(eg, llama, Mazda, pasta, spa, tobacco) are phonologically nativized in Modern English, the foreign vowel is variably realized as one of two English phonemes: short /ae/ (as in fat) or long /a:/ (as in father).
This is the linguistic variable "foreign (a)." British & American English show different nativization patterns. Whereas British nativization operates on phonological principles with /ae/ as a default nativization, American English shows a tendency toward
nativization with /a:/ that cannot be explained entirely in phonological terms. Reported here are the results of a study of American undergraduates (N = 59) that investigates the role of attitudinal factors in the choice of /ae/ or /a:/ in American nativi
zation. The results show that /a:/ is evaluated by Americans as more correct, educated, & sophisticated than /ae/ as a nativization of foreign (a). Both social & phonetic explanations for this evaluation are suggested. 7 Tables, 2 Figures, 1 Appendix, 8 R
eferences. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9907796
Record 11 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Influence of Age, Gender, and Context on Attitudes toward Sexist/Nonsexist Language: Is Sport a Special Case?
AU: Parks,-Janet-B.; Robertson,-Mary-Ann
IN: Bowling Green State U, OH 43403-0248
SO: Sex-Roles; 1998, 38, 5-6, Mar, 477-494.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: To examine the influence of age & gender on attitudes toward sexist/nonsexist language in sport & nonsport contexts, samples of college students, university personnel, & business people (total N = 292 from seven universities & adjacent towns in th
e southeastern & midwestern US) were administered the Inventory of Attitudes toward Sexist/Nonsexist Language. The average score was 3.34 on a 5-point scale, indicating ambivalence. Respondents age 23+ were more favorable toward nonsexist language than we
re younger participants, women were more supportive than men, & age & gender explained 23% of the variance. The significant difference between sport/nonsport contexts was not meaningful, nor was a significant gender by context interaction. Sport was not a
special case of resistance to nonsexist language. 3 Tables, 2 Figures, 55 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9906844
Record 12 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Language Planning and Image Building: The Case of Malay in Malaysia
AU: Omar,-Asmah-Haji
IN: U Malaya, 59100 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
SO: International-Journal-of-the-Sociology-of-Language; 1998, 130, 49-65.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Language status, corpus, & acquisition planning in the development of a national language do not always offer prestige to the language concerned. Image building is another dimension in the development of a national language, having to do with the
ability to overcome challenges beyond that of building an identity & the allocation of language use by fiat. It involves the building of image repertoires, eg, scientific, professional, cultural, & social. It is argued that language planning is not restri
cted to the building of an identity, but must also concern itself with portraying a good image, a necessary ingredient in building its user's self-confidence. These notions are examined in the case of the use of Malay vs English in Malaysia, comparing the
ir selection for Master's & PhD theses & scientific journal articles (Ns = 534, 103, & 224, respectively) published 1989-1995. 3 Tables, 14 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9906802
Record 13 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: The Status of Official English Today
AU: Dicker,-Sue
SO: Perspectives; 1997, 23, 2, fall, 84-88.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The current status of official English at the state & federal levels is reviewed in the context of the wider political climate. Although the organization US English has asserted that 23 states have passed official-English laws, it is shown that se
veral of these states in fact support language pluralism. Particular attention is paid to a bill passed by the House of Representatives, the English Language Empowerment Act, the first such bill to appear at the national level. Provisions of the bill incl
ude denial of special funding for bilingual education, & a prohibition on printing official documents, such as electoral material, in languages other than English. It is suggested that the bill passed the House due to the unethical tactics of the conserva
tive right, & that its main result, if passed, would have been to put saving money before the interests of the nation's most vulnerable population. This effort is connected to a wider conservative movement intent on targeting the nation's underclasses. It
is concluded that teachers of English as a second language may protest these practices through participation in voter-registration drives in their communities & schools. D. Ryfe
AN: 9906791
Record 14 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Exploring of American Ideologies of Language
AU: Aggarwal,-Kailash-S.
