Index of Anthropomorphic Cartoon directory
- Cartoon depicting
chimps who complain about having to learn how to use magnets
because the scientist is too dumb to learn the meaning of their
- Cartoon of
more apes who must go back to 'hootin' because that busybody
Darwin has shown up again.
- A cartoon showing some animals able to speak and think like humans, but one, at
least (a
sheep named 'Chuckie') is guilty of being 'non-anthropomorphic', and so
to play the game of Scrabble with the mouse and the pig.
- Cartoon depicting
Neanderthals (or other primitive hominids) who have limited
intelligence, limited language, etc. but can read about it in their
- Cartoon showing bulls and bears (on Wall Street) with one bull
sweet-talking a
sheep. Is this a message about the sheepish behavior of investors, or
does it depict the stockmarket's interest in biotech stocks?
- A directory of some very funny
and in some respects, irreverent, cartoons.