Male-female Phonetic Bibliography
Prepared by Henry Rogers
This is a posting on Linguist 12.2276 of the bibliographic items
received on the subject of male-female phonetic differences.
- Atkinson, M. 1984. Our Masters' voices; The Language and Body Language
of Politics. London: Methuen
- Bladon, R. A. W., Henton, C. G., & Pickering, J. B. 1984. Towards an
auditory theory of speech normalization. Language and Communication,
4(1), 59-69.
- Brend, R.M. 1975. "Male-female intonation patterns in American
English." In B. Thorne and N. Henly, etc. Language and Sex: Difference
and Dominance. Rowley, MA: Newbury House. pp. 84-87
- Brown, W. S., jr. and S.H. Feinstein. 1977. 'Speaker sex identification
utilizing a constant laryngeal source'. Folia phoniatrica 29.240-8.
- Byrd, D. 1994. Relations of sex and dialect to reduction. Speech
Communication, 15(1), 39-54.
- Carleton, M. & Ohala, J.J. 1980. "The effect of pitch of voice on
perceived personality traits". Meeting of Kroeber Anthropological
Society, Berkeley: University of California.
- Chambers, J. K. 1992. Linguistic correlates of gender and sex. English
World-Wide, 13(2), 173-218.
- Childers, D.G. and K. Wu. 1991. Gender recogniton from speech: Part II.
Fine analysis' JASA 90.1841-56.
- Coleman, Ralph O. 1971. 'Male and female voice quality and its
relationship to vowel formant frequencies'. JSHR 14.565-77.
- Coleman, Ralph O. 1973. 'Speaker identification in the absence of
inter-subject differences in glottal source charactersistics'. JASA
- Coleman, Ralph O. 1976. 'A comparison of the contributions of two voice
quality characteristics to the perception of maleness and femaleness in
the voice'. JSHR 19.168-80.
- Deterding D 1990. Speaker Normalisation for Automatic Speech
Recognition. Unpublished PhD thesis, Cambridge University.
- Deterding, D. 1997 The Formants of Monophthong Vowels in Standard
Southern British English Pronunciation. Journal of the International
Phonetic Association, 27, 47-55.
- Eckert, P. 1989. The whole woman: Sex and gender differences in
variation. Language Variation and Change, 1, 245-267.
- Ecklund, Ingegerd and Hartmut Traunmüller. 1997. 'Comparative study of
male and female whispered and phonated versions of the long vowels of
Swedish'. Phonetica 54.1-21.
- Gibb, G. D. 1869. "The character of the voice in the nations of Asia and
Africa contrasted with that of the nations of Europe". Journal of the
Anthropological Society, april: 244-59.
- Gordon, Matthew and Jeffrey Heath. 1998. 'Sex, Sound Symbolism, and
Sociolinguistics' Current Anthropology_ 39.4: 421-49.
- Graddol, D. & Swann, J 2d ed, 1991. The Voice of Authority. Oxford:
Basil Blackwell.
- Graddol, D. & Swann, J. 1983. "Speaking in fundamental frequency: some
social and physical correlates". Language and Speech, 26:351-66.
- Graddol, D. & Swann, J. 1991. Gender Voices. "The Voice of Authority"
and "Accents of feminity". Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
- Graddol, D. J. 1983. "Three experiments in the perception of speaking
fundamental frequency". Paper given to the Institute of Accoustics
Speech Group, Nottingham printed in Gender Voices.
- Graddol, D. J. 1986. "Discourse specific pitch behavior" in John-Lewis,
C. (ed.). Intonation in Discourse, London: Croom Helm.
- Hagiwara, R. 1994. Three types of American /r/. UCLA Working Papers in
Phonetics, 88, 55-61.
- Hagiwara, R. 1995. Acoustic realizations of American /r/ as produced by
women and men. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics, 90.
- Hagiwara, R. 1997. Dialect variation and formant frequency: the American
English vowels revisited. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
102(1), 655-658.
- Henton, C. 'Cross-language variation in the vowels of female and male
speakers'. Proc. 13 ICPhS, vol 4.420-3. Stockholm.
- Henton, C. 1983. Changes in the vowels of received pronunciation.
Journal of Phonetics, 11, 353-371.