IN: Manipur U, Imphal 795003 India
SO: CIEFL-Bulletin-(New-Series); 1998, 9, 2, Dec, 1-22.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Americans display multiple & often contradictory beliefs, perceptions, attitudes, & understandings about language policy issues. The major US ideologies of language are similar, however, in their denial of language inequality. Those who fight for
the rights of linguistic minorities accept some of the main assumptions of their adversaries, the champions of "US English." These asusmptions include the politically disunifying consequence of linguistic diversity, the validity of competence in English a
s an indicator of national loyalty, the intrinsic inferiority of dialects, the adequacy of will power for mastery of English, & the adequacy of this mastery for upward social & economic mobility. These & similar assumptions seem to have led to the exclusi
on of language from the categories protected by law from discrimination in the US. Such a generalization emerges chiefly from debates & judicial opinions about the official recognition of Spanish & Black English in elections & in public schools. 71 Refere
nces. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9906783
Record 15 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: African American Evaluations of Black English and Standard American English
AU: White,-Michael-J.; Vandiver,-Beverly-J.; Becker,-Maria-L.; Overstreet,-Belinda-G.; Temple,-Linda-E.; Hagan,-Kelly-L.; Mandelbaum,-Emily-P.
IN: Program in Social Psychology Dept Counseling Psychology Ball State U, Muncie
IN 47306-0585
SO: Journal-of-Black-Psychology; 1998, 24, 1, Feb, 60-75.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: African American undergraduates (N = 55) at a midwestern university evaluated two language guises: Black English & Standard American English. The speaker in these guises described activities in a weekend (informal) & in a business (formal) setting
. Based on their scores on the African Self-Consciousness Scale, respondents were categorized as having either a low or high commitment to an African American identity. Results showed that persons without a committed black identity evaluated Black English
as lower status than those with a committed black identity. Black English was not perceived as reflecting higher social solidarity. 2 Tables, 1 Figure, 31 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9906781
Record 16 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Multilingualism and Language Shift in South Africa: The Case of Telugu, an Indian Language
AU: Prabhakaran,-Varijakshi
IN: Dept Indian Languages U Durban-Westville, Private Bag X54001 4000 South Africa [e-mail: varija@pixie.udw.ac.za]
SO: Multilingua; 1998, 17, 2-3, 297-319.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The intergenerational language shift is demonstrated of a subminority linguistic group, the immigrant Andhras, who speak Telugu as their home language in a multilingual context in South Africa. Focus is on the causes for bilingualism, multilingual
ism, & language shift of the Andhras over the past 137 years in South Africa. Discussed are the present status of the Telugu language in post-apartheid South Africa, attitudes of the present-day immigrant Andhras toward their mother tongue, process of lan
guage shift from Telugu to English, & language change observed among the immigrant Andhra children. 1 Table, 3 Figures, 25 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9906770
Record 17 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: The Silence of the Gators: Cajun Ethnicity and Intergenerational Transmission of Louisiana French
AU: Bankston,-Carl-L.,-III; Henry,-Jacques-M.
IN: Dept Sociology & Anthropology U Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette 70504-0198
SO: Journal-of-Multilingual-and-Multicultural-Development; 1998, 19, 1, 1-23.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The relationship between Cajun ethnicity & the intergenerational transmission of the French language is considered, using data from the 1990 US Census, participant observation, ethnographic fieldwork, & 35 semistructured interviews conducted 1981-
1988 in Louisiana. It is hypothesized that if an ethnicity is associated with socioeconomic disadvantages, then the greater the ethnic identification of parents, the more disadvantageous for them ethnic traits will be. Therefore, ironically, parents who i
dentify themselves as Cajuns & who live in Cajun ethnic areas may be less inclined to pass on French language abilities than are non-Cajun parents or parents in non-Cajun areas, once parents' own language abilities are controlled for. Findings indicate th
at the relationship between ethnicity & language transmission is ambivalent; in general, assimilation contributes to the transmission of ethnic traits. 5 Tables, 1 Figure, 49 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9906722
Record 18 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Standardisation, Variation and Authority in English: The Impact on Language Diversity
AU: Baldauf,-Richard-B.,-Jr.
IN: Language Centre U Sydney
SOL-in-Context; 1998, 8, 2, Dec, 4-10.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Issues of language standardization are discussed with reference to Australian English. It is claimed, following J. E. Joseph (1987), that standardization arose out of the European tradition of language planning & that a standard language is a pure
ly ideological construct that must be learned in school. Language prescription causes problems for minority dialect speakers & creates linguistic intolerance & discrimination. Two apparently contradictory trends are emerging: globalization (English as wor
ld language) & localization (the rise of niche languages). These trends also operate within English. It is claimed that the lack of authoritative standardization is what has allowed regional Englishes to flourish. It is suggested that a very powerful Engl
ish-based knowledge cartel has arisen out of the American scientific infrastructure. The possibility of language standardization in the US as envisioned by the English First movement may undermine English as an international language. It is concluded, wit
h J. Rickford (1996), that teachers must acknowledge the integrity of social dialects & build on them in language instruction to achieve a truly multicultural society. 37 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9906721
Record 19 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Bringing Back Childhood Bilingualism: The Case of Louisiana
AU: Caldas,-Stephen-J.
