ɧÁÔ¥¹Ô illaatttaa `if it is not...'
This often is equivalent semantically to English `otherwise' as in:
ÇÁ¾ÔÀÕ¿Õ×Á ؽÔà ɧÁÔ¥¹Ô ´Ôþß Ø½ÔÞ£ alamaariyle poodu. illaattaa, kaanju poohum. `Put it in the cupboard. Otherwise, it'll dry up.'
ɧÁÔ¥¹Ô illaatttaa may also function as a marker of `disjunction' marker, i.e. `(either) this or that':
¼Ö ¼Ô×Ä¡´Õ ؽԴÁÔ£; ɧÁÔ¥¹Ô ¼Ô¼Ô×Ä¡´Õ ؽԴᣠnii naalekki poohalaam; illaattaa naanaalekki poohanum `You may go tomorrow; or, you will have to go the next day.'