A rare and complete copy is in the Rosenbach Library in Philadelphia. Their catalogue describes it as follows:
"The English and Low-Dutch School-Master. Containing Alphabetical Tables of the most Common Words in English and Dutch. With certain Rules and Directions whereby the Low-Dutch inhabitants of North-America may (in a short time) learn to Spell, Read, Understand and Speak proper English. And by the help whereof the English may also learn to Spell, Read, Understand and Write Low-Dutch. New-York. Printed and Sold by W. Bradford, 1730.This bilingual work by a Raritan, New Jersey schoolmaster is the only perfect copy known of the first school-book printed in New York. It is in its original American blind-stamped calf binding."
Bradford also operated in Philadelphia. This excerpt is from the Rosenbach's publication Selection from our Shelves a partial catalogue of their holdings.