IN: Dept Educational Foundations & Leadership U Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette
SO: Learning-Languages; 1998, 4, 1, fall, 15-23.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Linguistic xenophobia in the US is growing, fueled by the belief that proficiency in English correlates with abandonment of the native language. It is suggested, however, that there may be a strong link between multilingualism & enhanced cognitive
functioning. This link is considered in light of experiences in Louisiana, which is officially French-English bilingual. Bilingualism was widely tolerated until the end of WWI, when speaking French in public was stigmatized. In the last 30 years, however
, Louisiana has moved to preserve French by teaching it in all elementary schools. The emerging generation of French-English bilinguals is flourishing academically. It is argued that immersion programs encourage children to speak the target language with
their teenaged peers & that such programs need to be extended into middle school & perhaps beyond. 55 References. L. Lagerquist
AN: 9905908
Record 20 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Power, Authority, and Domination in Foreign Language Education: Toward an Analysis of Educational Failure
AU: Reagan,-Timothy; Osborn,-Terry-A.
IN: Dept Curriculum & Instruction School Education U Connecticut, Storrs
SO: Educational-Foundations; 1998, 12, 2, spring, 45-62.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: In a review of current literature it is argued that foreign-language education's failure in the US is due to structural constraints, the context of the curricula, & the role of the teacher as language authority. Structural constraints working agai
nst foreign-language learning are time limitations (the student is introduced too late & receives too little classroom time), choice restrictions to European languages, institutional emphasis on minimum requirements rather than on actual learning, & the g
eneral social expectation of failure. Contextual problems lie in textbook & curriculum biases toward other cultures, signified by the use of the word "foreign." The teacher as language authority is problematic because of the power differential between for
eign-language educators & their students: teachers control content, grammatical choices, cultural decisions, methodology, & even act as official school translators. 64 References. E. Blackwell
AN: 9905721
Record 21 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: The Straw Hippopotamus
AU: Honey,-John
IN: U Botswana, Gaborone
SO: English-Today; 1998, 14, 3(55), July, 41-44.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Reaction to criticism on Language is power (1997), in which Honey asserted that access to Standard English, taught partly through formal grammar instruction, is essential for all children, including those whose native dialect is a nonstandard vari
ety. It is argued that the many opponents of these views have adopted a threefold strategy (ie, [1] avoiding debate on the issues, & instead [2] resorting to personal criticism, particularly [3] accusations of sympathy with right-wing politics) to defend
the position that Standard English is no more "correct" than any dialect & that attempts to impose a standard variety on children reflect a rigid upper-class view on norms & standards. Roy Harris's (1997) & Jean Aitchison's (1997) reviews of the book are
discussed in some detail, contending that both reviews adopted the strategy of personal attack while avoiding rational arguments to counter the ideas expressed in the volume. The lack of academic discussion of perspectives & views that these reviews repre
sent is lamented. S. Paul
AN: 9903814
Record 22 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Minority Usage within a New Variety of English: Resistance and Conformity
AU: Begum,-Rizwana; Kandiah,-Thiru
IN: Dept English Language & Literature National U Singapore, 0511 Singapore [e-mail: ellkandi@nus.sg]
SO: Belgian-Journal-of-Linguistics; 1997, 11, 277-296.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The colloquial usage of Singapore English (SgE) by Tamil & Chinese speakers is examined to provide new perspectives on issues of language minority conformity & resistance. Bilingual Singapore English-speaking Tamil & Chinese subjects (N = 30) were
asked to listen to recordings of casual speech; they were then given a questionnaire to elicit their judgments & attitudes about specific usages they had heard as well as their own linguistic behavior & self-perceptions regarding their use of English. It
is concluded that in order to adequately understand the patterns of resistance among the Tamil population, it is necessary to view the phenomena as essentially dialectal in nature, rather than as strictly issues of politics &/or ideology. 1 Table, 15 Ref
erences. R. Meyer
AN: 9903800
Record 23 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Bilingualism and Translation in/of Michele Lalonde's Speak White
AU: Mezei,-Kathy
IN: Dept English Simon Fraser U, Burnaby British Columbia V5A 1S6 [e-mail: mezei@sfu.ca]
SO: Translator; 1998, 4, 2, Nov, 229-247.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Michele Lalonde's poster-poem, "Speak White," reflected the ideology of Quebec nationalists in the 1960s as they sought independence from Canada & promoted the preservation of French language & culture. For Lalonde, to "speak white" signified Engl
ish linguistic, cultural, & economic imperialism. The function of English in the poem is examined from several perspectives, including textual & official bilingualism, code-switching from French to English, & the language debates of Quebec. D. G. Jones's
translation of "Speak White" into English & the paradox of this particular translation act are addressed. The reading of the poem then (1968) & now (1998) is contextualized. 29 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9903751
Record 24 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: More on Drug/Dragged and Snuck/Sneaked: Evidence from the American Midwest
AU: Murray,-Thomas-E.
