PSCO Presentation: 5 December, 2019

A Bad Romance: Domestic Violence in Late Antiquity

Jenny Barry (University of Mary Washington)


Join us for the next PSCO meeting on December 5th! We are excited to welcome Dr. Jennifer Barry, who will be speaking about “A Bad Romance: Domestic Violence in Late Antiquity.”


Jennifer Barry is an Assistant Professor of Religion in the Department of Classics, Philosophy, and Religion at the University of Mary Washington. Her research focuses on exise and gender violence in late antiquity. She is the author of Bishops in Flight: Exile and Displacement in Late Antiquity (University of California Press, 2019).

Audio Recording

Here is an audio recording of this session. (If you prefer, you can follow a link to this recording.)

Suggested Reading

In preparation for this presentation, participants may wish to read Prof. Barry's “Diagnosing Heresy”, Gerontius, “Life of Melania the Younger”, and Chariton, “Chæreas and Callirhoe”. PDFs of these readings are available in our PSCO Facebook page (log-in required).

Meeting and Dining

All members of the university and broader academic community are welcome to attend!

As usual, we will have an informal dinner in Houston Hall at 6pm, followed by the seminar from 7–8:30. Due to a scheduling conflict, this meeting will be held in room 392 of Cohen Hall (instead of the second floor lounge).