Latin 401: 1st Semester Exam, Dr. Rob S. Rice, 2/14/95

Part I: Class Translation (50 pts.) Translate the following six lines from our previous class readings. Try and strike the proper balance between making sure that I know that you know the Latin, and understandable English:

Dumque ea mirantur, dum deflent fata suorum
illa vetus dominis etiam casa parva duobus
700 vertitur in templum: furcas subiere columnae,
stramina flavescunt, adopertaquem marmore tellus
caelataeque fores aurataque tecta videntur.
Talia tum placido Saturnius edidit ore:

To the English Translation

Part II: Sight Translation (30 pts.) Translate the following three lines from these text passages we have not yet covered in class (Polyphemus is showing Galatea his portfolio):

821 Hoc pecus omne meum est; multae quoque vallibus erant
multas silva tegit, multae stabulantur in antris,
nec, si forte roges, possim tibi dicere, quot sint.

To the English Translation

pecus has two uses and two genders in the first three lines, and two genders--the meanings are much the same, but the first describes a unit.

erro: (1st conjugation) wander, roam.

stabulo: (1st conjugation) to house, keep (domestic animals).

Remember the most basic uses of the subjunctive!

Part III: Form ID's (20 pts.) Give full form identifications and scansion for the first two lines of the passage in part I, to wit:

Dumque ea mirantur, dum deflent fata suorum
illa vetus dominis etiam casa parva duobus