ÒWalcottÕs Omeros: The Classical Epic in a Postcolonial
WorldÓ in
Epics and the Modern World, ed. Suzanne Wofford, Margaret
Beisinger, and
Jane Tylus. University of California Press [forthcoming 1998]; also
published in ÒThe Poetics of Derek Walcott: Intertextual Perspectives,Ó
ed. Gregson Davis, South Atlantic Quarterly 96.2 [forthcoming
"Aeneid 5: Poetry and Parenthood" in Teaching
Vergil in the Humanities Curriculum Norman:
University of Oklahoma Press [forthcoming 1998].
"The Virgilian
Intertext" in The Cambridge Companion to Vergil, ed. Charles
Martindale. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [forthcoming 1997].
"Towards a Rhetoric of (Roman?) Epic" in Roman Persuasion,
edd. W. J. Dominik. London: Routledge [forthcoming 1997].
"Reading and Writing the Heroides." Harvard
Studies in Classical Philology [forthcoming].
ÒThe Phenomenology of Memory in Roman Culture.Ó Classical
[forthcoming 1997].
ÒReading Latin in Schools and Colleges,Ó Classical World
"The Structure of Lucretius' 'Anthropology' (DRN
5.771-1457)." Materiali e
discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 33 (1994) 81-95.
and Confusions: A Reply." Electronic Antiquity 1.6
(1993) features 2. [Reply to Neil
O'Sullivan, "Allusions of Grandeur? Thoughts on Allusion-Hunting in Latin
Poetry." Electronic Antiquity 1.5 (1993) opinion 2;
reply to Peter Toohey, review of Farrell, Vergil's
Georgics and the Traditions of
Ancient Epic.]
"Dialogue of Genres in Ovid's 'Lovesong of Polyphemus'"
13.719-897)." American Journal of Philology 113 (1992)
"Acontius, Milanion, and Gallus: Vergil, Ecl. 10.52-61."
Transactions of the
American Philological Association 116 (1986) 241-54 (with Ralph M.
"The Distinction between comitia and concilium."
Studi Periodici di Letteratura e Storia dell' Antichità
64 (1986) 407-38.
Book Reviews
Virgilio: Georgiche libro IV. Commento a cura di
Alessandro Biotti. Bologna 1994. Reviewed in Gnomon
Geraldine Herbert-Brown. Ovid and the Fasti: An
Historical Study. Oxford 1995. Reviewed in American
Journal of Philology [forthcoming].
Simon Goldhill. Foucault's Virginity: Ancient Erotic Fiction and
History of Sexuality. Cambridge 1995.
Reviewed in
Bryn Mawr
Classical Review 8.2 (1997) 128Ð133 = 97.2.4.
James J. Clauss. The Best of the Argonauts: The Redefinition of
Epic Hero in Book One Of ApolloniusÕ Argonautica. Reviewed in
Bryn Mawr
Classical Review 6.4 (1995) 285Ð287 = 95.6.4.
Gian Biagio Conte. Genres and Readers: Lucretius, Love Elegy,
Encyclopedia. Tr. Glenn W. Most. Reviewed in
40 (1994) 117-126.
Suzanne Lindgren Wofford. The Choice of Achilles: The Ideology of
Figure in the Epic.
David Quint. Epic and Empire: Politics and Generic Form from Virgil to
Milton. Reviewed in
Bryn Mawr
Classical Review (1994) 94.2.6.
Charles Rowan Beye, Ancient Epic Poetry. Ithaca and London:
Cornell University Press, 1993.
Peter Toohey, Reading
Epic: An Introduction to the Ancient Narratives. London:
Routledge, 1992. Reviewed in
Classical Review (1994) = 94.2.9
Carl Schlam. The Metamorphoses of Apuleius: On Making an Ass of
Oneself. Reviewed in
Classical Review 4 (1993) 125-27 = 4.2.12.
Denis Feeney and Stephen Hinds, series editors. Roman Literature and
its Contexts:
Philip Hardie. The Epic Successors of Virgil: A Study in the
Dynamics of a Tradition. Cambridge 1993.
Duncan F. Kennedy. The Arts of Love: Five Studies in the Discourse of
Roman Love Elegy. Cambridge 1993.
Charles Martindale. Redeeming the Text: Latin Poetry and the
Hermeneutics of Reception. Cambridge 1993.
Michael Dewar, ed. Statius. Thebaid IX, with an English
translation and commentary. Oxford 1991. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr
Classical Review
4 (1993) 13-15 = 4.1.5.
S. J. Harrison, ed. Vergil. Aeneid 10, with introduction,
translation, and commentary. Oxford 1991.
Christine Perkell. The PoetÕs Truth. A Study of the Poet in
VirgilÕs Georgics. Berkeley
1989. Reviewed in American Journal of Philology 113 (1992)
James J. OÕHara. Death and the Optimistic Prophecy in
Vergil's Aeneid. Princeton 1990.
Elisabeth Henry. The Vigour of Prophecy. A Study of VirgilÕs
Aeneid. Carbondale and Edwardsville 1989. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr
Classical Review 1 (1990) 62Ð68 = 1.2.10.
R. O. A. M. Lyne. Words and the Poet. Characteristic Techniques of Style
in VergilÕs Aeneid. Oxford 1989. Vergilius
36 (1990)140-142.