<LI> Medial Voiceless Geminate Stops. Medially, stops are voiceless in
Literary Tamil only if geminate, i.e. doubled, and we follow this convention
as well, writing two consecutive consonants pp, tt, tt, cc, and
kk for what Literary Tamil writes as ¤¤, ¢¢, ¥¥, ««, and ¡¡.
Geminate cc is to be understood as being phonetically .
Geminate Literary Tamil ±± never occurs in ST as such, but is always
realized as tt, e.g. ½±ÅÕ `about' is patti in ST. After
short vowels, the phonetic value of geminate consonants is to be understood as
longer in duration than a single voiceless consonant; after long vowels,
geminate consonants are actually not as long as after a short vowel, but we
represent them as double and long, anyway, in order to avoid the confusion
that results when a single stop occurs intervocalically. That is, Literary
Tamil ؽÔà `put, place, serve' is poodu in ST, but
ؽԥà `having put, placed, served' is poottu in our
transcription, rather than *pootu.
<LI> Post-nasal Stops. The stop consonants ¤, ¢, ±, ¥, «,
¡ following nasals are always voiced in both Literary and Spoken Tamil.
Except for -±-, which does not occur in such clusters in ST, they are
represented in this transcription by the roman letters b, d ([ '023
]), d, j, and g. Thus »£½Õ `younger brother' is tambi, ÇõØ´
`there' is ange, ×´þß `supplicate' is kenju, etc.
<LI> Medial Stop Consonants. Single stop consonants (i.e. not double
or geminated) in medial position, (i.e.
between two vowels) in Tamil are typically laxed and fricativized. Thus the
stops consonants ¤, ¢, ±, ¥, «, ¡ in medial position are actually
phonetically b (or sometimes v or even
, r, D s, and h, respectively. That is,
some of them are laxed and voiced, some are flapped (e.g. the retroflex stop),
but some (the palatal and velar) are only laxed but not usually voiced
(although the velar may in some speech be voiced as well, i.e. pronounced
.) In order to stick to a Roman transcription that does not require
elaborate phonetic symbols that complicate our typography, we will use the
voiced Roman letters b (or v), d, r, d and the
voiceless fricatives s and h for these lax and sometimes
fricativized intervocalic Tamil stops. As noted above, Tamil, unlike some
Indian languages, does not have a single standard transliteration system.
Our choice was one that could be used by lay persons as well as scholars,
hence the use of h for intervocalic -¡- rather than a morphophonemic
//k// or a phonemic /g/. This does not follow a purely linguistic (e.g.
phonemic) convention, or those used in most other grammars, but we have
found through years of teaching Tamil that most dictionary representations of
Tamil are not phonetic enough to permit non-Tamils to approximate usual spoken
In all of our phonetic representations we give prefererence to those that
preserve morphological clarity, so that even though it may be common for many
speakers to convert Literary Tamil intervocalic ¥ to a flapped rhotic
alveolar r, we still represent these as d. Since the
completive marker (Literary Tamil ÂÕà) may be realized in the speech of
many people as non-retroflex, i.e. ÂÿâÂÕà´ÕØŨ `I am definitely coming'
may come out in ST as vandirr
<LI> Laterals and Rhotics. The Tamil sonorants §, ª, ¯, and °
are represented in our transliteration as l, l, r, and
= to0pt.25ex
##= by .25ex
, respectively. Tamil ± is not treated as a sonorant in its
underlying form, but as a stop. Neither in Literary Tamil nor in ST can it
occur in initial position; intervocalically it does occur in ST, where in most
dialects it is indistinguishable from ¯, so in this position it is simply
transliterated by r. In ST, Literary Tamil clusters such as ¨± are
simplified in non-Brahman dialect to nn after short vowels
(e.g. Literary Tamil ͨì `having said' becomes simply -nnu); after long vowels in ST ¨± becomes simply n, i.e.
ػԨì `seem, appear' is toonu.
