Summary of Phonological ``Rules" that have applied in SST
<OL> <LI> Palatalization: tt, nt --> [cc, nj] after high front vowels ([i, ai]) as in patitteen --> [padicceen]. Found in all dialects, perfectly regular.
<LI> Doubling of sonorants in CVC where V is short: kal --> kallu etc. <LI> CVC where V is long, add u; but not in all dialects: naalu --> naa <LI> l in plurals, pronouns, verbs, deleted in final position, otherwise present. <LI> Nasalization of final [vm, vn] (but not [vn]) <LI> Lowering of [i, u] to [e, o] in sequence (C)... Ca, as in itam --> [edam], utkkaaru --> [okkaaru]. <LI> deletion of l, r, l before stops, internally: utkkaarndeen --> okkaandeen etc. <LI> general cluster reduction: utkaaru --> okkaaru; keetkireen --> keekkreen. <LI> Monophthongisation of ai to e: in accusatives, noun endings, internally. exception: in monosyllables, vai --> vayyi <LI> Intervocalic v and k deletion. Complicated, but examples: paarkkavillai --> [paakkale]; pookaveentum --> [pookanum], pookireen --> [pooreen]; kontuvaa --> [kondaa], etc. <LI> Intervocalic deletion of = to0pt.25ex ##= by .25ex , the retroflex frictionless continuant. This sound often is merged with [l], but in some cases it is deleted instead, resulting in compensatory lengthing: po= to0pt.25ex ##= by .25ex udu --> [poodu]; muka= to0pt.25ex ##= by .25ex ndadu --> [moondadu]. <LI> Rounding: [i, e] --> [u, o] between Labial ... Retroflex consonant: ponnu, potti, vuudu, pudi, but also: mida --> [moda] piranteen --> [porandeen]. Some of these may be more acceptable than others. </OL> Optional or Stigmatized Developments.
<UL> <LI> Already described: NC cluster reduction is variable, and somewhat stigmatized veenum is okay, but * veenaam is not; kontaandeen (kontuvandeen) is okay, *konnaandeen is not. <LI> Rounding of vowels before retroflex [l] in Br. dialect: niingo, avango <LI> Metathesis: Br dialect: enakku --> [neekku]; unakku --> [onakku] --> [nookku] etc. <LI> Other dialects: merge [l], [d], [= to0pt.25ex ##= by .25ex ]; some merge [n] and [n]. Retroflexion is lost except in [t] (vs. [ t])
<LI> Unrounding of [u] when nasalized: Coimbatore: veenum --> [veen '047 ], etc.