Guestbook of the Web Site for Learning and Teaching Tamil.
Name: Puduhai Sreeram
Message: »õ´ª ɧÁ¤ ½¡´£ ¾Õ´ ÇçÙ¾¿Ô´ ˪Äâ.
Excellent tool for teaching and learning tamil. Keep up the good work.
äâÙ´ ûÀÔ£.
Name: Þ¾Ô¯ Þ¾À¤½¨
Message: ÇçÙ¾¿ÔÆ å¿±¶Õ. ¼§ ÂÔ°¢â¡´ª.
Name: Amy Krishnamoorthy
Message: Hi. I really like this web site: it
is very useful to me. I am an American who is interested in learning to
speak Tamil. However, i don't know (or want to learn, at this point) this
alphabets. Does anyone know a good book or, preferably, audiotape that
would be helpful to me? I have not been able to find much. Thanks!
Great site!!!!!
Name: C.R.(Selva) Selvakumar
Message: ¾Õ´ ¼§Á 忱¶Õ ! ÂÔ°¢â¡´ª !
- Ǩ乨 ׶§ÂÔ
Name: Dr N. (Kugan) Jeyarupalingam
Message: This page was recommended by a friend
of mine, after a discussion among us (small group of people who used to
study together in Srilankan University and now scattered around the world
but maintain contacts by email)on how to teach our children tamil in a
western environment where their first language is English. The page looks
promising, though I haven't read it fully. However, I have book marked it
to return and see things in more detail. It looks like I need to acquire
right tools (ie:fonts) before I could seriously use this page and start
teaching my 7 years old son to read, write and speak proper tamil. Main
purpose of this note is to show my appreciation on your work and wish you
all well in continuing this project and produce useful tips and tools for
learning tamil. Fluency of a language on its own is not enough to teach
the language. I believe many people, like me who are keen to teach tamil
to their children would find your work extremely useful Thanks.
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