DIPLOMA CLIQ (Certificazione Lingua Italiana di Qualita` - ex CILS) of the UNIVERSITY FOR FOREIGNERS IN SIENA
Under an agreement between the University of Pennsylvania and the University for Foreigners in Siena, Italy, the CLIQ has been activated at the University of Pennsylvania.
The official CLIQ (CILS) Diploma, issued by the University for Foreigners in Siena, certifies your knowledge of Italian, is valid throughout the world, and does not expire (as other certificates like TOEFL do).
There are six different proficiency levels and you can take more than one diploma (e.g. after an A2 certificate you can take the exam again to get a superior level certificate):
A1 low beginner; A2 high beginner;
B1 low intermediate; B2 high intermediate;
C1 advanced; C2 proficiency
Please note that level B2 is valid also as language exam for admittance to any Italian University without the need for further testing, and that with level C2 you can apply for the position of official translator in several countries (from Italian into English).
Exam examples can be found on the website of the University for Foreigners of Siena at the following link:
Books for preparation from previous exams can be purchased here:
The CLIQ exam will be held twice per year. In 2013, exams will be held June, 6 and December 5.
Registrations for the June 5, 2013 exam will be accepted until April 24. Registration for the December 5 exam will be accepted until October 25.
The duration of the exam (consisting of listening comprehensions, reading comprehensions, grammar and use of structure tests, compositions, oral interview) is approximately 6 hours.
2012 exam fees:
Level A1, A2 USD 70
Level B1 USD 145
Level B2 USD 168
Level C1 USD 213
Level C2 USD 250
Please be informed that the CILS exam can be taken by anyone who might be interested, students and/or professionals.
Test your knowledge of Italian, get prepared to take this challenging exam, and make your CV even stronger with this Official Diploma!
For more info. please contact Rita Pasqui, rpasqui@sas.upenn.edu or
Marina Johnston, johnston@sas.upenn.edu