
Outer limits of northern phonological features.

  1. Northern [e] (as in cher) --. Southern [a] (< L. carus)

  2. Northern [è] (as in mère) --> [a] (< L. mater)

  3. Northern [č] (--> [š] as in champ) ≠ southern ka- (< L. campus)

  4. Northern loss of intervocalic [-d-] (as in chaine) ≠ Southern -d-(< L. catena)

  5. Northern loss of preconsonantal [š]- (as in château) Southern preservation of s (< L. castellum)

  Cities : B(ordeaux), G(eneva), L(yon), M(arseille), N(antes), Ne(vers), P(aris), R(ouen), T(oulouse), To(urs) (From R. A. Hall, Jr . "The Linguistic Position of Franco- Provengal," cited in Kurath, 1967 :97)