Jill Maser
Exploitation will be the only way to survive a critical time when there will not be enough food, space, or money to go around. ...regardless of the outcome of technological innovations over the next 50 years, some level of social responsibility needs to accompany the advances.
CyberSociety 2046
Michael MirmakCarrying signs reading "Cyber Rights Now," a group of students and faculty protested the Communications Decency Act. The Protest coincided with an address given by Vice President Al Gore to mark the 50th Anniversity of ENIAC, the first large-scale electronic computer.
---- The Daily Pennsylvanian
Protest Address
Shannon Rogers... in keeping with his unique position as a novelist closing the Victorian period and opening the modern, Hardy's interpretation of the medieval period takes on an urgency and somber tone expressive of the "ache of modernism" his later characters experience.
The Medievalist Impulse of Thomas Hardy
Eileen TabiosCritics have disagreed among themselves as to whether the materials "complement" versus "compete" with each other.
Osami Tanaki: The Flesh Of His Gestures