- Henton, C. 1985. A Comparative Study of Phonetic Sex-specific
Differences across Languages. Dphil thesis. Oxford University
- Henton, C. 1987. Phonetic considerations for th synthesis of female
voices. Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Phonetics
Sciences, 270-273.
- Henton, C. 1988, November-December. Vocal discord. UC Davis Magazine,
- Henton, C. 1989. "Fact and fiction in the description of female and
male pitch". Language and Communication 9:299-311
- Henton, C. 1990. One vowel's life (and death?) across languages: the
moribundity and prestige of /(turned-v)/. Journal of Phonetics, 18,
- Henton, C. 1992. The abnormality of male speech. In G. Wolf (Ed.), New
Departures in Linguistics. New York, NY: Garland Publishing, Inc.
- Henton, C. 1995. "Pitch Dynamism in Male and Female Speech". Language
and Communication 15:43-61
- Henton, C. G., & Bladon, R. A. W. 1985. Breathiness in normal female
speech: inefficiency versus desirability. Language and Communication,
- Henton, C., & Bladon, A. 1988. Creak as a sociophonetic marker. In L. M.
Hyman & C. N. Li (Eds.), Language, Speech and Mind: Studies in honour of
- Hillenbrand, J. M., Getty, L. A., Clark, M., J., & Wheeler, K.
1995.Acoustic characteristics of American English vowels. Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 97(5), 3099-3111.
- Hinton, L., Moonwomon, B., Bremner, S., Luthin, H., Van Clay, M.,
Lerner,J., & Corcoran, H. 1987. It's not just the Valley Girls: a study
of California English. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of
the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 117-128.
- Holmberg, E.B., R.E. Hillman, and J.J. Perkell 1988. 'Glottal airflow
and transglottal air pressure measurements for male and female
speakers.' JASA 84.511-29.
- Ingenmann, F. 1968. Identification of the speaker's sex from voiceless
fricatives. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 44(4),
- Johansson, I. 1983. "Sex-related and sex-directed features in questions
of adults to six-year-old children". From sounds to words. Umea:
Humanisthusets reprocentral.
- Johnson, K. 1990. The role of perceived speaker identity in F0
normalization of vowels. Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America,88(2), 642-654.
- Johnson, K., Ladefoged, P., & Lindau, M. 1993. Individual differences
invowel production. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
- Karlsson, I. 1991 Female voices in speech synthesis. Journal of
Phonetics19(1), 111-120/
- Klatt, D. H., & Klatt, L. C. 1990. Analysis, synthesis, and perception
of voice quality variations among female and male talkers. Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, 87, 820-857.
- Koenig, L. L. 2000. Laryngeal factors in voiceless consonant production
in men, women, and 5-year-olds. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing
Research, 43, 1211-1228.
- Ladefoged, P. and D. Broadbent. 1957. 'Information conveyed by vowels.'
JASA 29.98-104.
- Lakoff, Robin. 1975. Language and Woman's place. New-York, Harper and
- Laver J, and P. Trudgill. 1979. "Phonetic and Linguistic Markers in
Speech" in Scherer, K.R. & Giles H. (eds). Social Markers in Speech.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Laver, J. 1980. The Phonetic Description of Voice Quality. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
- Léon P. 1980. "BB ou la voix 'charmeuse', 'petite fille'et 'coquette'.
Problemes de prosodie. vol 2: experimentations, modeles et fonctions.
Studia phonetica.
- Linke, C.E. 1973. 'A study of pitch characteristics of female voices and
their relationship to vocal effectiveness.' Folia phoniat. 25.173-85.
- Loveday, L. 1981. "Pitch, politeness and sexual role: an explotary
investigation". Language and Speech, 24:71-88
- Majewski, W. & al. 1972. "Speaking Fundamental Frequencies of Polish
Adult Males". Phonetica, 225:119-25.
- McConnell-Ginet, Sally. 1978. 'Intonation in a man's world'. Signs. 3,
541-59. Reprinted in Thorne, Kramerae, and Henley (eds.) Language,
Gender, and Society. Rowley, MA: Newbury House. pp. 69-88
- Moonwomon, B. 1991 Sound change in San Francisco English
(CaliforniaEnglish. UC Berkeley Ph.D. Dissertation.
- Mora, Elsa. 1989. "Phonostylistique de l'intonation differenciations
dues au milieu social et au sexe des locuteurs". Revue Québécoise de
linguistique Appliquée.
