Joseph Anthony Farrell, Jr.

Teaching Chronicle



Dissertation Director

Courses Taught

Fall 1984Ðpresent
Term	Course and Course Title	Enrollment
Fall 1984	Latin 109, VergilÕs Aeneid	10 students
		Latin 617, Lucretius 	2 students
Spring 1985	Latin 432, Latin Prose Composition	4 students 
		Latin 4, Introduction to Latin Poetry	25 students
		Dissertation committee (third reader): Rebecca Harrison (Classical Studies)
Fall 1985	Latin 3aÐb, Introduction to Latin Prose	20 students
		Latin 399, Independent Study (Michael Weiss)	1 student
		Classical Studies 401, Post-Baccalaureate Seminar (Latin)	5 students
		Latin 1, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	33 students
		Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Committee: Eric Kyllo (Classical Studies)
Spring 1986	Latin 4aÐb, Introduction to Latin Poetry	24 students
		Classical Studies 160/Comparative Literature 244, The Epic Tradition	23 students
		Latin 999, Independent Study (David White)	1 student
		Latin 2, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	24 students
		Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Committee: Eric Kyllo (Classical Studies)
Fall 1986	Latin 3a, Introduction to Latin Prose	17 students
		Latin 675, Advanced Reading (The Neoterics)	3 students
		Latin 399, Independent Study  (Nancy Kardon)	1 student 
		Latin 1, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	25 students 
		M.A. Final Exam Committee: Anne Keaney (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Committee: Vanessa Tracy (Classical Studies)
Spring 1987	Ancient History 27, Ancient Rome	49 students
		Greek 4, Homer	9 students
		Latin 2, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	26 students 
		M.A. Final Exam Committee: Anne Keaney (Classical Studies)
Fall 1987	Latin 574, Selected Readings (Augustan Poetry)	6 students
		Greek 3, PlatoÕs Apology	19 students
		Latin 399, Independent Study (Martha Senturia)	1 student 
		Latin 1, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	33 students 
		M.A. Final Exam Committee: Anne Keaney (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Final Exam Committee: R. Alden Smith (Classical Studies)
Spring 1988	Ancient History 27, Ancient Rome	77 students
		Greek 208, Greek Drama (Aeschylus and Sophocles)	6 students
		Latin 2, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	43 students 
		M.A. Final Exam Committee: Fred Lampe (Ancient History)
Fall 1988	Latin 574, Petronius	4 students
		Classical Studies 160/Comparative Literature 244, The Epic Tradition	39 students
		Latin 1, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	39 students 
		Classical Studies 401, Post-Baccalaureate Seminar (Latin)	6 students
		M.A. Final Exam Committee: Anne Keaney (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Committee: William Bernstein (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Committee: Maria Marsilio (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Committee: Karl Maurer (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Final Exam Committee: David White (Classical Studies)
Spring 1989	Ancient History 27, Ancient Rome	88 students
		Latin 610, VergilÕs Georgics	4 students
		Latin 2, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	21 students 
		M.A. Final Exam Committee: Erica Budd (Classical Studies)
Fall 1989	Latin 601: Catullus	5 students
		Classical Studies 160/Comparative Literature 244, The Epic Tradition	47 students
		Latin 1, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	36 students 
		Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Committee: Michael Klaassen (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Preliminary Exam Committee: John McMahon (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Final Exam Committee: Vanessa Tracy (Classical Studies)
Spring 1990	ON LEAVE
		Honors Thesis Committee (sec d reader): David Louder (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Final Exam Committee: Robert Gorman (Classical Studies)
Fall 1990	Latin 107, Catullus and Cicero: Literature and Culture of Republican Rome
			8 students
		Classical Studies 160/Comparative Literature 244, The Epic Tradition	43 students
		Latin 1, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)	54 students 
		Latin 999, Independent Study (Michael Klaassen)	1 student
		Ph.D. Final Exam Committees: Maria Marsilio (Classical Studies)
		Ph.D. Final Exam Committees: Harriet Flower (Ancient History)
Spring 1991 (scheduled)
		Latin 209, Topics in Latin Literature (Roman Epistolography: Prose and 
		Latin 602 OvidÕs Metamorphoses
		Latin 2, Elementary Latin (TA supervisor)

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