IN: Kansas State U, Manhattan 66506
SO: Journal-of-English-Linguistics; 1998, 26, 3, Sept, 209-221.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: To add to a database assembled by Cynthia Bernstein (1994), over 10,000 people in the midwestern US were polled via interview & questionnaire. They were asked to read four sentences containing variously sneak, snuck, drag, & drug to elicit their v
iews on acceptability of these forms, whether they used each of them & in which contexts, & if they did not use them, why not. The variance in the acceptance of drug/dragged & snuck/sneaked is somewhat inconsistent for different cross-sections of American
speakers. Contrary to Bernstein's findings, differences were noted in acceptability by gender for drug & dragged, but no significant difference between whites & African Americans. Drug was found to be less acceptable among the higher socioeconomic strata
. Despite its absence from style books, the form snuck has gained popularity over the past several generations of speakers, as largely corroborated by the data here. Snuck & sneak did not correlate with gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic level. The line
separating the acceptability of sneaked/snuck is evidently much less distinct than that separating dragged/drug, with snuck - despite its continued taint of vulgarity for some speakers - apparently in the process of replacing sneaked. 9 Tables, 7 Referenc
es. L. R. Hunter
AN: 9901431
Record 25 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: English as an International Language of Prestige: Conflicting Cultural Perspectives and Shifting Ethnolinguistic Loyalties
AU: Francis,-Norbert; Ryan,-Phyllis-M.
IN: Northern Arizona U, Flagstaff 86011
SO: Anthropology-and-Education-Quarterly; 1998, 29, 1, Mar, 25-43.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Student & teacher perceptions of second-language acquisition are investigated drawing on two long-term studies carried out in 1994 in rural & urban settings in Mexico. The first study was conducted among university students, & the second among Spa
nish/Nahuatl bilingual students in the state of Tlaxcala (N = 500 & 45, respectively). It is found that bilingual students of indigenous communities experience language differently than urban university students. University students expressed a host of at
titudinal postures toward English that were shaped by the perceived imposition of an international language, conflicting loyalties & aspirations, & negative & positive associations. This proximity to English has produced a relatively high filter that inte
rvenes in efforts to learn it. In contrast, Spanish plays a mediating role in the relationship of rural residents to English. Spanish-speaking instructors of English have made it very difficult for Nahuatl native speakers to gain access to the English lan
guage. It is concluded that integrated language teaching strategies are necessary so that the conflict between English, Spanish, & Nahuatl may become a pedagogical opportunity rather than a barrier to learning. 1 Figure, 37 References. Adapted from the so
urce document
AN: 9900525
Record 26 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Avoiding the Unicultural Trap at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
AU: Rankin,-Walter
IN: Georgetown U, Washington DC 20057
SO: Mosaic; 1997, 4, 2, winter, 8-10.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Noting the limited importance attributed to multicultural studies & foreign languages at some historically black colleges & universities (HBCU), African American students' (N = 53) perceptions of learning foreign languages were investigated. Enter
ing freshmen at Hampton University, Virginia, were required to provide demographic information & complete surveys regarding their perceptions of learning languages (in comparison to other subjects) & which languages should be taught at post-secondary inst
itutions. Several findings are reported: almost 40% of the participants ranked language-learning as the least important subject; a majority ranked language-learning as the least or second least likable subject; the five languages that should be taught in
