by Adolph (von) Harnack
translated and edited by James Moffatt
Second, enlarged and revised
English edition;
Theological Translation Library, volumes 19-20
From the German, Die
[[In addition to the 1908 ET
in electronic form, an updated version is being prepared which incorporates changes found in the 4th German edition
of 1924 and other revisions and updates introduced by RAK for
use in early 21st century
Table of Contents
Introduction [only in 4th ed]
Book 3. The Missionaries; Methods of and Reactions to the Mission
[end of physical volume 1]
[[end of TOC]]
New literature for possible incorporation:
The Cambridge History of Christianity, Volume 1: Origins to Constantine
Mitchell, Margaret M and Frances M Young, editors
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006
pp. xlv + 740 [review by Everett Ferguson online]
(1) Make sure the English is accurate, by proofreading, doing global checks, etc. Reunite hyphenated broken words as you encounter them (or by means of a global search), but retain any that are not broken due to the end-of-line constraint (like that one!). Explanatory hyphens in the text -- like that one -- should be double, with space on each side (as earlier in this sentence). Mark any questions you have with brackets and @@ thus -- [[@@ what do I do with this line?]. If editors are able to work in an html generating program (e.g. Netscape Composer [for Unicode Greek], Dreamweaver), all the better. Otherwise, use MSWord.
(2) Use Unicode Greek (through Netscape Composer) or cut and paste from TLG Greek (through UPenn Library access) to insert Greek materials. If necessary, identify other foreign fonts with <h>...</h> for Hebrew, <s>...</s> for Syriac, etc. (make a note at the top of the file of anything unusual). Beta code conventions should be used when Unicode is not possible -- for details, see
Once your machine is set up to produce polytonic Greek Unicode (e.g. Palatino linotype) -- for some guidance see -- the resulting Greek keyboard will probably be as follows (the number keys are "stop keys," to be hit before the vowels over which they produce diacritics) -- getting the letters with diacritics to match the size of other letters may require some experimentation (and how does one produce an iota subscript? or digamma?):
[Greek keyboard (polytonic Unicode);
lower case, then upper case]
`άὰᾶἀἁἄἅἂἃἆἇ= ~!@#$%^&*()_+
ϙςερτθυιοπ[]\ ϙςΕΡΤΘΥΙΟΠ{}|
ασδφγηξκλ;' ΑΣΔΦΓΗΞΚΛ·"
ζχψωβνμ,./ ΖΧΨΩΒΝΜ<>?
Cutting and pasting from the TLG materials is usually safer and quicker than typing in the Greek, especially for long passages. The procedure that I use is as follows:
- For the section (book, or at least a chapter) which you are editing, take a few minutes to create a quick index of Greek passages you will need to find -- that way you can look for all passages from the same ancient writing at the same time (e.g. several passages from Eusebius). Searching for "<g>" should get you to those passages, if previous editors have used that code. Noting the page and/or footnote numbers in Harnack will also facilitate finding the location once your index is completed.
- Go to the library page, and request "tlg" where the main page asks for "E-Resource Locator" (upper left corner of the main page). This should bring you to a listing of "Thesaurus Linguae Graecae: A Digital Library of Greek Literature" (you might be required to register before entering for the first time); click on it and pass through the security warning(s).
- In the blue left hand frame listing of the TLG entry page, click on "Institutions" under "Subscribers" -- this gets you simple access as a UPenn card holder.
- On the TLG Welcome screen (yellow), click on the Unicode option (lower left).
- This gets you to the "Search the Canon by Author" page, where you can type in a name (but recognize that Latinized names are often used -- thus if I want "Clement of Alexandria," I'll need to use "Clemens," or safer yet, "Clem") or select from the alphabetical lists, or otherwise specify.
