References on the subject of physical proximity

Ethnomethodological studies of seating in public places

  1. Birenbaum, Arnold : People in places : the sociology of the familiar. London : Nelson , 1973

  2. Ciolek, T.A. & Kendon, A. (1980). `Environment and the spatial arrangement of conversational encounters.' Sociological Inquiry. 50, 3-4: 237-271.

  3. Goffman, E. (1963 a) Behavior in public places: notes on the social organization of gatherings. New York: Free Press

  4. Goffman, E. (1972) Relations in public: microstudies of the public order. Harmondsworth: Penguin (1971)

  5. Hannerz, U. (1980) 'The city as theater: tales of Goffman'. In his: Exploring the city: inquiries toward an urban anthropology. New York: Columbia University Press: 202-241

  6. Kendon, Adam. Conducting Interaction. Patterns of behavior in focused encounters. Cambridge 1990

  7. Laurier, E., Whyte, A. Buckner, K, Shearer, T. & Bates, K (ed.): Cafe Ethnography: the uses of tables and chairs, Living Memory Project, Sub-element of Deliverable D2.4, i3 Connected Communities Research Project, Department of Information Management, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh, U.K., 2000. (Copies available from E.Laurier)

  8. Lee, John and Rod Watson, Social interaction in urban public space - Final Report Plan Urbain Project

  9. Lofland, L.H. (1973) A world of strangers: order and action in urban public space. New York: Basic Books

  10. Lofland,L.H. (1989) 'Social life in the public domain: a review', Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 17: 453-82

  11. Lofland, L.H. (1973) A world of strangers: order and action in urban public space. New York: Basic Books

  12. Lofland,L.H. (1989) 'Social life in the public domain: a review', Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 17: 453-82

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Ged M. Murtagh
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