How to get around Philadelphia

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From the Philadelphia International Airport

SEPTA Airport Express Train

The Airport Express Train R1 leaves 9 minutes after every half hour, and will take you to the University City Station on Convention Ave, if you are going directly to campus, or to Suburban Station at 16th and Market, in Center City, if you are going to the Sonesta Hotel. The fare is $7.00 and the ride takes 18 minutes to the University City Station, 25 to Suburban Station. Fares and schedules are available at the Transportation and Parking Office, 447A, 3401 Walnut Street. (SEPTA System Map)

Cars, Taxis and Limousines at the Airport

The taxicab flat rate is about $28.50 and the ride to campus or to center city takes about 25 minutes. There are several shuttle services between the airport and the city. Lady Liberty Shuttle is the company that is suggested by the conference official hotel, Sonesta Philadelphia (dial 27 from the Ground Transportation Information desk at the airport). The cost of shuttle transportation to Center City or University City is $10 and the trip takes 25-30 minutes. More information can be found on the Philadelphia International Airport site. If coming by car, driving directions.

Arriving by Amtrak or SEPTA trains @ 30th Street Station

Amtrak Railway Map | SEPTA Railway Map

All Amtrak Northeast Corridor trains and all SEPTA Regional trains stop at the 30th Street Station. From there one can Walk To Campus in about 15 minutes. A metered cab costs about $8 including tip and the ride takes about 5 minutes. The SEPTA No. 30 or the LUCY bus run from the station to campus. The fare is $2 and exact change is required. From 30th St Station, one may also take the 11-13-34-36 trolley lines to Sansom Commons (36th and Sansom Street).


Parking on Campus

Map: Public Parking Facilities

There are eight public pay parking facilities around the campus. Metered pay parking is available on many city streets. Additional parking information and policy is available at the Office of Transportation and Parking.


In italiano

Il treno, linea R1, parte dai terminal ogni 30 minuti, tra i 9 e i 13 e i 39 e 43 di ogni ora. Arriva alla fermata vicino all'albergo (16th and Market Street, a due isolati dall'hotel) in circa 25 minuti come da documento a  Il prezzo del biglietto, che si fa a bordo, e` $7.  In alternativa e` possibile prendere il servizio shuttle della "Lady Liberty" chiamando il 27 dall'apposito telefono al banco dei trasporti nella zona del ritiro bagagli. Il prezzo del viaggio fino all'hotel e` $10.  La durata del viaggio dipende dal numero di passeggeri (massimo 9) e dalle fermate richieste, ma in linea di massima si devono calcolare 25-30 minuti per arrivare a Penn e 30-35 minuti fino all'albergo in centro.  Altro mezzo a disposizione: taxi, a tariffa fissa aeroporto-Center City $28.50.  Per taxi e shuttle bisogna includere una mancia di circa il 10%. 

Per arrivare al campus da Center City oltre ai taxi si possono prendere le linee 21 e 42 dell'autobus, che fermano ad ogni angolo di Walnut Street. La fermata a cui scendere e` quella a 34th & Walnut. La linea 21 ferma su Walnut alla 34th per poi proseguire dritto. L'autobus 42 gira e ferma sulla 34th. Il viaggio dura circa 10 minuti. In alternativa, da Suburban Station o da 30th Street Station si possono prendere le linee 11-13-34-36 del trolley fino a Sansom Commons (36th and Sansom Street)