- At this point, you probably need to choose from the supplied list (e.g. there are several "Clemens" entries), and also to decide whether you will be "browsing" (if you know chapter and verse of the desired passage) or "searching" (if you need to locate the passage by means of its wording). Browsing is fairly simple, except that sometimes TLG uses newer editions than Harnack had, with different divisions (e.g. Hermas, Josephus, and some others). Searching is also easy, as long as you are able to type in or paste in an appropriate Unicode Greek word. It is possible to cut and paste your target word letter by letter, using the above Greek characters to spell it out, if necessary. TLG searching does not require accents or other diacritics. Of course, once you get to a page of TLG Greek, you can also cut and paste from there to perform searches. Typing in Greek for searching purposes is best, if your machine permits (I sometimes have trouble with my machine! Perhaps it is overworked?).
- Finally, when you have located the desired passage, try to position the material so that the TLG search marker (pink color) does not appear on the material you will cut and paste, for a cleaner transfer. If necessary, this can also be corrected in the edited file once the transfer is completed.
- That's it. Once you get used to the procedure, it will become much easier, of course.
(3) Insert original page numbers into the running text, within double brackets -- text [[53]] continues; if the page breaks in the middle of a hyphenated word, put the [[page]] number after the full word reunited. Do not retain page headers that are unnecessary for reading the consecutive text. Footnotes that are broken shoud note the new page number with a "b" subscript, thus [[53b]]. These 1908 English edition page numbers will be coded in lavender [[brackets and all]] (#993399) for the final version.
(4) Footnotes: the numbering should be consecutive throughout each chapter or similar section (not page by page as originally), and the notes to each paragraph should follow that paragraph, indented twice, "blockquote" style. The numbers in the text go after end punctuation, enclosed in diagonals with no space before the first diagonal, thus: " all probability."\5/ The same enclosure is used for the notes themselves (block indented twice).
(5) Roman numerals, chapter and verse numbers, abbreviated ancient titles: in general, eliminate roman numerals unless there seems to be a special reason or convention for them -- e.g. Theodosius II is more conventional than Theodosius 2, but for biblical books use 2 Cor or the like (not II Cor); also Philo's Life of Moses 2 (not II.). References to chapter & verse (or other divisions) of ancient literature should use the full stop ("period") as separator (not the colon or comma) thus: Rom 5.13, Justin's Apology 1.52, etc. Abbreviations will follow Journal of Biblical Literature practice (SBL Handbook of Style is available to members online) unless otherwise instructed. To convert roman numerals into arabic, do a search and replace procedure starting with higher numbers (e.g. xxx, ix, iv, iii) and eliminating the less frequent (e.g. lxxx=80, cix=109, xiv=14) before working back through the more frequent (v=5, iv=4, iii=3, ii=2, i=1, etc.). It may sometimes be useful to include an initial space in the search -- thus (sp)iii will avoid finding xiii, xxiii, etc. Avoid global search/replace procedures unless you are sure all ambiguities have been eliminated!
(6) Italics: in general, the italics of the 1908 ET should be followed. On titles of ancient works, conventions are not consistent. Normally, biblical works (including Apocrypha and "apocryphal NT") are not italicized, even when the author is known (as with Paul), but otherwise, if an author is known, the title of the work is italicized (e.g. Eusebius, HE; Ignatius, Romans). Non biblical works with unknown authors may be italicized (e.g. Didache), but again, there may also be inconsistencies!
(7) BC and AD should be changed to BCE and CE (no punctuation).
(8) British words in -our (Saviour, honour, honourable, labour, etc.) should be Americanized (Savior, honor, honorable, labor, etc.).
(9) Watch for possibly outdated names and text divisions in references to ancient sources such as Josephus, Philo, Shepherd of Hermas, Irenaeus, and flag them [@@ ??] if you are unsure how to proceed. Frequently links can be created to available web materials.
(10) Coordinating the text with the maps is a special project requiring special expertise in mapping computer images.
(11) Once the English text of the 2nd, 1908 edition is appropriately corrected, with Latin verified and Greek added, an editor who reads German will copy it to a new file and incorporate changes introduced in the two subsequent German editions (to 1924\4). The 1908 ET will be maintained as an electronic publication in its own right, and an updated ET will be created from that base text, with corrections to the ET where appropriate, and new materials noted in different colors (e.g. dark green for 1924\4 additions, dark red for subsequent updates).
//end of editing instructions//