (Johns Hopkins University Press) and Crimes of Writing (Oxford University Press).
EILEEN TABIOS is editor of Asian Pacific American Journal
GERARD VARNI is a freelance writer living in Los Angeles. He earned bachelor of arts degrees in english and philosophy, as well as an M.A. in english at Loyola Marymount University. He has a story forthcoming in Blue Moon Review.
DIANE WILLIAMS is the author of The Stupefaction (Knopf 1996), a collection of stories and a novella, This Is About the Body, the Mind, the Soul, the World, Time and Fate and Some Sexual Success Stories Plus Other Stories in Which God Might Choose to Appear. She is coeditor of Story-Quarterly. Some of her shorts appeared recently in Conjunctions.
GAIL WEISSMAN lives and works in Fairfax, California.
AMY WRIGHT has recently graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, where she hosts a weekly poetry program on WTJU 91.1FM. Her poems have been published in the Virginia Literary Review, Synergy, 3.7 Magazine and The Poetry Review.
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