In many spoken dialects of Tamil the sonorant ° is merged with ª, and
never occurs in ordinary speech. Because this sound is sociolinguistically
highly preferred, however, and foreigners who are able to pronounce it are
praised for their efforts, we give = to0pt.25ex
##= by .25ex
as the usual transliteration of °,
even though many speakers, even educated ones, may be heard to use ª. That
is, we give ma= to0pt.25ex
##= by .25ex
e for Literary Tamil ¾ÙÃ `rain', even if many speakers say
male or even male.
There are certain stem-final consonants in this group that tend to be not
realized at all in ST, while others occur but with an epenthetic u
vowelFor its pronunciation, see below. added. Thus it is typical
for the final ª in Literary Tamil pronouns Ǫ, ǯ´ª, ¼Öõ´ª
(`she, they, you') to be deleted in final position in ST: ava, avanga,
niinga. The same is true of ª that occurs as the final segment in certain
person-number-gender endings, as in Éç¡´ÕÅÖ¯´ª `you are located' which is
realized phonetically as irukkriinga if nothing follows it. If anything
follows as a suffix, however, ª is not deleted in ST: ¼Öõ´ÄÔ? `you?'
is realized in ST as niingalaa, essentially phonetically the same
as the spelling pronunciation of Literary Tamil. Final ª of other words may
be treated in different ways by different ST dialects. Some dialects delete
ª in ¼Ôª `day' to give naa, but others add an epenthetic u:
naalu. We give preference to the dialects that do the latter, i.e.
preserve morphological clarity.In this sense we take bits and pieces
of different dialects as `standard', since this is pedagogically sounder,
even though there may be no speaker who actually replicates each and every
pronunciation we prefer.
Monosyllabic words with short vowels ending in laterals (there are none that
end in rhotics) such as ½§ `tooth', ´ª `toddy', ׶ԧ `say', etc. are
realized in ST with doubled laterals and an added epenthetic u vowel:
kallu, kallu, sollu, etc.
<LI> Nasals. Literary Tamil has graphemes for a labial nasal £, a
dental nasal ¨, an alveolar nasal ¨, a retroflex nasal ý, a palatal
nasal þ, and a velar nasal õ. Spoken Tamil does not need this
many phonemic or phonetic distinctions, requiring only m, n, and
n. We therefore transliterate £ as m, both ¨ and ¨ as
n, With the exception that clusters ¨± usually become nn, as already noted. ý as n, while þ and õ which
usually occur only before a homorganic nasal (i.e. the palatal and velar
nasal, respectively) can be transcribed with nj and nk with the
assumption that English speakers, at least, will pronounce these with palatal
and velar articulations automatically. þ occasionally occurs in prevocalic
position in ST, in which case we do transliterate it as
Monosyllabic words with short vowels ending in alveolar nasals (those that end
in retroflex nasal follow the pattern of the laterals mentioned above; labial
nasal does not occur) such as ͨ `my', Ш `your' convert the
nasal segment into nasalization of the vowel:
Monosyllabic words with short vowels ending in retroflex ý, such as ×½ý
`girl', ´ý, `eye' etc. follow the pattern of doubled
laterals with an added epenthetic u: ponnu,This form also undergoes vowel rounding; for an explanation see
below. kannu in ST.
<LI> Glides. The Tamil glides ¬ and ² are usually transliterated as
v and y, respectively. In certain cases ¬ is closer
phonetically to w or even to the bilabial
, similar to
Spanish `v' in `vaca', but we ignore this degree of phonetic
detail. Often ¬ and ² in Literary Tamil forms will not have any phonetic
representation at all in ST, since intervocalic ¬ in particular is deleted
in weak positions, resulting in forms like ST kondaa from
Literary Tamil ×´ÔýàÂÔ. In such cases no representation of ¬ will appear
in ST. Similarly, the presence of ² in Literary Tamil often conditions
palatalization of adjacent consonants in ST, with subsequent assimilation or
deletion of the ² in ST. Thus, Literary Tamil Ȳÿâ `five' is
anju in ST---the ² causes palatalization of the dental ÿ¢, after
which ² disappears, leaving only ST nj. In final position also, many
Literary Tamil ²'s are deleted, e.g. the adverbial ending -Ȳ is realized
simply as aa in ST.
