*************   CreoLIST posting   **************
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 11:16:17 -0500
From: GOURY Laurence - Linguistique 
Subject: Ebonics

Dear CreoLISTERs,

This message might be of any interest for people working on AAVE, and more
generally, on creole languages.
What do you think about this probleme?


  November 16, 1998
   Dear Colleague:
   A small group of us (including Carolyn Adger, Walt Wolfram,
   and John Baugh) has been  trying to figure out a way to
   respond to the anti-"Ebonics" ad that appeared in The New
   York Times. We feel that you will be concerned enough about
   the ad to add your signature to the letter we have drawn up
   to send to the Times. Some background information on the ad
   is attached.
   To sign the letter, print the letter out, sign it, and fax
   it to Geneva at the fax number in the letter.  Also, we need
   your institutional affiliation and all your contact
   information: e-mail, fax, etc.  Please pass this packet on
   to any of your colleagues who share our concerns.
   We would like to have all the signatures in by Nov. 23,
   Yours sincerely,
   Arthur Spears & Geneva Smitherman
   C/O Professor Geneva Smitherman
   English Department
   Michigan State University
   East Lansing, MI 48824
   Tel 517/353-9252; Fax 517/432-2854
   November 16, 1998
   Mr. Arthur Sulzberger, Publisher
   The New York Times
   229 W. 43rd Street
   New York, NY 10036
   Dear Mr. Sulzberger:
   We are writing to express our dismay and concern about the
   ad "I Has a Dream," which was printed in The New York Times
   on October 9, 1998 (copy enclosed).
   We are appalled that the ad appeals to readers to "speak out
   against Ebonics" and flies in the face of the body of
   research and scholarship produced by linguists on Ebonics,
   also known as African-American Vernacular English (AAVE).
   Some of this work dates back over fifty years.
   The ad strikes us as an attack on the many African Americans
   of all ages who sometimes use AAVE, especially African
   American youth. As linguists and educators deeply committed
   to the education and development of Black youth, we think it
   imperative that readers of the Times be informed of the
   scientific truth about AAVE.
   To that end, we request that the January 1997 "Resolution on
   the Oakland `Ebonics' issue," passed by our professional
   organization, the Linguistic Society of America, with a
   membership some 7,000 strong, be published in the Times as a
   public service ad. (A copy of the resolution is enclosed.)
   Sincerely yours,
   Concerned Linguists and Educators
   (Thanks to Rosina Lippi-Green for detective work)
        An association called Atlanta's Black Professionals
   contacted three advertisement agencies: Austin Kelley
   Advertising, Ketchum, and Folio Z, to create the
        The creative director, Lee St. James discussed the
   issue with African American colleagues in Atlanta's Black
   Professionals, and the consensus among them was that the
   thought of not fostering "proper" English in the black
   community is frightening.  St. James decided to run the
   headline in what he felt to be Ebonics, and to use Martin
   Luther King's landmark speech and the image of Martin Luther
   King turning his back on Ebonics in the advertisement.
        The advertisement was run in Atlanta, both in
   newspapers and as posters.  The advertisement (the poster
   version?) was popular and was requested by schools from
   Miami to Richmond.
        The advertisement won the Grand Prize of the annual
   Athena Award offered by the Newspaper Association of America
   (cf. http://www.naa.org/display/athena/grandprize.html).
        The winner(s) of the Grand Prize donated half of the
   money to the Head Start Association.
        Someone from Ketchum informed the Head Start
   Association that the NYT was willing to print the
   advertisement free of charge as a public service
   announcement.  The Deputy Director of  the Hard Start
   Association responded that it was "a good idea" given the
   fact that the advertisement had won the Athena Award.
   However, the Deputy Director claims that neither Ketchum nor
   anyone else ever asked for the endorsement by the Head Start
        The advertisement was run by the NYT.  (One suspects
   that it was because 1) the advertisement won the prize, and
   2) the NYT wanted to make AAVE look bad.)
        The Head Start Association received a flood of calls.
   The Deputy Director said that he expected a retraction to be
   run by the NYT.
        The advertisement features an image of a black man in a
   overcoat with his back turned to the reader, with a headline
   "I HAS A DREAM" written over the image of the man.  Below
   the image is the text, which reads:
        "Does this bother you?  It should.  We've
   spent over 400 years fighting for the right to
   have a voice.  Is this how we'll use it?  More
   importantly, is this how we'll teach our children
   to use it?  If we expect more of them, we must not
   throw our hands in the air and agree with those
   who say our children cannot be taught.  By now,
   you've probably heard about Ebonics (aka, black
   English).  And if you think it's become a
   controversy because white America doesn't want us
   messing with their precious language, don't.
   White America couldn't care less what we do to
   segregate ourselves.
        The fact is language is power.  And we can't
   take that power away from our children with
   Ebonics.  Would Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X,
   and all the others who paid the price of obtaining
   our voice with the currency of their lives embrace
   this?  If you haven't used your voice lately,
   consider this an invitation."  ("SPEAK OUT AGAINST
   EBONICS", The National Head Start Association,
   1651 Prince Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, The New
   York Times, October 9, 1998, A19 [National Edition])

Laurence GOURY

Centre ORSTOM-Cayenne
BP 165
97323 Cayenne cedex