post-secondary institutions were Spanish, French, Latin, German, & Japanese; a majority indicated no relationship between African cultural heritage & any foreign language. It is contended that HBCUs must emphasize multicultural studies & foreign languages
in order to continue producing competitive graduates; the success of Dillard University's foreign-language program is recognized. 9 References. J. W. Parker
AN: 9900402
Record 27 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: The Relationship between Personal Characteristics and Attitudes toward Black and White Speakers of Informal Non-Standard English
AU: Robinson,-James-Adolph
IN: Eastern Michigan U, Ypsilanti 48197
SO: Western-Journal-of-Black-Studies; 1996, 20, 4, winter, 211-220.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The relationship between cognitive complexity, racial belief, & the influence of a nonstandard dialect on listener reactions is investigated. Subjects ([Ss] N = 135 undergraduates) listened to an emotionally neutral tape recording of a black PhD c
andidate & then responded to questionnaires exploring Ss' cognitive complexity, racial beliefs, & attitude toward the speaker. It is found that the perceived race of the speaker tended to elicit stereotypical responses from listeners, whether they were bl
ack or white. Contrary to the conclusions of previous research, this finding held for individuals with both low & high cognitive complexity. However, it is suggested that a person with high racial bias & greater cognitive complexity is more flexible & thu
s more susceptible to positive training & exposure to cultural differences than an individual with low cognitive complexity & high racial bias. Although this small sample size precludes its generalization to a heterogeneous population, its combining cogni
tive complexity & racial bias variables has produced a higher order construct that is a significant predictor of language attitudes. 3 Tables, 70 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9813416
Record 28 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Realities and Myths of Linguistic Imperialism
AU: Phillipson,-Robert
IN: Dept Languages & Culture U Roskilde, DK-4000 Denmark
SO: Journal-of-Multilingual-and-Multicultural-Development; 1997, 18, 3, 238-248.
NT: Response to a Reply, 248.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: A rejoinder to Alan Davies's "Ironising the Myth of Linguicism" (1996 [see abstract 9712449]), a review of Phillipson's book Linguistic Imperialism (Oxford: Oxford U Press, 1992). The theoretical construct of linguistic imperialism is defended as
a subtype of linguicism, defined by Tove Skutnabb-Kangas (1988) as a conceptual tool to aid the study of hierarchization based on language in parallel to racism, sexism, & ethnicism. Linguistic imperialism comprises a wide range of activities & ideologies
in an asymmetrical north/south framework & focuses on the roles of aid projects & English language teaching in local linguistic ecologies. Hegemonic language attitudes & beliefs are argued to underlie current international aid & education programs. Nine
differences between Phillipson's & Davies's views are outlined, & a paradigm shift in aid policies is advocated with the new South African language equity policy as a model. Alan Davies's Response to a Reply signals that his critique is based on a view of
language as nonessential & choices of language use as independent decisions of individuals. 41 References. J. Hitchcock
AN: 9813408
Record 29 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Language Shift in Brittany: The Importance of Local Surveys for the Study of Linguistic Obsolescence
AU: Jones,-Mari-C.
SO: Journal-of-Celtic-Linguistics; 1996, 5, 51-69.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The results of an earlier macro study (Broudic, Fanch, 1991) of speaker attitudes toward Breton in Lower Brittany, France, are compared to the findings from a methodologically identical micro study of the commune of Plougastel-Daoulas, Finistere.
