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Deverbal Adjectives

Another way to form adjectives is to derive them from verbs. This can be done very simply by taking the tense-marked form of a verb, remove the PNG, add Ç a, and prepose it before the noun. This form of the verb is known as the adjectival participle, or AJP. Only the past and present forms of the AJP are available in ST; In LT, future forms are also used.

Many of these AJP's translate better in English as relative clauses, since English cannot generally prepose long adjectival phrases before nouns like Tamil can. However English does have certain `phrasal' adjectives, such as `rat-infested (house)', `moth-eaten (coat)', `newly-constructed (building)' etc. that are more likely to occur than the simpler forms `infested (house)' or `eaten (coat)', etc.

Note that the Tamil equivalents of English adjectives `next' and `last' are only derivable from AJP's: Çࢻ adutta `next', from Çà adu `approach, be close'; ؽÔÆ poona `last' from Ø½Ô poo `go'.
