Joseph Anthony Farrell, Jr.

Administration and Other Professional Service



Humanities Coordinating Committee (1991, Chair 1992Ð94)
Chair, Undergraduate Program in Comparative Literature (1991Ðpresent)
Director, Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classical Studies (1990Ð1993)
University Council Committee on Libraries (1989Ð1990)
College Committee on Admissions (1987Ð1988, 1990Ð1991)
	Arts and Letters Subcommittee of the College Committee on the General Requirement 
(1985Ð1991; Chair 1992Ðpresent)
Director, Elementary Latin Program (1984Ð94)
Undergraduate Advisor for Ancient History (1988Ð1992)
Other Academic Service
American Philological Association, Program Commitee, 1994Ð2000
Glidersleeve Prize Selection Committee, American Journal of Philology, 1993Ð
American Philological Association, Ad hoc Committee on the Program, 1992
American Philological Association, Nominee to Program Committee, 1995Ð1999 
(subject to general election by membership)
Editorial Board, Vergilius, 1991Ðpresent
PublisherÕs Referee	Princeton University Press
			University of California Press
			Indiana University Press
			University of Michigan Press	
			University of Texas Press	
			American Journal of Philology (Johns Hopkins University 	
			Classical Philology (University of Chicago Press)	
			Transactions of the American Philological Association
			Classical Antiquity (University of California Press)
			Classical Journal (Classical Assn of the Midwest and South)	
			Classical World (Classical Association of the Atlantic States)	
Honors Examiner 	Swarthmore College (1990Ð1991)

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