For the two analyses, both Breton & non-Breton speakers (total N = 600) were interviewed; aspects investigated were (1) fluency in Breton, (2) opportunities for speaking Breton, (3) linguistic preference, (4) intergenerational transmission, & (5) attitude
s about language planning. The analysis furnishes data on the present linguistic situation in a community having a high % of Breton speakers, & it demonstrates that although a macro-to-micro comparison can be used to verify certain broad tendencies relati
ng to the Breton speech community as a whole, observed differences between the two groups can also be used to reveal localized aspects at the commune level that escape attention in the macro analysis. It is further suggested that these discrepancies can c
ontribute to a better understanding of language obsolescence. 11 Tables, 18 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9813366
Record 30 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Moving beyond Resistance: Ebonics and African American Youth
AU: Smitherman,-Geneva; Cunningham,-Sylvia
IN: Dept English Michigan State U, East Lansing 48824-1036
SO: Journal-of-Black-Psychology; 1997, 23, 3, Aug, 227-232.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The controversy over Ebonics & the educational & social crises of black youths are discussed. In order to help black youth overcome their resistance to learning, it is recommended that black leaders (1) recognize that language is the foundation of
individual & group identity construction, (2) teach black English as it relates to black identity & heritage, & (3) critically examine the history, sociopolitical, & sociolinguistic uses of both Black & Standard English; this would form a basis for under
standing what is considered standard & how it became the standard representative of all people in the US. It is hoped that this approach will provide black youths with an understanding of the differences between languages & the value of language & culture
, & thus, pride & confidence in themselves & their language. 14 References. J. Paul
AN: 9812862
Record 31 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: On Becoming Bilingual
AU: Lovett,-Marilyn; Neely,-Joneka
IN: U Cincinnati, OH 45221
SO: Journal-of-Black-Psychology; 1997, 23, 3, Aug, 242-244.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Perceptions of Black English (Ebonics) vs marketplace English (as opposed to Standard English, a term that invalidates other dialects of English & the speakers of those dialects) by Black Americans are discussed. Studies suggest black adults view
marketplace English more positively than Black English, whereas black youths tend to perceive Black English more positively. The importance of marketplace English as a survival tool in the US, due to the perpetuation of institutional racism, is acknowledg
ed; however, it is recommended that black adults recognize the legitimacy of Ebonics among African American youth so that they can communicate within the dominant culture as well as their own. 4 References. J. Paul
AN: 9812849
Record 32 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Children's Perceptions of Black English as a Variable in Intraracial Perception
AU: Koch,-Lisa-M.; Gross,-Alan
IN: Dept Psychology U Mississippi, University 38677
SO: Journal-of-Black-Psychology; 1997, 23, 3, Aug, 215-226.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: African American children's perceptions of speakers of Black English vs speakers of Standard English are examined. Studies involving adult, middle-class African Americans have shown that as they move toward the mainstream of American culture, thei
r perceptions of speakers of Black English become more negative. Based on previous studies that suggest African American children perceive Black English more positively than Standard English, it was hypothesized that they rate speakers of Black English hi
gher on 24 personality characteristics than speakers of Standard English. Subjects ([Ss] N = 53 female & 43 male African American junior high students) listened to audiotapes: one of an African American male speaking in Black English, the other of the sam
e male speaking in Standard English. Responses indicated that subjects viewed the Black English speaker as more likable than the Standard English speaker. 4 Tables, 27 References. Adapted from the source document
AN: 9812846
Record 33 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Embracing the Black English Vernacular: Response to Koch and Gross
AU: Burnett,-Myra-N.; Burlew,-Randi; Hudson,-Glenetta
IN: Dept Psychology Spelman Coll, Atlanta GA 30314-4399
SO: Journal-of-Black-Psychology; 1997, 23, 3, Aug, 233-237.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Response to Lisa M. Koch & Alan Gross (1997). While agreeing with Koch & Gross's assertion that children's & adults' perceptions of Black English differ, it is argued that the difference occurs for similar, not conflicting reasons. The fact that c
reative Black English vocabulary was used in the examples heard by participants is said to have influenced the perceptions of the junior high school students, who would naturally, due to their age, view a speaker who uses creative vocabulary as being more
contemporary & thus more appealing. In addition, the assumption that the subjects were fluent in both Black English & Standard English may be wrong. If subjects were more familiar with Black vernacular, they would tend to view the Black English speaker m
ore positively based on that familiarity. Finally, Koch & Gross's suggestion that the in-group for these adolescents is mainstream American culture rather than their peers is considered erroneous. 3 References. J. Paul
