Parents Magazine


Parents Magazine, originally sold for 25 cents an issue, was first published in October 1926. By 1936 the magazine had 400,000 readers. The founder, editor, and publisher of Parents, George Joseph Hecht, founded the magazine while still a bachelor, and remained associated with Parents until 1978. Hecht maintained a lifelong interest in family planning programs worldwide and was an active member of the Population Council. Clara Savage Littledale, managing editor >from 1926-56, also had a significant influence on magazine. The creators and editors of Parents were devoted to the importance of improving the life of children in the U.S. as well as internationally, and they were advocates of education for all children. The magazine welcomed submissions from a wide range of individuals: from politicians and scholars, to scientists and entertainers, and contributors included important figures, Margaret Mead among them. By all accounts the editors of Parents were also strict in their submission policies, and strove to maintain consistent high standards, such as truth in advertising.

Parents Magazine contained many references to penicillin and other wonder drugs. Examine the articles and ads listed below. Consider the imagery, tone, and content of each. Who authored these articles and why is this important? Who do you know to be their intended audience? What do the messages explicitly and implicitly contained in these materials reveal about how the magazines editors, contributors and readers felt about the role of medicine in their daily lives? Compare the cultural allusions and markers found in these materials with those found in the materials from Time and Life. How are they the same? How are they different? Why is this important or interesting?

Parents Magazine Archive:



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