Joseph Anthony Farrell, Jr.





  1. Latin Language and Latin Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [forthcoming 1998].
  2. Vergil's Georgics and the Traditions of Ancient Epic. The Art of Allusion in Literary History (New York: Oxford University Press 1991), pp. xiv + 389.

    Edited Volume

  3. Nomodeiktes. Greek Studies in Honor of Martin Ostwald (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press 1994), pp. xx + 731. (Co-editor with Ralph M. Rosen.)

    Chapters in Collaborative Works

  4. ÒWalcottÕs Omeros: The Classical Epic in a Postcolonial WorldÓ in Epics and the Modern World, ed. Suzanne Wofford, Margaret Beisinger, and Jane Tylus. University of California Press [forthcoming 1998]; also published in ÒThe Poetics of Derek Walcott: Intertextual Perspectives,Ó ed. Gregson Davis, South Atlantic Quarterly 96.2 [forthcoming 1997].
  5. "Aeneid 5: Poetry and Parenthood" in Teaching Vergil in the Humanities Curriculum Norman: University of Oklahoma Press [forthcoming 1998].
  6. "The Virgilian Intertext" in The Cambridge Companion to Vergil, ed. Charles Martindale. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [forthcoming 1997].
  7. "Towards a Rhetoric of (Roman?) Epic" in Roman Persuasion, edd. W. J. Dominik. London: Routledge [forthcoming 1997].


  8. "Reading and Writing the Heroides." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology [forthcoming].
  9. ÒThe Phenomenology of Memory in Roman Culture.Ó Classical Journal [forthcoming 1997].
  10. ÒReading Latin in Schools and Colleges,Ó Classical World [forthcoming 1997].
  11. "The Structure of Lucretius' 'Anthropology' (DRN 5.771-1457)." Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 33 (1994) 81-95.
  12. "Allusions, Delusions, and Confusions: A Reply." Electronic Antiquity 1.6 (1993) features 2. [Reply to Neil O'Sullivan, "Allusions of Grandeur? Thoughts on Allusion-Hunting in Latin Poetry." Electronic Antiquity 1.5 (1993) opinion 2; reply to Peter Toohey, review of Farrell, Vergil's Georgics and the Traditions of Ancient Epic.]
  13. "Dialogue of Genres in Ovid's 'Lovesong of Polyphemus'" (Metamorphoses 13.719-897)." American Journal of Philology 113 (1992) 237-68.
  14. "Asinius Pollio and Vergil's Eighth Eclogue." Classical Philology 86 (1991) 204-11.
  15. "Literary Allusion and Cultural Poetics in Vergil's Third Eclogue." Vergilius 38 (1992) 64-71.
  16. "What Aeneid in Whose Nineties?" Vergilius 36 (1990) 74-80.
  17. "Lucretius, DRN 5.44 insinuandum." Classical Quarterly 38 (1988) 179-85.
  18. "Acontius, Milanion, and Gallus: Vergil, Ecl. 10.52-61." Transactions of the American Philological Association 116 (1986) 241-54 (with Ralph M. Rosen).
  19. "The Distinction between comitia and concilium." Athenaeum. Studi Periodici di Letteratura e Storia dell' Antichità 64 (1986) 407-38.

    Book Reviews

  20. Virgilio: Georgiche libro IV. Commento a cura di Alessandro Biotti. Bologna 1994. Reviewed in Gnomon [forthcoming]
  21. Geraldine Herbert-Brown. Ovid and the Fasti: An Historical Study. Oxford 1995. Reviewed in American Journal of Philology [forthcoming].
  22. Simon Goldhill. Foucault's Virginity: Ancient Erotic Fiction and the History of Sexuality. Cambridge 1995. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 8.2 (1997) 128Ð133 = 97.2.4.
  23. James J. Clauss. The Best of the Argonauts: The Redefinition of the Epic Hero in Book One Of ApolloniusÕ Argonautica. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 6.4 (1995) 285Ð287 = 95.6.4.
  24. Gian Biagio Conte. Genres and Readers: Lucretius, Love Elegy, PlinyÕs Encyclopedia. Tr. Glenn W. Most. Reviewed in Vergilius 40 (1994) 117-126.
  25. Suzanne Lindgren Wofford. The Choice of Achilles: The Ideology of Figure in the Epic. David Quint. Epic and Empire: Politics and Generic Form from Virgil to Milton. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review (1994) 94.2.6.
  26. Charles Rowan Beye, Ancient Epic Poetry. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1993. Peter Toohey, Reading Epic: An Introduction to the Ancient Narratives. London: Routledge, 1992. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review (1994) = 94.2.9
  27. Carl Schlam. The Metamorphoses of Apuleius: On Making an Ass of Oneself. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 4 (1993) 125-27 = 4.2.12.
  28. Denis Feeney and Stephen Hinds, series editors. Roman Literature and its Contexts:
    Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 4 (1993) 23-30 = 4.1.8
  29. Michael Dewar, ed. Statius. Thebaid IX, with an English translation and commentary. Oxford 1991. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 4 (1993) 13-15 = 4.1.5.
  30. S. J. Harrison, ed. Vergil. Aeneid 10, with introduction, translation, and commentary. Oxford 1991. K. W. Gransden, ed. Virgil. Aeneid, Book XI. Cambridge 1991. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 4 (1993) 49-51 = 4.1.14
  31. Christine Perkell. The PoetÕs Truth. A Study of the Poet in VirgilÕs Georgics. Berkeley 1989. Reviewed in American Journal of Philology 113 (1992) 294-297.
  32. B. P. Reardon. The Form of Greek Romance. Princeton, 1991. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 3 (1992) 159-161 = 3.2.21.
  33. R. A. B. Mynors, ed. Virgil. Georgics. Oxford 1990. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2 (1991) 149-150 = 2.3.16.
  34. S. J. Harrison, ed. Oxford Readings in VergilÕs Aeneid. Oxford 1991. I. McAuslan and P. Walcot, eds. Virgil. Oxford 1990. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2 (1991) 88Ð93 = 2.2.11.
  35. James J. OÕHara. Death and the Optimistic Prophecy in Vergil's Aeneid. Princeton 1990.
    Elisabeth Henry. The Vigour of Prophecy. A Study of VirgilÕs Aeneid. Carbondale and Edwardsville 1989. Reviewed in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1 (1990) 62Ð68 = 1.2.10.
  36. R. O. A. M. Lyne. Words and the Poet. Characteristic Techniques of Style in VergilÕs Aeneid. Oxford 1989. Vergilius 36 (1990)140-142.

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