Links to Pedagogical Resources on this Site

  1. Grading Scale used in my courses.

  2. Materials and programs for teaching and learning Pashto.

  3. A sample page of 'supplemental materials' a teacher might devise to help students work on the grammar of case and prepositions in German.

  4. South Asia Language Resource Center.

  5. A Language Learning Strategy for students in Intensive Language Programs.

  6. A useful statement about how to succeed in college by a Harvard professor.

  7. Evaluation Forms for classroom teaching evaluation.

  8. Teaching Grammar Interactively

  9. Critique Sheets, on-line, for student papers

  10. Helpful Hints for writing Research Papers.

  11. An article from the Chronicle of Higher Education on 'The Seven Deadly Sins of Students.'

  12. Some non-standard English/World Englishes sites:

  13. A review of material about language in Clancey's book on computer modeling of cognition.
last modified 1/15/02