In contrast, Tamil words beginning with the mid-vowels e and its long
counterpart ee have an automatic [
] onset in Tamil (as in many
South Dravidian languages). Thus ꬮ `what' is phonetically
enna]. Since this is automatic and predictible, we do not supply
this [
] glide in our transcription, and transcribe ꬮ always as
enna. Similarly, the rounded vowels o, oo, u, and uu
are preceded in initial position with an automatic [w]-glide in Tamil. ̯
`town, city' is phonetically [
u '161
r( '124
)], but again
since these w-glides are predictible (in fact hardly even salient to a Tamil
speaker), we do not provide them. In connected speech in non-sentence-initial
position, these automatic glides are usually deleted: ǯ ؽ¯ ͨÆ?
`What is his name?' is in ST avar peer-enna rather than avar
<LI> Oral Vowels. The Tamil vowel system consisting of five cardinal
vowels Ç, É, Ë, Í, Ð and their long counterparts È, Ê, Ì,
Î, Ñ are represented in our transliteration as a, i, u, e, o and
aa, ii, uu, ee, oo, respectively. The diphthong Ï is usually
simplified to e in ST; thus the accusative ǯ-Ï `him' is
avare in ST. This is actually phonetically [
A special note must be made of the phonetic qualities of the short Ë vowel
when it occurs after the first syllable of a word, and in particular in final
position. Its pronunciation in initial syllables is [U], but after the
first syllable its phonetic quality is unrounded and somewhat fronted, i.e.
more like IPA [ '065
] or [ '124
]. This is similar in quality to the short
`oo' vowel in `book' as pronounced in southern American English,
to the Russian y (jery) or to the final [u] in Japanese.
Since it is again totally predictable when a Tamil Ë will be pronounced in
this way, we do not represent it as different from phonetically rounded [u].
This pronounciation is not different from the spelling pronunciation of
Literary Tamil u, so anyone with a knowledge of the pronunciation of
Literary Tamil will have no trouble predicting this.
This situation is complicated by the fact that in ST, many short i
vowels (phonetically [I] also merge with [ '124
]. For example, the
vowel of the past tense-marker of Class 3 verbs spelled ɨ as in
ÂÔõ´ÕØƨ `I bought, acquired, fetched' is pronounced like
[ '124
] in ST: [vaang '124
neen]. Some linguists who have worked on ST
have regularly substituted [ '124
] in these positions, but since this
pronunciation is predictible, and differs from the spelling of Literary Tamil,
we do not give either [u] or [ '124
] here, but transcribe it as i,
leaving it to the knowledge of the speaker to provide the correct phonetic
realization. The Literary Tamil diphthong ÑÄ is rare even in Literary
Tamil, and does not occur in our data except in loan words, e.g. English
`pound', which we would represent as paundu or
<LI> Long Vowels. In final position in ST, Literary Tamil long vowels
are often shortened, so that what may be written with a long vowel may always
occur short in ST. Thus ÇõØ´ `there' is always ange in ST,
unless followed by another vowel, as in Çõشؿ `there (emph.)'
angeeye. Here the non-final Î remains long, but the final one is
shortened. Sometimes to keep morphological processes clear, however, we
represent long vowels in final position as long (in transcription), even
though they are phonetically short. In rapid speech, moreover, long vowels
anywhere in a word will be shorter than when the word is in isolation, and
short vowels may be completely deleted.
