Journals of interest to Linguists/Linganthropologists

This list was originally suggested by Leila Monaghan (to LingAnth listserv 6/7/95), now with additions from other sources, suggested by Scott Kiesling, Jim Wilce, Gary Palmer, and Celso Alvarez-Caccamo whose own very complete page of appropriate journals can be accessed from here by clicking here or by going to the page at:

  1. American Anthropologist: American Anthropological Association. Four-field anthropology journal.

  2. American Ethnologist: American Anthropological Association. Cultural and social anthropology, linguistic perspective accepatable.

  3. Anthropological Linguistics, Exploring the Languages of the World: Anthropology Department, Indiana University, Rawles Hall 108, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA. Varied linguistic/sociolinguistic/anthropological articles.

  4. Anthropology & Education Quarterly: Published by the American Anthropological Association. Interested in education from a broad variety of perspectives, including linguistic perspectives. Have a lot of classroom stuff, but are also interested in general socialization issues, particularly international stuff. Most papers are fairly data based.

  5. Anthropology Newsletter: American Anthropological Association. General articles of interest to the profession. Newspaper length pieces.

  6. Anthropology Newsletter, Society for Linguistic Anthropology Column: Short factual and opinion pieces about the nature of linguistic anthropology (NIKO: Where should people send things?)

  7. Anthropology UCLA: Dept of Anthro, 341 Haines Hall, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1553. Anthro department four-field journal that sometimes accepts outside pieces. 50/50% Theme/singles issues.

  8. Annual Review of Anthropology

  9. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics

  10. Australian Journal of Linguistics often has stuff about Australian and Austronesian languages of interest to linganthers. Contact Peter Collins, Lx Dept., School of Modern langs, U. of new South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052 Australia.

  11. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, an international peer-reviewed journal to be launched by Cambridge University Press, has been specifically designed to fulfil this role. The first issue will be published in early 1998, and the journal will be published three times a year. For further information on Bilingualism, please contact Cambridge University Press: tel. +44 (0)1223 325804; email:

  12. Cognitive Linguistics

  13. Discourse and Society

  14. Discourse Processes, A Multidisciplinary Journal: Published by Ablex Corporation, 355 Chestnut Street, Norwood, NJ 07648, USA. They are interested in issues like language variation. Have articles like "Integrations of Semantic and Structural Constrainsts in Narrative Comprehension," "A Case Study in Language Socialization: Korean WH-Questions" and "Speech Economy and Social Selection in Educational Contexts: A Franco- Ontarian Case Study". People on the board include linguists and conversation analysts. Probably prefer pieces with some transcripts.

  15. Ethos: The Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology (taking a linguistic turn under the current editors)

  16. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, International Sociolinguistic Perspectives: Mouton. Tend to have issue editors with topic topics like "Sociolinguistics in Japan" "Language and Work" and "Face to Face Interaction."

  17. Journal of American Folklore

  18. (Journal of Human Movement?)(Indiania/Iowa?) Brenda Farnell who did work on American Indian Plains is associated with this.

  19. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology: American Anthropological Association. Linguistic Anthropology.

  20. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development: Multilingual Matters, Bank House, 8a Hill Road, Clevedon, Avon BS21 7HH, UK. "Code-switching and Bilingual Schooling: An Examination of Jacobson's New Concurrent Approach" "Mother Tongue Maintenance in Lebanese Immigrant Families in Australia"

  21. Journal of Pragmatics, An interdisciplinary Bi-monthly of Language Studies: Published by Elsevier Science Publishers BV (North-Holland). Topics vary widely. "On correlations between word order and pragmatic function of conditional sentences in German" "Translation in bilingual conversation: Pragmatic aspects of translatory interaction" "Defendants interpretations of encouragements in court" "History and language: Towards a social account of linguistic change"

  22. Journal of Sociolinguistics (Blackwell).

  23. Language, Journal of the Linguistic Society of America: LSA at Waverly Press, Baltimore MD 21202, Straight linguistics to sociolinguistics.

  24. Language Variation and Change, which sometimes approaches linganth.

  25. Journal of Semantics [Dr. Peter Bosch, Lerchenstr. 76, D- 60176 Stuttgart, Germany; email:]

  26. Language and Cognitive Processes

  27. Language in Society: Cambridge University Press. William Bright, editor. , 1625 Mariposa Ave., Boulder, CO 80302; Phone: (303) 444-4274, Fax: (303) 413-0017.

  28. Language, Power, and Social Process, a new series from Mouton de Gruyter ``aims at contributing to the development of new approaches in the sociolinguistic and linguistic anthropological study of social issues and social problems. Themes to be addressed: The series will contain critical analyses of language and power in social processes and will highlight substantive, theoretical and methodological dimensions of sociolinguistic research.The series will include monographs as well as edited volumes."

  29. Linguistic Typology

  30. Linguistics: an interdisciplinary journal of the language sciences. Mouton de Gruyer. Linguistics including pragmatics, semantics, morphology, phonology, experimental phonetics, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics.

  31. Metaphor and Symbolic Activity

  32. Mind and Language

  33. Multilingua, Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication: Mouton de Gruyer. "The treatment of language and linguistic issues in the current English-language international management literature" "Topic selection in phatic communication" "Soviet and American expression of personal involvement," "Women's graffitti"

  34. Pragmatics and Beyond [John Benjamins]

  35. Pragmatics and Cognition (Marcelo Dascal, Ed. John Benjamins Pub. Co.)

  36. Pragmatics (Antwerp-- IPrA's journal)

  37. Research on Language and Social Interaction, a quarterly interdisciplinary journal, reports original research about language and social interaction issues. The journal welcomes manuscripts about (a) components or features of language or other social code s that are consequential for social interaction; (b) the structure, dynamics, or functions of kinds of social interaction; and (c) how language and social interaction practices relate. ROLSI seeks to give voice to scholarly work in communication, linguistics, sociology, psychology, and related disciplines studying talk in interaction; language and discourse strategies; relationships between speech communities and their language- or interaction-related behaviors, values, and beliefs; and the practices and constraints of social interaction in casual or institutional settings, as well as interactions mediated by computer and other new technologies. For more information prospective authors may contact Karen Tracy by email ( or telephone (303 492-8461).

  38. Studies in Second Language Acquisition: Cambridge University Press??

  39. Text, an interdisciplinary journal for the study of discourse: Mouton De Gruyter, Berlin, New York. "Telling age in later life: Identity and face implications" "Forms and footing in boys' sportscasting" "On conversational involvement by mail: The use of questions in direct sales letters" "Textuality and human reasoning"

  40. Visual Communication: Annenberg School Press, Annenberg School of Communication: 3620 Walnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19104-3858 (U of Pennsylvania). "Life vs. Art: The Interpretation of Visual Narratives" "Francis L. Cooper, Spruce Hill Photographer" "An Interpration of "Man with the Movie Camera," "Imitation White Man: Images of Transformation at the Carlisle Indian School." These guys like pictures a lot.

  41. Word last modified 5/29/98,