There are some complexities of syntax involved with the use of the animate locative marker ´Õ¥×¹ kitte. In some dialects, and/or in rapid speech, intervocalic ´Õ ki- is deleted, and the resulting form is ¥×¹ -tte.
When the animate locative marker kitte is attached to a noun in a sentence with certain kinds of stative verbs or the copula, there is a semantic contrast of the following sort:
With verbs such as Þà kudu `give' the contrast in the use of kitte versus the dative -ukku distinguishes between giving something back (restoring possession) to a person who originally owned it ( kitte) versus transferring the ownership irrevocably, i.e., changing ownership (dative ukku).
With verbs meaning `say' or `ask', the use of kitte is more deferential, while the use of -ukku is less so, i.e. more direct, blunt, brusque, `no holds barred'.