<LI> Nasal Vowels. Spoken Tamil possesses a set of nasal vowels
Long nasal vowels [
Monosyllabic words with long vowels ending in Literary Tamil ¨ usually do
not nasalize, but instead an epenthetic [u] [ '124
] is added, e.g ¾Ô¨
`stag', becomes maanu. Literary Tamil words ending in ý also do not
produce nasalized vowels in ST, but if position final, simply add u, e.g.
âÚý `pillar' becomes ST tuunu.
<LI> Vowel Shifting. A number of other differences between vowels in
Literary Tamil and their realization in ST have to do with certain phonological changes in
the Tamil vowel system since Tamil orthography was fixed.
<LI> Lowering. Literary Tamil words with short high vowels É i
and Ë u in an initial syllable followed by one consonant and the
vowel Ç a or Ï ai lower these vowels to Í e and Ð
o respectively in ST. Thus Literary Tamil forms like ÉÙÁ `leaf' and
ÞÃÿÙ» `child' become ele and ko= to0pt.25ex
##= by .25ex
ande, respectively,
whereas forms like ɧÙÁ `no, not', where the vowel is followed by a double
consonant, do not exhibit lowering. This change is totally regular, so that
even some borrowed words, such as English `glass', borrowed usually as
´ÕÄÔöÓ may, in some dialects, become kelaas or even kelas.
<LI> Rounding. Another process that is less regular, and may therefore
still be in progress as a sound change, is the rounding of short and long
front vowels É, Ê, Í and Î ( i, ii, e, and ee) to their
corresponding back vowels Ë, Ì, Ð, and Ñ ( u, uu, o, and
oo.) This occurs usually when the initial consonant is a labial ( m, v,
p) and the following consonant is retroflex. Some forms that have undergone
this change are socially quite acceptable, but others are considered to be
somewhat substandard or casual (or even ``vulgar") so many speakers avoid this
kind of rounding, or deny that they do it even when it is observed in their
speech. Thus the rounding of the vowel in Literary Tamil ×½ý to ST
ponnu is quite normal, but the following are on a kind of sliding
scale of acceptability: porandadu for Literary Tamil ½ÕÅÿ»â `it
was born' (this form undergoes lowering first), pudi for Literary
Tamil ½ÕÜ `like', vuudu for Literary Tamil ÂÖà `house',
voonum for Literary Tamil ØÂý࣠`want, need, must', etc. Different
speakers would rank these differently, but the general scale of acceptability
is as given. We try to avoid what are considered the most egregious of these,
but in an attempt to remain colloquial, some may be present in our examples.
Sometimes the conditioning factor does not even include a retroflex consonant,
as in the example of ½ÕÅ, where the following consonant is alveolar; in
extreme cases no second conditioning consonant is present, and an initial
labial alone is sufficient to cause rounding, as in Literary Tamil ¾Õ»¡Þ£
`it will float' becoming, in some dialects, modakkum. This is obviously
an example of a sound change in progress, and is therefore sociolinguistically
<LI> Other Changes. There are a few other changes in vowel quality
from Literary Tamil to ST that cannot be described under the previous rubrics.
These are mostly idiosyncratic, but may have to do with what is often called
vowel harmony, i.e., vowels changing in order to agree with another
vowel in height or rounding. Thus, for example Literary Tamil ×´Ôà `give'
has a high vowel in its first syllable in ST, i.e. kudu rather than
* kodu, which is the reading pronunciation of LT. There is no good
explanation for this change, except that the height of the two vowels agree;
but there are many other counterexamples. Since this grammar is neither an
etymological nor a historical grammar, its concern is not to explain
such changes, but merely catalogue them.
Next: Appendix
Up: Vowel length
Previous: Vowel length
Transliteration of LT and ST.
The Roman transliteration
chosen represents a fairly phonetic attempt at rendering spoken Tamil without
getting into fine phonetic detail that is actually predictable from a general
knowledge of Tamil. Unlike some Indian languages, Tamil does not have a
single standard transliteration system. Authoritative sources such as the
Madras University English-Tamil Dictionary (Chidambaranatha Chettiar
1965), the Madras University Tamil Lexicon, and Burrow and Emeneau's
Dravidian Etymological Dictionary use different transliterations,
especially for some of the laterals and rhotics, where true confusion reigns.
