The Indian Ocean Littoral: Cartography and Port Cities

Charting the Indian Ocean from Zanzibar to Sumatra


The British Library---London
The British Museum---London
Bodleian Library---Oxford, England
Royal Geographical Society---London
Biblioteca Nacional---Lisbon
Bibliotheque Nationale---Paris
Vatican Library---Rome
Biblioteca Estense---Moderna, Italy (Cantino Chart)
Bibliotec Nazionale---Florence
Biblioteca Marciana---Venice
Museo Naval---Madrid
Maritime Museum---Rotterdam
Badische Landesbibliothek---Karlsruhe
The Royal Library---Copenhagen
The Library of Congress---Washington, DC
The Newberry Library---Chicago

Home| The West | Charting | Commerce | Madras | Picturesque | The Horn

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© 2002 Penelope Campbell. All rights reserved.