AN: 9812830
Record 34 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: The Anti-Ebonics Movement: "Standard"English Only
AU: Richardson,-Elaine
IN: General Coll U Minnesota, Minneapolis 55455
SO: Journal-of-English-Linguistics; 1998, 26, 2, June, 156-169.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The movement against Ebonics is examined, focusing on the current anti-Ebonics legislation that has arisen as a result of the debate over the Oakland Unified School District's 1996 Ebonics resolution & subsequent national discussion. Among the res
olutions presented to the US House of Representatives are Peter King's H.Res. 28 (1/9/97), which seeks to block funding for any program based on the premise that Ebonics is a legitimate language; & John Doolittle's H.J. Res. 37 (2/4/97), the English-only
bill that seeks to discontinue federally funded bilingual education programs. In addition, the five states introducing or having passed anti-Ebonics legislation or that are working to keep Ebonics out of the country's classrooms are noted, including Georg
ia, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Florida, & California. It is concluded that this overview of anti-Ebonics policies & legislation indicates America's problems with inherent racism & social control & the general tenency toward a monolingual & anti-multicultur
al language & literacy education. 19 References. B. Gadalla
AN: 9810273
Record 35 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Language Ideology and Dialect: Understanding the Oakland Ebonics Controversy
AU: Wolfram,-Walt
IN: Dept English North Carolina State U, Raleigh 27695-8105
SO: Journal-of-English-Linguistics; 1998, 26, 2, June, 108-121.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The controversy surrounding the Oakland Unified School District resolution regarding Ebonics is discussed noting that the debate has emphasized the existence of beliefs & opinions about language & language diversity, has resulted in public misinfo
rmation about language variation & education, & has demonstrated the need to inform the public about these issues. Also, it is observed that the debates of the 1960s were apparently insufficient to overcome prevailing attitudes & practices. Issues noted i
n the debate were (1) the separate language issue, ie, whether Ebonics was a language or a dialect rather than simply a legitimate language system; (2) the source language(s) of Ebonics; (3) the genetic issue, the public's confusion of the historical ling
uistics term with biological predisposition; (4) the bilingual issue, revolving around the rights of African Americans in contrast to the rights of second-language learners; & (5) the teaching issue, confusion over learning Ebonics as opposed to respect f
or Ebonics. To dispel this confusion, it is suggested that it is the duty of the language professions to educate the teaching professionals, the students, & the public about these issues. 20 References. B. Gadalla
AN: 9810243
Record 36 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: The Serious Side of Ebonics Humor
AU: Scott,-Jerrie-L.-C.
IN: Office Diversity U Memphis, TN 38152
SO: Journal-of-English-Linguistics; 1998, 26, 2, June, 137-155.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Given that the Ebonics controversy, resulting from the Oakland Unified School District's resolution, has led to a special category of humor on the Internet & in the media in the form of jokes, cartoons, etc., this humor is analyzed into three type
s. The type referred to as "namecalling funnies" is indicated to demonstrate the linkage between language & other stereotypical personal attributes. The type called the "death-of-English funnies" is viewed from the angle of maintaining the integrity of al
l languages. The "code-switching funnies" focus on the different discourse rules for different languages/dialects. It is concluded that this humor reflects the need to expand knowledge that can be translated into educational policy, practice, & teacher tr
aining. 22 References. B. Gadalla
AN: 9810235
Record 37 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Realities and Ideologies of English and "Other" Englishes
AU: Sarinjeive,-D.
IN: Vista U, Pretoria 0001 South Africa
SO: Tydskrif-vir-Taalonderrig / Journal-for-Language-Teaching; 1997, 31, 1, Apr, 68-76.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Ideological & philosophical aspects of attitudes toward nonstandard varieties of English are discussed, focusing on the situation in South Africa & other ex-colonies. Advantages & problems related to the current use of English & indigenous African
languages are contemplated, & the risk is noted of replacing racism with "linguicism." It is argued that, since the "standard English" taught in South African schools is a culturally & historically defined variety, the common view of other varieties as e
ither fossilized mutations or transitional stages toward the goal of this Standard English is questionable; a perspective that allows "other Englishes" a status of authenticity is claimed to be more realistic & better suited to postcolonial ideas about au
thority & ideology. Suggestions to develop a "Standard South African English" which mirrors the ethnic & cultural diversity of South Africa are lauded, & tolerance for a wide variety of accepted Englishes is advocated. 32 References. Adapted from the sour
ce document
AN: 9810234
Record 38 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: African American Vernacular English and Education: The Dynamics of Pedagogy, Ideology, and Identity
AU: Lanehart,-Sonja-L.
