Bibliography on language-disorders in children

This bibliography was originally distributed to the LangUse listserv by Sabine Pirchio.

  1. A.J. Wootton, 1997, Interaction and the development of mind. Cambridge

  2. Blank, M., Gessner, M., & Esposito, A. (1979). Language without communication: A case study. Journal of Child Language, 6 (2) , 329- 352.

  3. Brinton, B. & Fujiki, M. (1982). A comparison of request- response sequences in the discourse of normal and language disordered children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 47, 57-62.

  4. Brinton, B., Fujiki, M., Winkler, E. & Loeb, D. (1986). Responses to requests for clarification in linguistically normal and language-impaired children. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 51, 370-378.

  5. Brook, S.L. & Bowler, D.M. (1992). Autism by another name? Semantic and pragmatic impairments in children. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 22 (1) , 61-81.

  6. Conti-Ramsden, G. & Gunn, M. (1986). The development of conversational disability: a case study. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 21 (3) , 339-351.

  7. Craig, H. & Evans, J. (1989). Turn exchange characteristics of SLI children's simultaneous and nonsimultaneous speech. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 54, 334-47.

  8. Fey, M.E. & Leonard, L.B. (1983). Pragmatic skills of children with specific language impairment. In T.M. Gallagher & C.A. Prutting (Eds.), Pragmatic assessment and intervention issues in language (pp. 65-82). San Diego: College-Hill.

  9. Fujiki, M. & Brinton, B. (1991). The verbal noncommunicator: A case study. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 22 (1), 322-333.

  10. Gallagher, T. & Darnton, B. (1978). Conversational aspects of the speech of language-disordered children: Revision behaviors. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 21, 118-135.

  11. Greenlee, M. (1981). Learning to tell the forest from the trees: Unravelling discourse features of a psychotic child. First Language, 2 (5), 83-102.

  12. McTear, M. (1985a). Pragmatic disorders: a question of direction. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 20, 119-127.

  13. McTear, M. (1985b). Pragmatic Disorders: a case study of conversational disability. British Journal of Disorders of Communication, 20, 129-142.

  14. Prutting, C.A. & Kirchner, D.M. (1987). A clinical appraisal of the pragmatic aspects of language. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders, 52, 105-119.

  15. Rapin, I. & Allen, D.A. (1983). Developmental language disorders: Nosologic considerations. In U. Kirk (Ed.), Neuropsychology of language, reading, and spelling (pp. 155-184). New York: Academic.

  16. Brennan, S. (1999) Co-construing the world: topic management in the conversations of children with emotional and language difficulties. Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 9. 35-56.,

  17. Collins, S, Markova, I & Murphy, J: (1997) Bringing conversations to a close: the management of closings in interactions between AAC users and 'natural' speakers. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. 11, 6. 467-494

  18. Corrin, J., Tarplee, C. & Wells, B. (forthcoming). Interactional linguistics and language development: a conversation analytic perspective on emergent syntax To appear in Couper-Kuhlen, E. & Selting, M. Studies in Interactional Linguistics (Benjamins)

  19. Dobbinson, S., Perkins, M. R., & Boucher, J. (1998). Structural patterns in conversations with a woman who has autism. Journal of Communication Disorders, 31, 113-134

  20. Gardner, H. (1994) Doing talk about speech: a study of speech/language therapists and phonologically disordered children working together. Unpublished DPhil thesis, University of York.

  21. Kendrick, H. (1994) A study of conversations between two dysfluent twins and their parents using conversation analysis. Unpublished MSc project, Department of Human Communication Science, UCL.

  22. Laughland, J.(1998) Overlapping talk in young children's conversation with their primary caregivers . Unpublished MSc project, Department of Human Communication Science, UCL.

  23. Local, J & Wootton, T. (1995) Interactional and phonetic aspects of immediate echolalia in autism: a case study. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 9, 155-184.

  24. Mahon, M. (1995) An analysis of question-answer sequences in three adult-child conversations, one of which is with a deaf child. Work in Progress Vol 5. Department of Human Communication Sciences, UCL.

  25. Mahon, M. (1997) Conversation analysis of language of hearing-impaired children for whom English is the second language. Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Human Communication Science, UCL.

  26. Murray, Sarah (1995). : Conversation and psycholinguistic analyses of developmental communication disorders: a case study. Unpublished MSc project, Department of Human Communication Science, UCL.

  27. Marlaire, C.L. & Maynard D.W. (1990) Standardised testing as an interactional phenomenon. Sociology of Education 63, 83-101 (available in photocopy collection)

  28. Radford, J & Tarplee, C. (in press) The management of conversational topic by a 10-year old child with pragmatic difficulties. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics

  29. Tarplee, C. & Barrow, E.(1999) Delayed echoing as an interactional resource: a case study of a 3-year-old child on the autistic spectrum. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 13, 6. 449-482

  30. Tarplee, C. (1993) Working on talk: the collaborative shaping of linguistic skills within child-adult interaction. Unpublished DPhil thesis, University of York.

  31. Tarplee, C. (1996) Working on young children's utterances: prosodic aspects of repetition during picture labelling. In Couper-Kuhlen, E. & Selting, M. (eds) Prosody in Conversation: Interactional studies. Cambridge University Press,

  32. Wells, B. & Local. J. (1993) The sense of an ending: a case of prosodic delay. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 6,4.59-73

  33. Wootton, A. (1989) Speech to and from a severely retarded young Down's syndrome child. In: Beveridge, M., Conti-Ramsden, G & Leudar I: Language and Communication in Mentally Handicapped People. 157-184. Chapman Hall.

  34. Wootton, A. (1990) Pointing and interaction initiation: the behaviour of young children with Down's syndrome. Journal of Child Language 17, 565-589.

  35. Wootton, A. (1994) Object transfer, intersubjectivity and third position repair: early developmental observations of one child. Journal of Child Language 21, 543-564.

  36. Wootton, A. (1997) Interaction and the Development of Mind. C.U.P.,

  37. Wootton, A. (1999) An investigation of delayed echoing in a child with autism. First Language. 19, 3, No. 57

  38. Susan Hoyle and Carolyn Temple Adger,(Eds.)(1998) Kids Talk: Strategic Language Use in Later Childhood, Oxford University Press

Sabine Pirchio
Dipartimento di psicologia dei processi di sviluppo e socializzazione
Facolt di Psicologia
Universit di Roma "La Sapienza"
Tel. 06. 49917673
Fax 06.49917652