To make matters worse, popular transcriptions, such as those used in public
signing, transliterations of personal names, etc. typically do not mark
differences in vowel length, retroflexion, and other distinctions. This is
unfortunate, but scholars and others have not been able or willing to agree on
a standard transliteration, so we have chosen one that can be used by lay
persons as well as scholars, and provide below a chart showing the
correspondences between some of these systems, where their differences are
<LI> Initial Stop Consonants. The Tamil stop consonants ¤, ¢,
¥, «, ¡ are usually represented in initial position as p, t, t, s and k. Where words borrowed from Indo-Aryan, English,
Portuguese, or some other language preserve voiced stops in initial position,
we use the Roman letters b, d, d, j (but sometimes also s,
and g. Actually retroflex consonants never occur in initial position in
Tamil words, so they will never occur in Literary Tamil, and in ST only in
borrowed words.
, we prefer the
transcription vandidr
, as this shows more
clearly that there is a completive aspect marker ÂÕà present, even if it is
realized phonologically only as d. Otherwise it is hard to explain
why the past of it is always, in all dialects vanditt
Literary Tamil ÂÿâÂեع¨. This will help avoid
confusion with perfect forms also marked with Éç, contrasting with
completive -ÂÕà.
e.g ¸ÔÆÕ `sage'
], but we
represent it as e for simplicity. In monosyllables Ï is not
monophthongized, but the [i] element is lengthened, or followed by a glide
[y]. Thus the verb ÙÂ `put, keep' becomes vayyi in isolation
(e.g. as a verb stem or imperative), but in more complex morphological
constructions, e.g. followed by tense-markers, will change to [e]: Ù¢ػ¨
`I put, kept' will be vacceen or vecceen. Here the i
element triggers palatalization of the ¢¢ to produce cc.
], [
], [
], and [
], some of
which also have long counterparts [
], [
], and [
]. These nasal vowels are not
found in Literary Tamil, but arise from the nasalization of vowels followed by
¨ or £ in final position. Thus, [
] arises from the sequence
Ǩ in Literary Tamil, e.g. Ǩ `he' becomes [av
]; in some
dialects Ǩ becomes [av
] instead, which accounts for some
instances of [
]. [
] arises from the Literary Tamil
sequence -Ç£, so that Literary Tamil ¾À£ `tree' becomes [mar
]; [
] arises from the Literary Tamil sequence -Ë£, e.g.
¼Öõ´ë£ `you, too' becomes [niingal
] in ST.
], [
], and
] may have several sources in Literary Tamil.
] may result from the nasalization of both Literary
Tamil -Ȩ or -È£, i.e. Âÿ»Ô¨ `he came' becomes [vant
], but Éç¡´ÁÔ£ `it may be, let it be' also has final
], i.e. [irukkal
]. Because
of the shortening of long vowels in final position, these long nasal vowels
also are shortened finally; but to preserve morphological clarity we usually
represent them as long in our transcription. The long vowel [
] arises from the nasalization of the sequence ѣ, found
typically as the marker of second person plural, as in Âÿػԣ `we came'
]. Because of the shortening rule, however, it
may be realized phonetically as [vand
], but we usually avoid this
representation, again for morphological clarity. The long vowel [
] usually arises from nasalization of the Literary Tamil
sequence -Ψ, found most typically in the person-number-gender ending for
first person singular, as in ÂÿØ»¨ `I came', i.e. [vand
]. Again, by the shortening rule this usually becomes
], but for clarity we avoid this representation. It does not
become short in monosyllabic environments, so Literary Tamil Ψ `why?'
remains long: [y
], contrasting with ͨ `my', which
is [y
Next: Appendix
Up: Vowel length
Previous: Vowel length