IN: Dept English U Georgia, Athens 30602
SO: Journal-of-English-Linguistics; 1998, 26, 2, June, 122-136.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The dynamics of pedagogy, ideology, & identity are discussed with regard to African American Vernacular English, noting that various ideologies are held about language, resulting in a variety of repercussions. It is suggested that the ideology of
Standard English sets up an immediate inferior/superior dichotomy that puts the nonstandard varieties at instant disadvantage. The ideology of opportunity implies that the standard variety will benefit its speakers. The ideology of progress is related to
ethnocentrism & racism, suggesting positive outcomes are race & culture related, rather than due to the failure of the educational system. It is concluded that the debate over standard vs nonstandard or the question of separate language is not about langu
age, but is about a community of speakers with a recognizable culture. 38 References. B. Gadalla
AN: 9810208
Record 39 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Maintenance and Loss of a Regional Language: Recent Low German Developments
AU: Kremer,-Ludger
IN: Dept Applied Linguistics U Antwerp, B-2020 Belgium
SO: Language,-Culture-and-Curriculum; 1997, 10, 2, 113-124.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: The decline & maintenance of Low German, an endangered regional dialect of northern Germany, is discussed with focus on cultural domains in which the language is expanding & on its use & the attitudes toward its use. Low German language & literatu
re courses & research are reported in the programs of seven northern German universities. In the public schools, the language is often treated in language awareness modules or in optional courses but is neglected in teacher training courses. Many regional
organizations & societies are dedicated to the study of Low German & its proliferation. There is a rich literature in Low German with many publishers specializing in regional & dialect literature. There is theater, music, marginal TV exposure, & columns
& glosses in northern German newspapers. Religious services are conducted in Low German. Although Low German has been extended into more cultural domains in the last 18 years, a 1981 survey & a study of language attitudes (between 1980 & 1990) indicated t
hat whereas high social position is associated with a positive attitude toward Low German, this same group uses it less frequently. Since WWII, there are 30% fewer speakers of Low German each generation. 7 Tables, 2 Figures, 1 map, 18 References. Adapted
from the source document
AN: 9810207
Record 40 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Changing Attitudes to English
AU: Boyle,-Joseph
IN: Dept English Chinese U Hong Kong, Shatin New Territories
SO: English-Today; 1997, 13, 3(51), July, 3-6.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: A discussion of the changing attitudes toward English in Hong Kong reviews the positions of early educators & governors & the use of English as a medium of instruction, & presents five attitude surveys conducted during the past 25 years. It is not
ed that increasing colonial interest in Hong Kong led to increasing facilities for education, primarily in English. Despite attempts to develop Chinese language schools, by the mid 1990s Hong Kong schools were 90% English-medium. Attitude survey results a
re detailed, including that by 1996, any threat to Hong Kong Cantonese was seen to come from Mandarin rather than English. It is concluded that attitudes about English have always been pragmatic, with good English equated with good business. 9 References.
B. Gadalla
AN: 9810167
Record 41 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Dispositions toward Language: Teacher Constructs of Knowledge and the Ann Arbor Black English Case
AU: Ball,-Arnetha; Lardner,-Ted
IN: U Michigan, Ann Arbor 48109
SO: College-Composition-and-Communication; 1997, 48, 4, Dec, 469-485.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Constructs of teacher knowledge are discussed as they relate to attitudes toward language variation in the classroom, especially concerning dialects of Black English. The Ann Arbor case (1979) ruled that the school board was to be held responsible
for preparing teachers to adequately instruct speakers of Black English. It was decided that teachers' negative attitudes toward Black English had damaging psychological effects on its speakers & thus impeded their learning. Teachers were required to und
ergo an education program to help them understand the problem & work to solve it. Despite this training, teachers remained unclear as to how to apply what they had learned to classroom practice. It is argued that solutions to this problem can be found by
examining three constructs of teacher knowledge: teacher as technician, teacher knowledge as lore, & teacher efficacy. It is suggested that working the issue of affect into pedagogical theory will improve race-related attitudes toward language variation.
39 References. R. Jones
AN: 9809852
Record 42 of 42 in LLBA 1973-1999/09
TI: Where Do the Boys Go?-The Problematic LOTE Gender Agenda
AU: Carr,-Jo; Frankcom,-Carolyn
IN: School Education James Cook U, Townsville 4811 Queensland Australia
SO: Australian-Language-Matters; 1997, 5, 4, Oct-Dec, 12-13.
DT: aja Abstract-of-Journal-Article
AB: Why boys tend to opt out of language other than English (LOTE) courses
whereas girls tend to dominate language-related study is investigated focusing
on Australia. A questionnaire of male & female high school students (N = 128)
was conducted at the end of Year 8 which coincides with compulsory LOTE
coursework, followed by personal interviews focusing on 43 boys who excelled
in language classes yet did not choose to continue with language study. The
boys' decisions not to pursue language study includes perceived lack of
relevance, lack of range of choice of language classes & timetables, influence
of parents, unexciting methodology & teaching style used in language courses,
behavior management (peer pressure), continuity of language study, difficulty,
& gender perceptions. M. Castillo AN: 9808518