This is a revision of an earlier version dated June, 1986.

The Halls and Scherrers visited Hassloch in 1986 and I visited Hassloch, Böhl and Tutschfelden in June of 1987.

Now Rheinland--Pfalz, but in those days a part of the state (or Kingdom) of Bavaria; after the Napoleonic Wars the Pfalz was given to Bavaria; after World War I with the establishment of the Weimar Republic administrative boundaries and/or names of states changed, and they changed again with the formation of the Bundesrepublik after World War II. In English the Pfalz is known as ``the Palatinate".

There are so many Haucks in the Hassloch--Böhl area that they have to add roman numerals those with the same surname in the records, especially if the name happens to be "Johannes."!

These year dates without month and date are all approximate; in the records I found, the parents' ages are often given in the certificates of their children's births and/or marriages, so by calculating back, the year of birth can be estimated plus or minus one year. I searched the records in the Böhl Rathaus with the help of Karl--Heinz Zercher and the Standesamtinspektor, who kindly looked up every new name we came across for more than an hour, and made xerox copies of the more important certificates. But the records are all hand-written in old-fashioned German script, which I cannot read easily, so I had to rely on him for running dictations of names and dates. If anyone wanted to research these dates farther, a year of birth (approximate) is all that is needed to zero in on the actual birth certificate. But many German records do not go back beyond 1800, and if the person in question was not born in Böhl (for instance) then the record will not exist. The address of the person to turn to for records in Böhl is Standesamtinspektor Bug, Rathaus, 6737 Böhl/Pfalz. Each xerox copy costs DM 1,-- and some of the old records are on very large pieces of paper, so xeroxing a lot of them is difficult and expensive.

I did not manage to obtain a copy of Philipp's birth certificate during my recent visit because the clerk was becoming impatient and the noon hour was approaching; perhaps the next person who visits Hassloch could make a point of visiting the Rathaus in Hassloch for this purpose (the Halls and Scherrers couldn't get records during their last visit because all the records were in boxes awaiting a move into the new Rathaus).

Tutschfelden is now administratively a part of the adjacent larger town of Herbolzheim, which is where the railroad station is located. The Standesamt for Tutschfelden is in Herbolzheim as well.

This information is from Adolph, not the Familienbuch

Harold Schiffman
Mon Feb 19 10:14:11 EST 1996