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--- J O S H   W A L L A E R T

"...therefore i do hereby and now and furthermore assert that in the context of a society which is in the shadow of my humble opinion humbled and declining itself do we likewise witness a decline in morality moreover in literary content for whereas the poet deserved-of-name was once and should now be concerned with the beauty of eagles and sunsets and roses and such things quite obviously beautiful and worthy of praise the modern poet is now and should not be concerned with the beauty of meatloaf and sidewalks and noses and such things quite obviously ordinary and worthy of prose and consequently this therefore i do hereby and now furthermore assert.. ."

He paced thus spit forth SPON!DEES! and turned round with each beat

while they noted, nodded, otherwise daydreamed

of love and rain and ordinary things.

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published in association with the |
university of pennsylvania kelly writers house |