The thirteen files with names book# in this directory contain E.B. Pusey's nineteenth century translation of Augustine's Confessions. It is not the best (more current versions by Sheed, Ryan, and Chadwick deserve attention), but it is safely out of copyright. The Loeb Library edition of the Confessions is old and poor (a new version is in prospect). For concise guides to Augustine and to the Confessions, see J.J. O'Donnell, *Augustine* (Twayne World Authors, 1985) and Gillian Clark, *Augustine: The Confessions* (Cambridge, 1993). For a Latin text, French translation, and good but dated annotation, see the edition in the Bibliotheque Augustinienne (Paris 1962). For Latin text and abundant commentary for the specialist reader, see J.J. O'Donnell, *Augustine: Confessions* (three volumes, Oxford, 1992).