As the language of Gandhi, Gujarati has a claim to our interest. -George
Babu Suthar
South Asia Regional Studies
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 898-8436.
Gujarati is the official language of Gujarat
state, on the west coast of India, with an area of 196,024 square kilometers.
Within the Republic of India, Gujarat borders with Rajasthan, Madhyapradesh,
and Maharashtra; it also borders with Pakistan to the northwest. The languages
spoken in the areas contiguous to the Gujarat within India are Marwari, Hindi,
and Marathi. The 1991 census of India reports 40,673,814 speakers, accounting
for approximately five percent (4.85%) of the population. This includes Gujaratis
living outside Gujarat state, in Maharashtra (Mumbai has a substantial Gujarati
population), Rajasthan, Madhyapradesh and Karnatak. Gujarati speakers also reside
in many other countries, principally Pakistan, Singapore, Fiji, South Africa,
the United Kingdom, the United states, and Canada.
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