Joseph Anthony Farrell, Jr.

Lectures and Conference Talks

  1. ÒVergil and the Ideal Poetic Career,Ó Seminar on ÒLiterary and Artistic Careers in the Middle Ages and Renaissance,Ó Pennsylvania State University, June 8, 1998.
  2. ÒRinging the Changes: Ovid, Tristia 1.7,Ó Arthur Stocker Lecture, University of Virginia, Spring 1998.
  3. "On Almost Knowing Greek: Classical Languages and Modern Aesthetics," Duke University, November 7, 1997.
  4. "The Vergil Project":
  5. ÒThe Ovidian Corpus: Poetic Body and Poetic TextÓ:
  6. ÒConnecting Research with Pedagogy: The Vergil Project,Ó Panel on ÒInitiatives in Technology for Classical Studies,Ó Classical Association of the Midwest and South, April 3, 1997.
  7. ÒThe PoetÕs Body and the (Im)Materiality of the Classical TextÓ:
  8. ÒThe Discourse of Classics in Contemporary Popular Culture,Ó Conference on ÒInterdisciplinarity and the Classics,Ó University of Georgia, March 8, 1997.
  9. ÒTeaching and Research on the Internet: A Report from the Front,Ó Panel on ÒResearch in Classical Studies: Directions, Developments, and OpportunitiesÓ, Classical Association of the Atlantic States, April 26, 1996.
  10. ÒThe Vergil Project: Classics on the Internet,Ó Gilbert A. Cam Lecture Series, New York Public Library, April 30, 1996.
  11. ÒWalcottÕs Omeros: The Classical Epic in a Postcolonial World,Ó Conference on ÒEpics and the Contemporary World,Ó University of Wisconsin, April 22, 1994.
  12. ÒOvidius auctor and the Tropes of Classicism,Ó Conference on ÒOvide analysŽ: New Directions in Ovidian Studies,Ó Duke University, March 26, 1994.
  13. ÒReading and Writing the HeroidesÓ:
  14. ÒMartialÕs Book of Spectacles: The Poetics of Imperium and the Culture of ÔClassicsÕÓ Rutgers University, March 23, 1994.
  15. ÒThe Epic, The Novel, and the Culture of ÔClassicsÕ,Ó Philomathean Society, University of Pennsylvania, March 2, 1994.
  16. ÒThe Phenomenology of Memory in Roman Culture,Ó Panel on ÒNew Approaches to Memory,Ó American Philological Association, December 28, 1993.
  17. ÒVergilÕs Aeneid and the Culture of Dissent in Augustan RomeÓ:
  18. ÒThe Aesthetics of Authority in Epic and Novel,Ó Panel on ÒThe Roman Novel and the Latin Literary Tradition: Imitatio and Authority,Ó American Philological Association, December 28, 1992.
  19. ÒEmpire and Hegemony in the Culture of the Aeneid.Ó Conference on ÒVirgil and the Greeks: Influences and Counterinfluences.Ó Florida State University, December 3, 1992.
  20. Response to Philip Hardie, ÒAttic Tragedy and the Problem of the Aeneid.Ó Conference on ÒVirgil and the Greeks: Influences and Counterinfluences.Ó Florida State University, December 2, 1992.
  21. 21. ÒLiterary Allusion and Cultural Poetics in VergilÕs Third Eclogue.Ó Vergilian Society panel on ÒThe Work of Gian Biagio Conte,Ó American Philological Association, December 29, 1991.
  22. ÒWhich Aeneid in Whose Nineties?Ó Vergilian Society panel on ÒVergilian Scholarship in the Nineties,ÓAmerican Philological Association, December 29, 1990
  23. ÒSex-Role Reversals in Latin PoetryÓ Bowdoin College, October 29, 1990
  24. ÒBucolic and Heroic Modes in OvidÕs ÔLovesong of PolyphemusÕ (Metamorphoses 13.719Ð897)Ó American Philological Association, December 28, 1989
  25. ÒVocis imago: Arte Allusiva and Vergilian PoeticsÓ Symposium on ÒPoetry and Scholarship in the Tradition of Vergil,Ó University of Pennsylvania, November 17, 1989
  26. ÒAllegorical Interpretation of Homer in VergilÕs ÔAristaeusÕ (Georgics 4.315Ð452)Ó
  27. ÒLucretius, DRN 5.44 insinuandumÓ American Philological Association, December 29, 1987
  28. ÒThe Structure of LucretiusÕ ÔAnthropologyÕ (DRN 5.783Ð1457)Ó American Philological Association, December 29, 1985
  29. ÒVergilÕs Sources and the Meaning of Ascraeum carmen (Georgics 2.176)Ó
  30. ÒPolybius and Livy on the Career of Scipio AfricanusÓ
  31. ÒMemory in the AeneidÓ Swarthmore College, February 2, 1983
  32. ÒThe Distinction between comitia and conciliumÓ American Philological Association, December 28, 1980

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