- Nittrouer, S., McGowan, R. S., Milenkovic, P. H., & Beehler, D. 1990.
Acoustic measurements of men's and women's voices: A study of context
effects and covariation. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 33,
- Ohala J.J. 1983. "Cross-language use of pitch: an ethological view".
Phonetica, 40,1-18
- Ohala J.J. 1984. "An ethological perspective on common cross-language
utilization of F0 of voice". Phonetica, 41, 1-16.
- Philips, Susan U., Susan Steele, & Christine Tanz (eds). 1987 Language
Gender and Sex in Comparative Perspective. London: Cambrige University
- Ryalls, John, Allison Zipprer, and Penelope Baldauff. 1997. 'A
preliminary investigation of the effects of gender and race on voice
onset time.' Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 40.642-5.
- Sachs, J. 1975. "Cues to the identification of sex in children's
speech". Language and Sex: Difference and Dominance. Barrie THORNE and
Nancy HENLEY (ed). Massachussets: Newbury House Publisher,152-177.
- Schwartz, M.F. 1968. Identification of speaker sex from isolated
voiceless fricatives. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
43(5), 1178-1179.
- Schwartz, M.F. and H.E. Rine. 1968. 'Identificaiton of speaker sex from
isolated, whispered vowels'. JASA 44.1736-7.
- Smith, P. M. 1985. Language, the Sexes and Society. Oxford: Basil
- Spender, Dale. 1985 2d ed Man-made Language. London: Routledge and Kegan
- Stathopoulos, E. T., & Sapienza, C. 1993. Respiratory and laryngeal
function of women and men during vocal intensity variation. Journal of
Speech and Hearing Research, 36(1), 64-75.
- Strand, E. A. 1999. Uncovering the role of gender stereotypes in speech
perception. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 18(1), 86-99.
- Swartz, Bradford L. 1992. 'Gender differences in voice onset time'.
Perceptual and Motor Skills 75.983-92.
- Sweeting, P.M. and R.J. Baken. 1982. 'Voice onset time in a normal-aged
population.' JSHR 25.129-34.
- Terango, L. 1966. "Pitch and duration characteristics of the oral
reading of males on a masculinity-feminity dimension". Journal of Speech
and Hearing research, 9, 590-95
- Thorne, Barrie, Cheris Kramarae & Nancy Henley.1983. Language, Gender
and Society. Massachussets, Newbury Publishers.
- Titze, I. R. 1989. Physiologic and acoustic differences between male and
female voices. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 85(4),
- Van Bezooijen. R. 1995. 'Sociocultural aspects of pitch differences
between Japanese and Dutch women'. Language and Speech 38.253-65.
- Vuorenkoski et al. 1978. "Fundamental voice frequency during normal and
abnormal growth and after androgen treatment". Archives of Disease in
Childhood, 53, 201-9.
- Weinberg, B. and S. Bennett. Speaker sex recognition of 5- and 6-year
old chilrens's voices'. JASA 50.1210-3.
- Whalen, D. H., and Levitt, A. G. 1995. The universality of intrinsic F0
of vowels. Journal of Phonetics, 23.349-66.
- Whiteside, S.P. and J. Marshall. 2001. 'Developmental trands in voice
onset time: Some evidence for sex differences'. Phonetica 58.196-210.
- Whiteside, Sandra P. and Caroline J. Irving. 1997. 'Speakers' sex
differences in voice onset time: Some preliminary findings'. Peceptual
and Motor Skills 85.459-63.
- Wu, K. and D.G. Childers. 1991. 'Gender recognition from speech: Part I.
Coarse analysis.' JASA 90.1828-40.
- Yang, Byunggon. 1990. 'An acoustical study of Korean monophthongs
produced by male and female speakers'. JASA 91.2280-3.
- Yang, Byunggon. 1996. 'A comparative study of American English and
Korean vowels produced by male and female speakers'. Journal of
Phonetics 24. 245-61.
Henry Rogers
6072 Robarts Library
Department of Linguistics vox: (416-) 978-1769
University of Toronto fax: (416-) 971-2688
Toronto, Ontario,
Many thanks to those who replied: Doug Whalen, Jamil Daher, Baider
Fabienne, Robert Hagiwara, Laura L. Koenig, Nadia Brunetti, Anne Cutler,
David Deterding, Daniel Loehr, Matthew Gordon.